kewisch / ical.js

Javascript parser for ics (rfc5545) and vcard (rfc6350) data
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Fails to parse COMMA-separated list of calendar addresses in quoted-strings (e.g. `MEMBER` parameter) #634

Open st3iny opened 10 months ago

st3iny commented 10 months ago


The builtin ics parser does not handle parsing COMMA-separated list of calendar addresses in quoted-strings correctly.

Note: The ics example data (attendee property) is valid and was copied as is from the RFC.


const ics = 'ATTENDEE;MEMBER="",""'
const prop = ICAL.Property.fromString(ics)


    "member": [


    "member": [

The parser stops at the colon inside the first quoted-string MEMBER parameter. But for some reason both member parameters are still parsed correctly. Only the property value is not parsed correctly.

onny commented 10 months ago

@st3iny I'm unable to reproduce the issue. Here is my script:

const ICAL = require('ical.js');

var iCalendarData = [
    'PRODID:-//Example Inc.//Example Calendar//EN',
    'SUMMARY:Planning meeting',

var jcalData = ICAL.parse(iCalendarData);
var vcalendar = new ICAL.Component(jcalData);
var vevent = vcalendar.getFirstSubcomponent('vevent');
var attendees = vevent.getAllProperties('attendee');

attendees.forEach(function(attendee) {
  console.log('Attendee:', attendee);

Here is the result of one attendee:

Attendee: <ref *1> e {
  _parent: t {
    _hydratedPropertyCount: 3,
    _hydratedComponentCount: 0,
    _timezoneCache: null,
    jCal: [ 'vevent', [Array], [] ],
    parent: t {
      _hydratedPropertyCount: 0,
      _hydratedComponentCount: 1,
      _timezoneCache: Map(0) {},
      jCal: [Array],
      parent: null,
      _components: [Array]
    _properties: [ <3 empty items>, [e], [e], [Circular *1] ]
  jCal: [
      member: [Array],
      cn: 'user2',
      cutype: 'INDIVIDUAL',
      partstat: 'NEEDS-ACTION',
      role: 'REQ-PARTICIPANT',
      rsvp: 'TRUE',
      language: 'en',
      'schedule-status': '1.1'
  isDecorated: false,
  isMultiValue: false,
  isStructuredValue: false
st3iny commented 10 months ago

Thanks for investigating further.

It seems to break only if the MEMBER parameter is the last one before the actual value of the ATTENDEE property.

Take a look at the following example:

const ICAL = require('ical.js');

var iCalendarData = [

for (const attendeeIcs of iCalendarData) {
    const attendee = ICAL.Property.fromString(attendeeIcs);
    console.log('expected:', attendeeIcs)
    console.log('actual:  ', attendee.toICALString())
    console.log('equal?   ', attendee.toICALString() === attendeeIcs)

It will yield:

expected: ATTENDEE;MEMBER="mailto:mygroup@localhost","mailto:mygroup2@localhost","mailto:mygroup3@localhost";CN=user1;CUTYPE=INDIVIDUAL;PARTSTAT=NEEDS-ACTION;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;RSVP=TRUE;LANGUAGE=en;SCHEDULE-STATUS=1.1:mailto:user1@localhost
actual:   ATTENDEE;MEMBER="mailto:mygroup@localhost","mailto:mygroup2@localhost","mailto:mygroup3@localhost";CN=user1;CUTYPE=INDIVIDUAL;PARTSTAT=NEEDS-ACTION;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;RSVP=TRUE;LANGUAGE=en;SCHEDULE-STATUS=1.1:mailto:user1@localhost
equal?    true
expected: ATTENDEE;MEMBER="mailto:mygroup@localhost","mailto:mygroup2@localhost","mailto:mygroup3@localhost":mailto:user2@localhost
actual:   ATTENDEE;MEMBER="mailto:mygroup@localhost","mailto:mygroup2@localhost","mailto:mygroup3@localhost":mygroup@localhost","mailto:mygroup2@localhost","mailto:mygroup3@localhost":mailto:user2@localhost
equal?    false
kewisch commented 5 months ago

@dilyanpalauzov this seems like it is right up your alley with the escaping and parameter parsing fixes, would you be willing to take a look?

kewisch commented 5 months ago
    test.only('with quoted multi-value parameter', function() {
      let attendee = ICAL.Property.fromString(
        'ATTENDEE;MEMBER=' +
        '"mailto:mygroup@localhost",' +
        '"mailto:mygroup2@localhost",' +
        '"mailto:mygroup3@localhost":' +

      let expected = [
          member: [

      assert.deepEqual(attendee.toJSON(), expected);
dilyanpalauzov commented 5 months ago

@dilyanpalauzov this seems like it is right up your alley with the escaping and parameter parsing fixes, would you be willing to take a look?

I was using ical.js back in 2020-2022. Now my focus moved to different things. I am glad that some of the changes, proposed by me at that time, were integrated today. As I have seen no progress with PRs, I have stopped creating new ones. My changes are visible at . I think actually, there is only one change I have not uploaded: recur_expansion: EXDATE can be DATE and DTSTART can be DATE-TIME. That said, I am not willing to take a look.

The last example above : expected = [ … ] does not contain the property value 'mailto:user2@localhost'.

kewisch commented 4 months ago

Thanks, I've updated the test case. Hoping to show that I'm more active on this repo now so it is worth putting some new effort into this :)

onny commented 3 months ago

Bug still present in 2.0.1, going to look into a fix for this but not sure if I can manage :sweat_smile: