Closed WiltedDeath closed 10 months ago
To answer your question specifically, no, processing is not done during the 'scan' - if by 'scan' you mean performed inside the Windows vm along with the analyzer code.
Processing is done on the server side, within processing modules. Processing is performed by a separate service 'cape-processor'.
alright thank you so much!
Hey so I added my custom processing module in Cape by checking every requirement there is:
added to processing.conf as pesieve_parser_json:
Now that you clarified that the processing modules do not get run during the scan then my task will be abit simplified. The goal for the JSON parser is to parse the 2 files that my tool generates after a scan and the auxiliary stores it in storage/analyses/1/pesieve - the folder is created by the resultserver
I even have a code already for the json parse which shouldnt be too difficult, Now I would like to parse the data , make it human readable and display it in HTML page. I want to store the result of the parsing data in the storage/analyses/1/
import os
import json
from lib.cuckoo.common.abstracts import Processing
from lib.cuckoo.common.path_utils import path_exists
class PeSieveJSONParser(Processing):
"""Parse Pe-sieve JSON reports and save results in HTML format."""
def run(self):
self.key = "pesieve_reports"
reports = {}
# Define paths to the JSON files
scan_report_path = os.path.join(self.analysis_path, "pesieve", "scan_report.json")
dump_report_path = os.path.join(self.analysis_path, "pesieve", "dump_report.json")
# Check and parse the scan report
if path_exists(scan_report_path):
with open(scan_report_path, 'r') as file:
reports["scan_report"] = json.load(file)
# Check and parse the dump report
if path_exists(dump_report_path):
with open(dump_report_path, 'r') as file:
reports["dump_report"] = json.load(file)
# Convert parsed data to HTML
html_report = self.data_to_html(reports)
# Manually save the HTML report
html_report_filename = "pesieve_html_report.html"
html_report_path = os.path.join(self.analysis_path, "pesieve", html_report_filename)
with open(html_report_path, 'w') as file:
# Return the path of the saved HTML report
return {"html_report": html_report_path}
def data_to_html(self, parsed_data):
"""Convert parsed data to HTML format."""
html_content = "<html><head><title>Pe-sieve Report</title></head><body>"
# Iterate over each report in the parsed data
for report_type, data in parsed_data.items():
# Add a section for each report type
html_content += "<h2>" + report_type + "</h2>"
# Format the data as JSON and add it to the HTML content
formatted_json = json.dumps(data, indent=4)
html_content += "<pre>" + formatted_json + "</pre>"
html_content += "</body></html>"
return html_content
Am I doing the uploading correctly or should I use upload_to_host method, or what can you suggest me do?
Hi, I have a new goal which is to implement/create a processing module/parser to be able to parse JSON data from samples that are being uploaded to Cape. I have added PE sieve as an auxiliary and my code is perfect. Now the only I must do is basically parse the 2 JSON reports it generates, and I want to parse the data into a HTML page.
That is okay, but my question is if the processing modules get run during the scan? If that is correct, can I make the parser JSON script to interact with the current working directory with Path.cwd(), look for the 2 JSON reports, parsing them, and can I upload the report of the parsing using upload_to_host to the analyses' folder?
pe sieve auxiliary code:
I will give you screenshots and explain. Here the uploading of results before my PE sieve code gets them back to Cape they get stored here:
Then in my PE sieve code I am looking for the cwd and I upload every file in "pesieve" in cape