kevinthedang / discord-ollama

Discord Bot that utilizes Ollama to interact with any Large Language Models to talk with users and allow them to host/create their own models.
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Code Coverage #69

Open kevinthedang opened 2 weeks ago

kevinthedang commented 2 weeks ago




JT2M0L3Y commented 2 weeks ago

Something like CodeCov may be worth checking out for this. However, this looks to be the most promising if this repository's ownership migrates to an organization.

Using a GitHub gist, this example could also be implemented: Gist-Based Coverage.

This is a way to do it with a gh-pages branch: Pages. This would brush up alongside ideas about #17.

These are available at a free-tier basis for open-source projects, but will require administration by the owner of this repository alone.

kevinthedang commented 6 days ago

In all honesty, are we really going to implement #17? It was an interesting idea, but it seems against the idea of a "Discord Chat Bot" when you just move to a webpage.

Considering a close on #17 because it will become extraneous to this project. What do you think?


JT2M0L3Y commented 6 days ago

I was thinking the same thing. Plus, it's what everyone else seems to be interested in doing with Ollama. I will close #17 now.