kevlened / fireway

A schema migration tool for firestore
MIT License
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Failed to read credentials #1

Closed japborst closed 4 years ago

japborst commented 4 years ago

I'm trying to run migration script, but unfortunately it cannot read my credentials.

Currently using

set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="%cd%\google-services.json"
fireway migrate

results in

ERROR: Failed to read credentials from file "C:\Users\[...]\google-services.json": Error: ENOENT: no 
such file or directory, open '"C:\Users\[...]\google-services.json"

Also when setting a relative path (they're in the same folder) set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="google-services.json" does not fix it

japborst commented 4 years ago

Apparently the quotes were in the way, this did the trick

set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=%cd%\google-services.json
fireway migrate

After that, worked smoothly! 👍

kevlened commented 4 years ago

Glad you worked it out 💯