kevquirk / simple.css

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Why top margin for tables? #192

Closed GitToTheHub closed 2 weeks ago

GitToTheHub commented 2 weeks ago


after working with your framework and using tables, i notice, that there are big gaps between text and the table top border. For example, if I do the following:

  A Caption


It will result in something like this:

Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-18 um 09 02 48

When I set the table margin to initial, it results in something like this:

Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-18 um 09 09 36

What is the purpose of setting:

margin: 1.5rem 0;

in tables?

Regards, Manuel

kevquirk commented 2 weeks ago

To give the tables some breathing room. You can override it with custom CSS.

GitToTheHub commented 2 weeks ago

Ok, but when I combine it with a p there is much breathing room. I thought, it would be better, if the user would self decide if there is breathing room or not.

GitToTheHub commented 2 weeks ago


I see what's going on. When putting a p above a table, there is no big gap, as in my first screenshot. But when putting the table in a figure, there will be a big gap between the paragraph and the table. Example:

<p>A paragraph</p>
<figure> <!-- Produces big space between paragraph and table -->
        <th>Header 1</th>
        <th>Header 2</th>
        <td>Column 1</td>
        <td>Column 2</td>

Without the figure, everything is ok with the table and the paragraph.

lkhrs commented 2 weeks ago

This is a weird one. Top margin on a table is cancelled out when under a paragraph, but when the table is wrapped in a figure and is wider than the container we get both margins.

We can fix this by setting margin: 0 on the figure > table selector, but I will need to test this further.

GitToTheHub commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @lkhrs,

We can fix this by setting margin: 0 on the figure > table selector, but I will need to test this further.

I tested it and it works for paragraphs, but when writing text without a paragraph above the figure, the text has no spacing to the figure. Maybe you find a solution for it.


lkhrs commented 1 week ago

The solution is to use a paragraph. We cannot support writing text without the appropriate elements.

GitToTheHub commented 1 week ago

Ok understand, thanks for the fix 🙂