I have implemented line chart same as attachment.
I want to apply following things,
this is an pill data where,
Y axis label shows pill time. (may be 3 times per day)
X axis shows days of the week.
1) There is one case where user don't take pill on Tuesday and Thursday. In this case I don't want to show line When user skipped pill.
I have implemented line chart same as attachment. I want to apply following things, this is an pill data where, Y axis label shows pill time. (may be 3 times per day) X axis shows days of the week.
1) There is one case where user don't take pill on Tuesday and Thursday. In this case I don't want to show line When user skipped pill.
I am trying to apply
NSArray data01Array = @[@7.00, @7.00, @7.00, @7.00, @7.00,@7.00,@7.00]; PNLineChartData data01 = [PNLineChartData new]; data01.rangeColors = @[ [[PNLineChartColorRange alloc] initWithRange:NSMakeRange(10, 30) color:[UIColor redColor]], [[PNLineChartColorRange alloc] initWithRange:NSMakeRange(7, 7) color:[UIColor purpleColor]]]; data01.rangeColors = [[data01.rangeColors reverseObjectEnumerator] allObjects];
but not able to change color of line
Expected Result
Actual Result