I got error using decompress on AWS Lambda
here is a stack trace when trying to unzip a file, AWS Lambda runs using Node 6.10.
at RangeError (native)
at BufferSlicer.read (/var/task/src/handler.js:13590:16)
at readAndAssertNoEof (/var/task/src/handler.js:35297:11)
at ZipFile.readEntry (/var/task/src/handler.js:34927:4)
at Promise (/var/task/src/handler.js:12198:7)
at extractFile (/var/task/src/handler.js:12195:29)
Here is the source of the function where line 35297 is for this.buffer.copy
BufferSlicer.prototype.read = function(buffer, offset, length, position, callback) {
var end = position + length;
var delta = end - this.buffer.length;
var written = (delta > 0) ? delta : length;
this.buffer.copy(buffer, offset, position, end);
setImmediate(function() {
callback(null, written);
I got error using
on AWS Lambda here is a stack trace when trying to unzip a file, AWS Lambda runs using Node 6.10.Here is the source of the function where line 35297 is for