I'm run symfony 2.5 and i get they following message when updating the database in command line.
Unable to parse file "C:\wamp\www\Kutiwa\ClemenTino\vendor\kevintweber\ktw-database-menu-bundle\DependencyInjection/../R
[ERROR 1871] Element '{http://symfony.com/schema/dic/services}factory': This element is not expected. (in file:///C:/wam
p/www/kutiwa/clementino/ - line 27, column 0)
And the line 27 in the menu.xml file is:
<factory service="doctrine.orm.entity_manager" method="getRepository" />
I'm run symfony 2.5 and i get they following message when updating the database in command line.
And the line 27 in the menu.xml file is:
<factory service="doctrine.orm.entity_manager" method="getRepository" />
Please need help...