kewlbear / FFmpeg-iOS-build-script

Shell scripts to build FFmpeg for iOS and tvOS
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how to build ffmpeg with librtmp for ios #60

Closed RangerZz closed 8 years ago

RangerZz commented 8 years ago

Thank you for your script, it help me a lot. I saw the script supports FDK-AAC and x264, and you also write the script to build FDK-AAC and x264, but i think that librtmp is also very useful plugin, so can you add this part of it? Thank you again.

RangerZz commented 8 years ago

And i have another question for FDK-AAC. First i use this script "#!/bin/sh

modified from

set -xe

DEVELOPER=xcode-select -print-path DEST=pwd ."/libfdk-aac"

ARCHS="x86_64 armv7 armv7s arm64" LIBS="libfdk-aac.a"

mkdir -p $DEST


for arch in $ARCHS; do make clean IOSMV=" -miphoneos-version-min=5.0" case $arch in arm) if [ $arch == "arm64" ] then IOSMV=" -miphoneos-version-min=7.0" fi echo "Building opencore-amr for iPhoneOS $arch *_" PATH=xcodebuild -version -sdk iphoneos PlatformPath"/Developer/usr/bin:$PATH" \ SDK=xcodebuild -version -sdk iphoneos Path \ CC="xcrun --sdk iphoneos clang -arch $arch $IOSMV --sysroot=$SDK -isystem $SDK/usr/include"\ CXX="xcrun --sdk iphoneos clang++ -arch $arch $IOSMV --sysroot=$SDK -isystem $SDK/usr/include" \ LDFLAGS="-Wl,-syslibroot,$SDK" \ ./configure \ --host=arm-apple-darwin \ --prefix=$DEST \ --disable-shared ;; ) echo "Building opencore-amr for iPhoneSimulator $arch **_" PATH=xcodebuild -version -sdk iphonesimulator PlatformPath"/Developer/usr/bin:$PATH" \ SDKROOT=$(xcrun --sdk iphonesimulator --show-sdk-path) CC="$(xcrun --sdk iphonesimulator -f clang)" CXX="xcrun --sdk iphonesimulator clang++ -arch $arch $IOSMV -miphoneos-version-min=5.0" \ ./configure \ --prefix=$DEST \ --disable-shared ;; esac make -j3 make install for i in $LIBS; do mv $DEST/lib/$i $DEST/lib/$i.$arch done done

echo "Merge into universal binary."

for i in $LIBS; do input="" for arch in $ARCHS; do input="$input $DEST/lib/$i.$arch" done xcrun lipo -create -output $DEST/lib/$i $input done" build fdk-aac. And then use your script build FFMpeg with fdk-aac. but it say"ERROR: libfdk_aac not found" what should i do for this error?

kewlbear commented 8 years ago

You should add -I and -L flags to CFLAGS and LDFLAGS respectively to let compiler and linker find idk-aac you have built.

kewlbear commented 8 years ago

Currently I have no plan for a librtmp build script.