kevoreilly / CAPEv2

Malware Configuration And Payload Extraction
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ERROR: Failed to run the reporting module "MongoDB" #2188

Open albertososa95 opened 2 days ago

albertososa95 commented 2 days ago


Please answer the following questions for yourself before submitting an issue.

Expected Behavior

Finished analysis with reports.

Current Behavior

When I submit a sample to analize, an unhandled exception is throwed. See Failure Logs section. I've installed Volatility3 to full memory dump analysis.

Steps to Reproduce

Please provide detailed steps for reproducing the issue.

  1. Submit a sample via web interface.
  2. Boom!


Question Answer
Git commit 8727513a8c0494bd567ebddb9a5ca2874812ba0d
OS version Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS, Windows 10 (VM guest)

Config files:


machinery_screenshots = on
memory_dump = on
freespace = 0

ip =


procmon = yes
sysmon_windows = yes

interface = virbr1


machines = vm01

label = win10_msoffice
ip =
platform = windows
tags = win10,msoffice
snapshot = snapshot1
arch = x64


guest_profile = Win10x64
delete_memdump = no

enabled = yes

enabled = yes

enabled = yes

enabled = yes

enabled = yes


enabled = yes
static = yes
cape = yes
procdump = yes

virustotal = yes

enabled = yes

enabled = yes

enabled = yes
# API Key omitida por confidencialidad en este documento.
key = 697P45....a59

enabled = yes

enabled = yes


enabled = yes

enabled = yes
screenshots = yes
apicalls = yes

enabled = yes
screenshots = yes

enabled = yes


enabled = yes

Failure Logs


doomedraven commented 2 days ago

Try to disable capa in processing and reprocess a job just as test

albertososa95 commented 2 days ago

CAPA disabled in processing and submited new sample with default options. Now it has a timeout:


I think that CAPA is not the problem, since my sample is a .doc, so this error message is correct from CAPA. Anyway, I'm working with snapshots (CAPE-host is a VM) and I notice that this error starts since I installed Volatility3 and flare-floss via poetry:

$ sudo -u cape poetry run pip install -U volatility3 flare-floss

Will be it related?

doomedraven commented 2 days ago

could be, i don't use capa, floss neither volatility integrations so idk in which state those plugins are

albertososa95 commented 2 days ago

So, if I understand the memory analysis with Volatility should be done outside CAPE-host, right?

doomedraven commented 2 days ago

well you can use that in cape, but the thing here is that i don't maintain things that i don't use, is just unreal, so sometime community or other people must help support updated version of those libraries, it should works with the versions that is in pyproject, but if you install newer, then that's not ensured by us.

albertososa95 commented 2 days ago

Ok perfect. I confirm that if I install Volatility, the cape-processor crashes.

albertososa95 commented 2 days ago

Hi again! I setup tmpfs for memory dump analysis with Volatility and it doesn't crash due to timeout now.

albertososa95 commented 2 days ago

News... I check that some Volatility modules configured in memory.conf are crashing MongoDB reports (first log error in this issue).

doomedraven commented 2 days ago

what modules crashing it? yes tmpfs speedup a lot processing of memdumps, but bear in mind as much plugins you enable, you might need to consider increase timeout from 900 to higher value

albertososa95 commented 1 day ago

malfind is the first module that causes the crash. If you see the first screenshot in the issue, the exception is throwed at deepcopy function. Maybe there is a mismatch between libraries versions and expected data structures (?)

doomedraven commented 1 day ago

Probably it returns something that wasn't converted to json

albertososa95 commented 1 day ago

Mm, not sure about that. I tried to replace the deepcopy with a JSON dump and load (only for test purposes) and it doesn't throw exceptions - errors. I've all modules enabled in memory.conf and it shows all information in web interface.

doomedraven commented 1 day ago

That's interesting, hm would need to investigate once I have some spare time

El jue, 27 jun 2024, 14:35, Alberto Sosa @.***> escribió:

Mm, not sure about that. I tried to replace the deepcopy with a JSON dump and load (only for test purposes) and it doesn't throw exceptions - errors. I've all modules enabled in memory.conf and it shows all information in web interface.

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