Open khaled-s opened 2 years ago
What post url are you having this problem with?
That's a lot of comments, so would involve hundreds of requests
I have a contest on my page
and I'm trying to extract comments, this is not happening with just one post
you can test it on this post 666040331343187
You got further than I did then - Facebook only lets me extract 6180 top level comments from this post. I note a lot of the comments are just spam, so would be suppressed by Facebook's spam filter
yes, now I'm not able to pull more than 6200 there are some posts are not working at all
Do you have an example post ID that isn't working at all?
this id: 687355242530104
the other day wasn't working, it seems to work now
Perhaps you were temporarily banned for excessive scraping
I'm not able to retrieve more than 10K comments I tried to user generator and set the comments to 20K. but nothing is working the progress bar shows half the process is done
any idea why is that happening?
next(get_posts(post_urls=['XXXXXXXX'],cookies = 'cookies.txt',options={"comments": 19000, "progress": True, "allow_extra_requests": True}))