kevinzg / facebook-scraper

Scrape Facebook public pages without an API key
MIT License
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Getting more data while running the code on Pycharm #374

Open LightMoon opened 3 years ago

LightMoon commented 3 years ago


I am getting more data while running my code on Pycharm (mac OS) in comparing to Centos No GUI. I have to create two virtual environments one in Pycharm and the another on CentOs 8 which are like to like in terms of the module installed.

the result for get_profile of a user has the following keys more in comparison to CentOs.

{'id': 'User id', 'cover_photo_text': "Cover Photo: name.", 'cover_photo': 'valid URL to cover photo', 'profile_picture': 'valid URL to profile picture'}

I have developed my code in Pycharm but getting different results on Centos. Wondering why that happened, shouldn't having a virtual environment prevent this? and ultimately how can I fix this?

Btw, Thanks Nick great piece of work.

neon-ninja commented 3 years ago

You probably have different versions of facebook-scraper installed. Check with pip freeze | grep facebook on your CentOS server. I only added these keys in, so they only exist in version v0.2.43. pip install -U facebook-scraper on your CentOS server should fix the problem.