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I don't understand tracking #100

Open panicsteve opened 10 years ago

panicsteve commented 10 years ago

This is more of a problem with me than a problem with Keybase. But I bring it up since you specifically asked us to file issues if we were unclear on anything.

Please forgive my naivety when it comes to signing and crypto matters. I understand, in a general way, the basic principles of signing and public key encryption, but I am no expert.

When I go to "track" someone on Keybase, here is the info that appears:

Tracking on Keybase is a big deal.

Tracking is sort of like "following" on other sites.

I'm with you so far.

However, when you "track" someone on Keybase, you are signing their key and identity proofs.

As far as signing someone else's key and identity proofs, I interpret that (possibly incorrectly) to mean I am vouching that this person's keybase identity is authentic. Like a "web of trust" sort of thing.

But that seems at odds with the word "tracking" -- to me, tracking/following evokes something that you can do frivolously on a whim. On the other hand, if I'm saying "yes, this person is really who they say they are", it seems like there should be more of a barrier to entry. Like I shouldn't "track" anyone I don't personally know.

This way you can request their username on any computer, and know you're getting the same answer from Keybase. This is especially useful in your terminal.

And now I'm really off in the weeds. What do you mean "when I request their username"? In what specific way is it useful in the terminal?

I guess what I'm fundamentally not understanding is what is the benefit (to me) of tracking someone? Is there a benefit to the other person?

Apologies again for cluelessness.

CameronBanga commented 10 years ago

After reading through Chris's last post, I like the idea of snapshots, or something more akin to a snapshot/photo. I think this metaphor could work well here? Basically, at any given time, you're taking a snapshot of another user.

You still have to trust yourself/verify that when I take a photo of say @timbray, it's really a photo of him. So I should know who he is, and be able to recognize him by photo (aka his Twitter/Github, etc). But this doesn't mean that sometime in the future, that photo couldn't be doctored/edited up. Basically, the user is trusting Keybase to let them know when their snapshots have been Photoshopped by a malicious party.

I'm not sure snapshot is the best word, but that has helped me understand this best so far, I think.

litui commented 10 years ago

I like "remember" because unlike "track" which is a persistent state, "remember" includes an acknowledgement that a person's state may change from what you remember. Verification in this sense is confirmation that your memory of a person's identity still applies. There's a built-in ease of explaining that when you verify an identity you are recalling a memory and comparing it to what is currently true.

This fits in with the timestamp idea @malgorithms discusses. A memory is a snapshot but we can form new memories based on a new impression of an individual if we need. Additionally memories are our own, and don't imply leaving a signature on anyone else's key or in any way influencing their actual identity.

I don't have answers to the rest but wanted to chip in with my two cents.

zQueal commented 10 years ago

I still think certify is the best. It's literal interpretation is to attest or confirm in a formal statement.

These are the users who have certified you.

These are the users who you have certified.

Are you sure you'd like to certify Chris?

You have certified Chris!

Chris has certified you!

### users have certified zQueal.

zQueal's GPG information has changed since you initially certified them.

Seems to work in most aspects of written flow.

jeremy-w commented 10 years ago

[Certify] Seems to work in most aspects of written flow.

I thought so at first too, but by the time I reached the end of your examples, it started sounding weird.

I worked out that the weirdness boils down to this:

What does it mean to certify a person?

I still think certify is the best. It's literal interpretation is to attest or confirm in a formal statement.

For example, this sounds really strange to me: Chris has certified you!

The certification needs a claim, not a person in toto.

You certify something is something, or you certify someone as something, but you don't just certify a book or certify a person. Those are not logical claims.

(This is leaving aside whether or not "certify" might be a good choice of verb in general, and working out what copy would like like assuming it is.)

Jeremy W. Sherman

emory commented 10 years ago


hey @emory what do you mean by subscribe?

I don't know how else to quantify it — I assumed it was just that I was going to keep an eye on an identity/user on keybase. I don't want to have my tracking of an individual serve as vouching for them and their keybase identity. I want to track Alice to stay apprised of changes to that user profile, but I don't want Bob to say "oh Emory knows Alice," and build any sort of trust based on that.

If I want to vouch for someone, I'll sign their key. I like Keybase as a directory or "address book". An introducer with some verification and widgets.

If you "track" a user, and then later perform a crypto action on that user, your client will query Keybase for both (a) your tracking statement (which is verifiable on your end with your own public key) and (b) their identity, as a series of signed statements by them (technically, it's a blockchain of statements to prevent omissions). If their identity has changed, you'll get their signed changes and the client will prompt you that your tracking statement is now out of date.

This only applies if I perform a crypto action on that user using Keybase. My interactions with someone via email don't impact the Keybase information. This user thinks it's too awkward to use Keybase via the web to send an email and this user doesn't often use CLI email clients anymore.

I don't want to sign the state of their personal identity blockchain because that implies I'm actually confirming it. If I'm going to encrypt a message to Z I'm likely going to use the key in my keychain, but if I were going to use the keybase UI for it I'm not going to open their profile, check their proofs, CONFIRM the proofs are as-designated and THEN send the message.

I mean, I could, but I'm being realistic in setting expectations. I'm never going to do it. I would rather they not be able to read the message because the public key I have for them is out of date, and they probably would too in most circumstances.

Is this what you imagined when you said 'subscribed' to a directory? The goal here is to let you run a client of your choice (ours or someone else's), verify someone's proofs, and then later trust your own verification of those proofs without going through them again.

With all due respect I'm trusting Keybase to verify those proofs because effort. If I'm going to have to personally verify things anyway I'd much rather spend the energy on my keychain rather than going to gists and twitter posts before I send an email.

My lazinesses and apathy is entirely because there is no reasonable way for me to use keybase in the manner it's being des^H^H^H deployed right now. I can't handle messages from it on my iPhone without a very cumbersome process, I can't interact with it from without round-tripping — at that point it isn't providing any grace or elegance to the use of cryptography, it's just giving me a more modern set of problems than relying on gnupg on its own.

emory commented 10 years ago

I like where @Xanza is going with his post above and I like @CameronBanga's comments on snapshots a lot. That makes the concepts easier to understand (for me) and better describes what is going on.

The idea of my keybase identity being an indication of my reputation for an identity and the keypair(s) associated with it is much more interesting. Because of the implementation/usage hurdles with it however I don't think it should be influenced by requests to sign/encrypt via keybase, but instead the number of times an authenticated user has requested proofs and verified them via lookup/tracking/push/pull operations or anything else related.

So a user builds a trust timeline through those "snapshots" based on other identified/authenticated users and the overall trustworthiness of an identity can be established and visualized in a way that is meaningful — "Soandso has been tracked by 34 users and has been verified 3458 times in the last 22 months."

malgorithms commented 10 years ago

Hi @emory , when I talk to people about signing, there's often a misunderstanding/philosophical disagreement/something about what "signing" means. And it often gets things off on the wrong foot. It's yet another thing about PKI that is confusing to explain.

This is what I hope to make clearer in future explanations of tracking.

Consider, when you wrote this:

I don't want to sign the state of their personal identity blockchain because that implies I'm actually confirming it.

I don't want people to draw this conclusion.

"Signing" something is a mechanism for proving that something hasn't been altered from what was seen by someone owning a private key, verifiable by those holding the public key. This offers a wealth of possibilities, and many of the most natural uses are to prove authorship, claim truth, grant access, make data safely portable, or enter into contracts. But it is simply convention how "signing" is applied. There has to be a protocol for understanding signed data for it to mean anything. Because signing something is not a claim of truth; that's only one use.

Consider: if you sign data and encrypt it before pushing it to a file backup service, that is not a declaration of truth for the contents of your data. It's a protocol for guaranteeing your data isn't modified and that you reviewed it before uploading it.

And when I "sign" a transaction on the bitcoin protocol that is not in fact a statement, but instead a structure designed to prove I own a public key and would like to transfer its contents. The understanding of my signed statement is only possible by some agreement among people who use bitcoin. Therefore you have a protocol for reading and writing the contents of the signed statement, outside the statement itself.

A tracking/snapshot/whatever statement on Keybase is, by the Keybase protocol, not a plain English statement you're claiming to be true, but a data structure which you're claiming authorship of, and would like to maintain hasn't been molested, for portability and viewing by others. There are some other implications of the data, but that's part of the Keybase protocol, and it isn't the same as vouching in a PGP WoT sense.

People coming from a PGP background are more prone to understanding signing, but they're also more likely to want to apply the "signing someone's key" meaning to Keybase tracker statements, and they're really unrelated. And the Keybase client doesn't treat them as the same thing.

(On a side note, I guess technically if someone has a desire for everything they sign to be a declaration of truth, then they could have a wrapper around it of the form: "The following blob of data is what I'm seeing: {data}" and then it becomes a true statement.)

As you and others have mentioned above, since tracking statements are mostly public (you can do them privately too with --track-local) they offer some additional meaning to someone's identity. But you still have to understand the meaning of the data structure to draw conclusions. It isn't the same as "I met this person in real life and confirmed they're X" or anything GPG like. In fact, you have to be sensitive to how the person tracked. 10 people tracking through the website is not the same as 10 people tracking through CLI's.

Is this helpful? Not?

emory commented 10 years ago

On Apr 10, 2014, at 1:07 PM, Chris Coyne wrote:

Is this helpful? Not?

It is helpful, and I think that is going to be hard to represent and describe succinctly with a button.

Question: why not have all users track all users and remove the widget? Local tracking would still be for the end user but the "block chain snapshot" track could be hidden entirely.

malgorithms commented 10 years ago

Question: why not have all users track all users and remove the widget? Local tracking would still be for the end user but the "block chain snapshot" track could be hidden entirely.

Good question. One big benefit of tracking is it means you've performed the "human" review of someone's identity and can start using username as a key to their public key. (Because both are in the tracking statement.)

Consider what the CLI says when you try to encrypt a message for someone you've never tracked. It performs the identity verifications for you, but then it asks you to look at their usernames on another service and confirm it's in fact the person you wanted. (Maybe you know them on twitter, in which case you'd recognize the twitter username.) The computer can't do this for you, because it doesn't know which twitter user you wanted.

> keybase encrypt emory -m 'this is a test'

info: ...checking identity proofs
✔ public key fingerprint: A8C4 D7D7 54C8 EABA 7964 3AE8 EB9C 9F2F 7EEB 0403
✔ "incumbent" on twitter:
✔ "emory" on github:
✔ admin of via HTTP:
Is this the emory you wanted? [y/N] y
Permanently track this user, and write proof to server? [Y/n] y

If I say yes here (to the tracking question), I can start using "emory" as a nickname for you, and I don't have to worry that the server gives me a different twitter user from the one I reviewed here. Cool, right?

But if I tracked you automatically, I'd never review who emory is on twitter, and the server could've given me someone else at the beginning. The accounts would be tied together cryptographically, and my client would verify that, but when would I review which twitter user it was?

In fact, the human portion of the checking is the most annoying - and tracking offers the benefit that you only have to do it once for a person.

Another way of looking at tracking is that there are 2 stages to reviewing someone:

  1. the computer crypto review
  2. the human review of usernames

and tracking is a wrapper that explains you did those 2 steps. (including the caveat that step 1 may have been done through the browser and therefore isn't trusted in the same way; that's noted in the tracker statement.)

If we did it automatically, the tracking statement would no longer mean that you did step 2.

emory commented 10 years ago

deleted, email insertion was weird and I can't fix it via the web, reposting below

foozmeat commented 10 years ago

@malgorithms I appreciate the time you're taking in this discussion.

In the scenario you show above, you're asked if you want to track emory the first time you perform an operation with his keybase ID which is great because the questions being asked are in the context of the operation being performed. The button on the website has no context and thus requires a bunch of mumbo-jumbo to explain it after you've already pushed the button.

How about removing the track button from people's profile pages and simply ask them the tracking question the first time they actually want to communicate with the user? I think when we sign up for a new service we've been trained to establish all of our social connections right away. Keybase isn't a social app per se (in that by tracking you aren't receiving updates from them) so encouraging people to track everyone they know means they're more likely to gloss over the effects of tracking. An unintended side-effect of tracking a person before you intend to communicate with them is that you'll get a scary warning when you do communicate with them if their info changed.

one last bit:

Is this the emory you wanted? [y/N] y Permanently track this user, and write proof to server? [Y/n] y

could be rewritten as

Is this the emory you wanted? [y/N] y Would you like to warned if these proofs change in the future? [Y/n] y

or something like that.

timbray commented 10 years ago

As I read this thread, the more it feels like what is going on is best described by the English word “remember”.

On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 7:54 AM, Chris Coyne notifications@github.comwrote:

Question: why not have all users track all users and remove the widget? Local tracking would still be for the end user but the "block chain snapshot" track could be hidden entirely.

Good question. One big benefit of tracking is it means you've performed the "human" review of someone's identity and can start using username as a key to their public key. (Because both are in the tracking statement.)

Consider what the CLI says when you try to encrypt a message for someone you've never tracked. It performs the identity verifications for you, but then it asks you to look at their usernames on another service and confirm it's in fact the person you wanted. (Maybe you know them on twitter, in which case you'd recognize the twitter username.) The computer can't do this for you, because it doesn't know which twitter user you wanted.

keybase encrypt emory -m 'this is a test'

info: ...checking identity proofs ✔ public key fingerprint: A8C4 D7D7 54C8 EABA 7964 3AE8 EB9C 9F2F 7EEB 0403 ✔ "incumbent" on twitter: ✔ "emory" on github: ✔ admin of via HTTP: Is this the emory you wanted? [y/N] y Permanently track this user, and write proof to server? [Y/n] y

If I say yes here (to the tracking question), I can start using "emory" as a nickname for you, and I don't have to worry that the server gives me a different twitter user from the one I reviewed here. Cool, right?

But if I tracked you automatically, I'd never review who emory is on twitter, and the server could've given me someone else at the beginning. The accounts would be tied together cryptographically, and my client would verify that, but when would I review which twitter user it was?

In fact, the human portion of the checking is the most annoying - and tracking offers the benefit that you only have to do it once for a person.

Another way of looking at tracking is that there are 2 stages to reviewing someone:

  1. the computer crypto review
  2. the human review of usernames

and tracking is a wrapper that explains you did those 2 steps. (including the caveat that step 1 may have been done through the browser and therefore isn't trusted in the same way; that's noted in the tracker statement.)

If we did it automatically, the tracking statement would no longer mean that you did step 2.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

emory commented 10 years ago

hello, sorry for the repost but my email client sent the message weird and when I tried to fix it here I wasn't very successful and the formatting kept getting boned.

But if I tracked you automatically, I'd never review who emory is on twitter, and the server could've given me someone else at the beginning. The accounts would be tied together cryptographically, and my client would verify that, but when would I review which twitter user it was?

I swear I'm not trying to be obtuse about this.

From my perspective the server is already the one verifying for me on my behalf. The server (keybase) is the one validating that the proofs of usernames on services were/are computationally correct and cryptographically validate. Does my act of going to a keybase profile or looking someone up in in a client (e.g. keybase CLI) mean anything if I don't personally verify the proofs themselves? Is eyeballing the list of usernames really sufficient? This is kind of like going to a website and seeing the SSL padlock--am I actually viewing the certificate and checking the CRL and personally ensuring it's a legit cert? Probably not. I see the padlock and that's good enough for me. Many users don't even look for a padlock or happily force their browser to take a bad cert so they can get where they're going already.

Seeing the associated user data and profile contents is great, but I'm still relying on Keybase to tell me if the information there has been proven. That is why I think it may be more valuable to show some sort of timeline/snapshot history that gives me an idea of if the proof has ever failed, and how often, and when it has checked out. I should get some sort of notification that there is actually a potential problem with the profile/user/keypair or have a very clear indication that something has recently changed and how smooth that transition was.

A good question to have answered when viewing a profile is "how cautious should I be?", in my opinion.

In fact, the human portion of the checking is the most annoying and tracking offers the benefit that you only have to do it once for a person.

_yesbut_, if I only have to do it once, how does that snapshot influence the reputation of the identity then? I think doing it more than once would be really annoying, but I still don't see why I should do it at all because I don't think I'm adding any value to the process by looking at the webpage and saying "yup, that's their twitter handle alright," since Keybase is actually the party that tells me that Keybase User Soandso has verified they were in control of @Soandso on Twitter, at least last time they checked.


I think I need to re-read this conversation, it isn't my intent to tarpit you or anyone else with what may (likely) be a simple matter of me not getting it. I am definitely approaching Keybase as a user of gnupg/smime email rather than as a Keybase User, so I think I'm still trying to figure out how Keybase benefits me as an individual user.

ps, I like @foozmeat's comment, and being asked to be notified when things change for a recipient. Remember is a good word for it, too, @timbray.

201404111603 cleaned up formatting from my email response, hope it works out

malgorithms commented 10 years ago

FYI, I just got this explanation of tracking up on the site:

Also we put the proven info about your tracker into emails sent to you, when someone starts tracking you.

foozmeat commented 10 years ago

@malgorithms I think that page does a good job of explaining tracking. The part at the end where you explain how older proofs are more valuable was the most useful to me.

DaveMeade commented 10 years ago

I like the write up on tracking however I feel there are a few lingering questions/points that should be spelled out.

So tracking is a signed snapshot of Maria - which the server provides to me the next time I want to encrypt to her. Got it. The snapshot is signed by me, so I know I can trust the snapshot, and needn't re-work the math in step 2 again. Got it.

But For clarity: Am I then, in subsequent encrypts, using the public key contained within the snapshot, or am I actually validating a new Step 1 response against my snapshot (and thus potentially also confirming the currency of my snapshot)? i.e. is a new snapshot getting created and compared to the one I already have?

If I track maria on day 1, and on day 10 she revokes/re-pushes a public key, and then on day 20 I try to encrypt to her ... does the keybase client reaffirm that my 20 day old snapshot matches the snapshot I would have created today based on the new Step 1 response?

How am I alerted if the data returned by the server no longer matches my tracking snapshot?

Also: In the 'advantages of public tracking' section: You discuss why its important for me to track early, but you don't make it clear (to me) why public tracking is valuable.

For example: I (dave) am tracking maria. I can see that max is tracking her as well. Well, thats nice to know since I trust max - but this ins't a web of trust. :P For this public tracking to be valuable to me, wouldn't I also need the following information:

It seems to me that the only thing public tracking is telling me is that other people have at one point validated some (unknown to me) version/set of data that was at that time associated with this keybase id but may or may not be valid anymore

I don't know that the data sets they track are still the ones I just received from the server.

If max started tracking maria 7 months ago, and yesterday Maria's key were changed ... the fact that Max is tracking a potentially dated version of Maria doesn't help me. Does it?

Lastly, I'm still waiting for an invite (I cant wait!), so perhaps I've missed the mark and this will make more sense once I can actually use the service ... but even if that's the case, I offer this feed back for the sake of the documentation and new/prospective users.

Thanks (and hurry up with that invite! :P )

malgorithms commented 10 years ago

Hey Dave, all good questions:

But For clarity: Am I then, in subsequent encrypts, using the public key contained within the snapshot, or am I actually validating a new Step 1 response against my snapshot (and thus potentially also confirming the currency of my snapshot)? i.e. is a new snapshot getting created and compared to the one I already have?

The reference client regularly checks the server for changes; if a person's identity has expanded since you tracked them, it will warn you that there's more info and you might want to track the new data. If anything has been revoked - or has begun failing - it'll give you an error. In other words, your client only likes a tracker statement as long as the server continues to agree with it.

We don't go into this in the tracking document, but all identity signatures by a person are organized into a blockchain - when you prove an identity, revoke one, etc., your statement is also a function of your previous statement...this makes it harder for Keybase to omit something without getting caught. The client verifies this block chain.

(Foreshadowing: expect another doc on the site soon explaining our merkle tree.)

If I track maria on day 1, and on day 10 she revokes/re-pushes a public key, and then on day 20 I try to encrypt to her ... does the keybase client reaffirm that my 20 day old snapshot matches the snapshot I would have created today based on the new Step 1 response?

The encryption will give an error; if you're running in interactive mode, it'll explain that the identity has changed and let you re-track if you want, with the new data.

In the browser it will be the same, however we're in alpha and that's not done yet.

How am I alerted if the data returned by the server no longer matches my tracking snapshot?

stdout; in the browser it'll be some big warning soon.

Also: In the 'advantages of public tracking' section: You discuss why its important for me to track early, but you don't make it clear (to me) why public tracking is valuable.

For example: I (dave) am tracking maria. I can see that max is tracking her as well. Well, thats nice to know since I trust max - but this ins't a web of trust. :P For this public tracking to be valuable to me, wouldn't I also need the following information:

that max has been tracking maria for 7 months (this isn't displayed on the web to me that I can tell) AND that the data currently being presented to me by the server for maria MATCHES the snapshot which max tracked (and has been tracking since) 7 months ago. It seems to me that the only thing public tracking is telling me is that other people have at one point validated some (unknown to me) version/set of data that was at that time associated with this keybase id but may or may not be valid anymore

yes, you're exactly right. A tracker statement by another person has all this information. You can expect the following changes in the browser sometime soon:

I hope this helps. And I hope you'll agree that the tracker statements are generating very useful information, even if the clients are not yet harnessing it.

malgorithms commented 10 years ago

p.s. invitation accelerated due to your thoughtful q's

DaveMeade commented 10 years ago

Awesome, thanks Chris for the clarifications (and the bump)!

Sounds like the value of public tracking will be more inherently-obvious in future UIs. That's great.

I'm looking forward to building out my profile and setting up my key once I get to my home computer.

RaymiiOrg commented 10 years ago

Does tracking also sign's the pgp key and uploads that result to the keyserver?

patcon commented 9 years ago

Made a valiant effort to read it all, but failed.

Just waited to say "confirmations" is almost inline with Bitcoin confirmations (except done by miners on that network). So it has that going for it. And "local confirmation" vs "remote confirmation" might resolve the fuzziness around using the CLI vs the website.

Should this become a decentralized app down the road, the scraping, both local or remote, would possibly use the same scraping infrastructure via an oracle [1] [2]. Maybe not though ;) If other valued services start appearing on-chain, there's no need to scrape http reponses.

mlinton commented 9 years ago

One of the inherent risks in tracking is the meta-data regarding the people you track, or the people tracking you. This information establishes a relationship between two entities and erodes privacy, regardless of who stores it (on keybase or locally). Look to some of the issues with PGP clients updating keys within keychains. Intelligence actors would find this to be a very sought after source of connection data.

Establishing trustworthy private identities is probably the number one challenge in todays trust model.

foozmeat commented 9 years ago

mlinton, I think your concerns on metadata tracking are valid however I don't believe that preventing this kind of tracking should be a goal of keybase. Keybase exists as a layer of trust above what PGP provides and will be easier for beginner/casual users to grasp (eventually).

If your threat modal includes actors who would be interested in who you're communicating with then Keybase is not the right tool for you.

Having said all of that I think it would be a cool thing for the keybase folks to explain metadata tracking on the site and why using keybase's modal might be a bad idea given certain circumstances.

malgorithms commented 9 years ago

Having said all of that I think it would be a cool thing for the keybase folks to explain metadata tracking on the site and why using keybase's modal might be a bad idea given certain circumstances.

We'll post more info on this in the future, when we exit alpha.

One thing to consider is that we've designed our data model so that it's easy to mirror Keybase's sig chain in its entirety, even with no fears of lies by omission. (See our server security docs and how we put our merkle tree root in the bitcoin blockchain.)

What this means for people who worry about the leakage associated with requesting someone's key: you can ask any server that mirrors keybase. You can also implement a mirror easily, and prove to a client that they're getting up to date info.

You could even run a small program which mirrors every user's key and proof chain. Or even a "random" seeming subset. There are a number of solutions for those who fear key lookup metadata leakage. You can also visit Keybase and Keybase proofs over Tor.

Outside of Keybase, checking the proofs themselves is arguably metadata leakage. If you visit someone's tweet where they say "this is my fingerprint", someone could have infiltrated twitter and noticed this. This is true outside Keybase, too: if you're getting someone's key anywhere on the Internet or reviewing statements about that key, you're leaking info.

But yeah, public tracking does/will have metadata leakage - we figure this is abundantly clear when we publish trackers on the website and use the word "public" in the client. The idea is that you've posted a public statement that on date X someone's proof looked like P...and this strengthens the audit of their key.


thedod commented 9 years ago

I'd like to suggest yet another alternative for the word "tracking": "recognizing". The essence of the action is this:

you, as a human have to review those identities and decide that's the person you want. it might be you're interested in a different twitter or github user, for example.

The rest (including the crypto) is just plumbing.

Also: the sentence "@thedod has recognized @malgorithms" is a past event (i.e. a snapshot), while "@thedod is tracking @malgorithms" sounds as if I'm regularly verifying stuff. It's true I may "recognize" you again once my "recognition" expire (or your proof does), but once again — this would be a snapshot and not an ongoing process (and there's no guarantee I'll "recognize" you again: e.g. if you change your avatar and start speaking a different language :wink:).

DigitalBrains1 commented 9 years ago

I hope you'll excuse me for not reading the whole discussion (I skimmed through it), but I wanted to report a little mistake:

The PGP web of trust has existed for over 20 years. However it is very difficult to use [...]

Yes, it is very hard to use, as is apparent from the fact the information in that very footnote is inaccurate, or wrong, in an important aspect! :)

It says you trust John, but you'd also need to trust Carla if you wish to be able to get key validity for Maria. If you don't assign ownertrust to Carla, the PGP Web-of-Trust model will not assign any validity to Maria through Carla's signature. This makes sense because trust is not transitive. I've signed a good number of keys of people I don't know at keysigning parties. But I'm making a statement about their identity, not their trustworthiness. If it were to work as it is explained in the footnote, somebody who trusts me would also suddenly trust signatures made by people I only met once on a keysigning party and don't know in any other capacity.

And since Carla apparently signs keys while drunk (XKCD fan?), I would not trust her signatures ;).

<edit> The final paragraph might very well be referring to you needing to assign trust to Carla as well, but I think as it stands this is not apparent from the text. As it stands, it seems to confirm a frequent misunderstanding of the Web-of-Trust, namely that trust is somehow transitive in the WoT. </edit>

vext01 commented 9 years ago

Sorry to dig up an old thread.

Am I right in thinking that "tracking" somebody on keybase, is entirely separate from signing someone's public key? I notice that the contacts keybase has imported into my keychain are both untrusted and unverified in the eyes of the command line gpg tools. This means that when I send an encrypted email in mutt, I get a warning. Should we also sign each others keys int the traditional manner (i.e. external to keybase)?

chigh commented 9 years ago

For what it's worth, I do.

quinot commented 9 years ago

Hi, Unless I'm much mistaken, there's a fundamental difference in the tracking instructions between using the command line client (which will locally verify bindings, and then sign an object describing the bindings it has verified), and the "bash+GPG+CURL" instructions, where the object to sign is provided by Keybase. In the latter case, this means that the user has to trust the Keybase server as to which proofs have been verified, which essentially kills the notion that the server needs not be trusted. This seems quite fundamental.

oconnor663 commented 9 years ago

@DigitalBrains1 I think you're right. I've filed a ticket for us to fix the footnote.

@quinot you're right, the local tracking instructions don't automatically verify proofs for you. It's expected that you'll do this to your satisfaction by hand. A couple reasons:

  1. It's actually too complicated. Each website has different logic for scraping a proof out of the DOM (or the hash of a proof in Twitter's case, which then has to be compared to the full text fetched from the server), and all of that would have to be translated into bash. We use a whole JS library to do this in the client and in the browser.
  2. Because you're pasting code that you got from the server, you're essentially trusting the server anyway. The difference between the local client and the web page in this respect is that you can install the local client in a way that makes it more difficult for the server to single you out and ship you bad code. With JS in the browser you have to worry that the server's snooping on you in a way that nobody else will see, and the same ends up being true of bash pasted from the browser.
mitar commented 8 years ago

To my understanding, "tracking" is more like "pinning". You pin a key of somebody else and remember it.

patcon commented 8 years ago

As someone just about to finally unsub from this long-running thread, that is imho a much better term @mitar!

mitar commented 8 years ago

I opened a ticket: #1913

sull commented 8 years ago

If Pinning, then why not use MONITOR as a base crypto verb?

"observe and check the progress or quality of (something) over a period of time; keep under systematic > review."

If monitoring is the first action taken by a user upon another user, then many other sub-actions could fall beneath it. Such as FOLLOW (receive alerts, quick access to activity in client UIs etc), VOUCH (periodically vouch for someone after meetings, projects and other associations, loose or tight, that warrant this social gesture), CERTIFY (voluntary occasional assessment of the users identity chain), MESSAGE, etc etc....

Now as I type this, MONITOR could be akin to Facebook Friend, however on FB you don't have to FOLLOW a friend or even interact with them. It has become the initial thread of tethering people together. Likewise, MONITOR in Keybase could work in a similar manner. It is the beginning of a connection. The thread between users gets more robust and durable as deeper actions are performed. MONITOR, like pinning, means you are just putting the user on your radar. They are a blip. But they are there. Pinning is a bit less accurate because it is often used to describe putting something at the top of a bunch of other things. Pin a tweet, Pin a forum post, Pin an email etc. Its not bad. But not the best especially when you are pinning many, it starts to break down. In the physical world, pinning stuff up on a board is a closer resemblance to Keygen tracking (visualize a crime case investigation scene for example). But it's messy feeling right? MONITOR does not really bring in such visualizations or pre-conceptions I dont think.

MONITOR is also like a cousin to TRACK. It is less agressive, however. Tracking makes me thing of sniffing and pursuing and hunting. All aggressive actions to find someone or keep them close to watch every move etc. Monitoring to me is just more passive and easy-going. It seems that's the more proper vibe of this Keybase usage pattern.

So, there is my input after reading this entire thread on a Friday night and Sat morning :)

rvs commented 8 years ago

I've been keeping an eye on Keybase for more than a year now and so far it seems promising. Just like everybody else on this thread I got super confused by the notion of "tracking" but I am better now ;-)

For anybody (like myself) coming from hardcore PGP background it would've been much easier to get what Keybase is doing if the notion of sigchain was explicitly exposed and discussed from the get go.

Speaking of which, are there any plans to allow CLI-driven inspection of sigchain for a given user? Is there an issue for an extension like this or should I file a new issue?

zQueal commented 8 years ago

As it stands, the keybase id command supposedly checks the sig chain, so I'm sure it would be trivial to simply display it for self inspection if that's what you're getting at;

   keybase id - Identify a user and check their signature chain

   keybase id [command options] [username]

   Identify a user and check their signature chain.  Don't specify a username to identify yourself.  You     can also specify proof assertions like user@twitter.

   -t, --track-statement        Output a tracking statement (in JSON format).

Perhaps you can already view what you need if you add the debug string (-d);

05:19:07.399793 - [DEBU keybase json.go:48] 001 + loading config file: C:\Users\zqueal\AppData\Roaming\Keybase\config.json
05:19:07.400793 - [DEBU keybase json.go:76] 002 - successfully loaded config file
05:19:07.400793 - [DEBU keybase config.go:114] 003 Config: mapping server ->
05:19:07.401793 - [DEBU keybase config.go:114] 004 Config: mapping socket_file ->
05:19:07.401793 - [DEBU keybase config.go:114] 005 Config: mapping home ->
05:19:07.402793 - [DEBU keybase ui.go:434] 006 Can't set GPG_TTY; discover failed
05:19:07.402793 - [DEBU keybase config.go:114] 007 Config: mapping timers ->
05:19:07.403793 - [DEBU keybase globals.go:193] 008 Keybase CLI 1.0.6-1
05:19:07.403793 - [DEBU keybase globals.go:193] 009 - Built with go1.5.1
05:19:07.403793 - [DEBU keybase globals.go:193] 00a - Visit for more details
05:19:07.404794 - [DEBU keybase main.go:101] 00b + configureProcesses
05:19:07.404794 - [DEBU keybase fork_server.go:47] 00c Getting flock
05:19:07.405794 - [DEBU keybase config.go:114] 00d Config: mapping home ->
05:19:07.405794 - [DEBU keybase config.go:114] 00e Config: mapping pid_file ->
05:19:07.406794 - [DEBU keybase config.go:114] 00f Config: mapping home ->
05:19:07.406794 - [DEBU keybase fork_server.go:64] 010 The server is still up
05:19:07.407794 - [DEBU keybase main.go:158] 011 | After forks; newProc=false
05:19:07.407794 - [DEBU keybase main.go:179] 012 + configureLogging
05:19:07.408794 - [DEBU keybase config.go:114] 013 Config: mapping local_rpc_debug ->
05:19:07.408794 - [DEBU keybase config.go:114] 014 Config: mapping local_rpc_debug ->
05:19:07.408794 - [DEBU keybase main.go:215] 015 Setting remote log level: 1
05:19:07.410794 - [DEBU keybase main.go:181] 016 - configureLogging
05:19:07.410794 - [DEBU keybase versionfix.go:21] 017 + FixVersionClash
05:19:07.413794 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 018 Config: mapping server ->
05:19:07.413794 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 019 Config: mapping socket_file ->
05:19:07.413794 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 01a Config: mapping home ->
05:19:07.417794 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 01b | configured GPG w/ path: C:\Program Files (x86)\GNU\GnuPG\pub\gpg2.exe
05:19:07.420794 - [DEBU keybase versionfix.go:33] 01c | Contacted service; got version: 1.0.6-1
05:19:07.421795 - [DEBU keybase versionfix.go:55] 020 | version check 1.0.6-1 v 1.0.6-1
05:19:07.421795 - [DEBU keybase versionfix.go:57] 021 | versions check out
05:19:07.422795 - [DEBU keybase versionfix.go:23] 022 - FixVersionClash -> <nil>
05:19:07.422795 - [DEBU keybase main.go:103] 023 - configureProcesses -> <nil>
05:19:07.421795 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 01f Config: mapping home ->
05:19:07.421795 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 01d Config: mapping config_file ->
05:19:07.421795 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 01e | configured GPG w/ path: C:\Program Files (x86)\GNU\GnuPG\pub\gpg2.exe
05:19:07.425795 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 024 + LoadUser(uid=, name=keybase://zqueal)
05:19:07.425795 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 025 - makeContext -> <nil>
05:19:07.426795 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 026 | using a remote UI as normal
05:19:07.426795 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 027 - Account "G - GetMyUID - GetUID"
05:19:07.427795 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 030 LoadUser: {UID: Name:keybase://zqueal PublicKeyOptional:true NoCacheResult:false Self:false ForceReload:false AllKeys:false LoginContext:<nil> AbortIfSigchainUnchanged:false Contextified:{g:0x2023c620}}
05:19:07.426795 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 029 + Account "G - GetMyUID - GetUID"
05:19:07.426795 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 02a + loadUserFromLocalStorage(15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900)
05:19:07.426795 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 02b + RunEngine(Identify)
05:19:07.426795 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 02c | resolved to 15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900
05:19:07.426795 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 02d + RunEngine(Id)
05:19:07.426795 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 02e + makeContext(0, {0 zqueal false false false {CLI id command} 0})
05:19:07.426795 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 02f +
05:19:07.427795 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 031 - -> ok
05:19:07.426795 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 028 + Resolving username keybase://zqueal
05:19:07.429795 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 032 | Loaded successfully
05:19:07.430795 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 033 + ParseKeyFamily
05:19:07.521800 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 034 - ParseKeyFamily -> ok
05:19:07.521800 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 035 | Loaded username zqueal (uid=15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900)
05:19:07.522800 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 036 +
05:19:07.522800 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 037 - -> ok
05:19:07.522800 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 038 +
05:19:07.522800 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 039 | LookupPath
05:19:07.522800 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 03a + MerkleClient.LoadRoot()
05:19:07.522800 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 03b - -> ok
05:19:07.522800 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 03c - loadUserFromLocalStorage(zqueal,15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900)
05:19:07.522800 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 03d + API GET request to
05:19:07.523800 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 03e + MerkleClient.LookupUser(map[uid:15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900 poll:10])
05:19:07.523800 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 03f - MerkleClient.LoadRoot() -> &{{0x2023c620} 341526 [3 225 70 205 175 129 54 104 10 213 102 145 42 50 52 12 236 140 148 146] 0x206063c0 {"body":{"key":{"fingerprint":"03e146cdaf8136680ad566912a32340cec8c9492","key_id":"2A32340CEC8C9492"},"legacy_uid_root":"d3450288d233fe9125d0b6f8196dbc93447bca2630300898781a637a44752032","prev":"41000d2fa051c61c2650941c2cebd53943db6b90e4df2636f1ef63c664d343023666783d2f7f0a564a603d2dcd1b670db1d4af548521968059c1d2a62c3ff1dd","root":"94ba53b88427ae895b69eb10e76bea8eb572ac911113b495eaa6e616d731052701e6b245f6d24320f749f11c5ad212657f988ced6ce5f2dae2ea55aa72eea57c","seqno":341526,"txid":"1b41c295eb22981170418c9aa1fed715","type":"merkle_root","version":1},"ctime":1451815873,"tag":"signature"} 0x20606580 [148 186 83 184 132 39 174 137 91 105 235 16 231 107 234 142 181 114 172 145 17 19 180 149 234 166 230 22 215 49 5 39 1 230 178 69 246 210 67 32 247 73 241 28 90 210 18 101 127 152 140 237 108 229 242 218 226 234 85 170 114 238 165 124] [211 69 2 136 210 51 254 145 37 208 182 248 25 109 188 147 68 123 202 38 48 48 8 152 120 26 99 122 68 117 32 50] 1451815873}
05:19:07.576803 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 040 | Result is: 200 OK
05:19:07.601805 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 041 | VerifyRoot
05:19:07.601805 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 042 - successful API call
05:19:07.601805 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 043 | Merkle root: got back 341526, >= cached 341526
05:19:07.602805 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 044 | VerifyUser
05:19:07.616806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 045 - ParsingMerkleUserLeaf -> ok
05:19:07.616806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 046 + ParsingMerkleUserLeaf
05:19:07.617806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 047 | VerifyUsername
05:19:07.617806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 048 | Failed to map Username zqueal -> UID 15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900 via direct hash
05:19:07.617806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 049 | Local basics version is up-to-date @ version 130
05:19:07.617806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 04a +
05:19:07.617806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 04b | Preload failed
05:19:07.620806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 05e | loading link; curr=aa2c03d7e83c28b21edef77812d62213eafdde59a4af4d5bbf8fa2544fef1e71
05:19:07.617806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 04d | SigChainLoader.Load(15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900) LoadLinksFromStorage
05:19:07.617806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 04e | Freshness: basics=true; for 15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900
05:19:07.617806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 04f + SigChainLoader.LoadFromStorage(15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900)
05:19:07.617806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 050 + SigChainLoader.Load(15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900)
05:19:07.617806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 051 | SigChainLoader.Load(15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900) GetFingerprint
05:19:07.617806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 052 | Username zqueal mapped to 15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900 via Merkle lookup
05:19:07.618806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 053 +
05:19:07.618806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 054 | Checking cased username difference: zqueal v zQueal
05:19:07.618806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 055 - -> ok
05:19:07.619806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 056 - MerkleClient.LookupUser(map[uid:15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900 poll:10]) -> OK
05:19:07.626806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 07b | loading link; curr=1919fc94d51940c62fb7f20cb6cd0e9df2bac1861b1eb5c2c696ebaabe9b55e5
05:19:07.626806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 07c | Unpacked Link 49c7ad82c74ee985251296e8a529377548b1b5c1216629a245458f016b081e5f
05:19:07.620806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 059 +
05:19:07.620806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 05a | Setting loadKID=01010373e851fecad178051f4af74acd9dbcbe73cd4ba0fca976a3135d72b064ffee0a
05:19:07.628806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 08b - -> ok
05:19:07.620806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 05c | Unpacked Link 8e81da8b9232c844c5fff2c15945456f0c7791d0d7ea782ef67c636b54ecc67c
05:19:07.620806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 05d - -> ok
05:19:07.617806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 04c | SigChainLoader.Load(15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900) AccessPreload
05:19:07.620806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 05f | loading link; curr=f7518cbdf60680e70e1033f8b4e475bab78f92741a283cd9ee448e8547b8ae76
05:19:07.631807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0a8 | loading link; curr=bfc0083eff47fdc5b538f5ec1224188b274ed8d1ea9d5e89571e8d16a36f0838
05:19:07.631807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0a9 | Unpacked Link 96cff4ecc55454caf0cfda2efbaa31c82ac34bba11d87ed1cce0a07f6c0b3868
05:19:07.620806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 062 | Link is marked as 'sig_verified'
05:19:07.622806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 063 +
05:19:07.622806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 064 | Unpacked Link f7518cbdf60680e70e1033f8b4e475bab78f92741a283cd9ee448e8547b8ae76
05:19:07.634807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0c6 | loading link; curr=da9751d314c6e4d7f95c5b774e1551c40162dd283c8a215063213596276047cc
05:19:07.623806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 066 - -> ok
05:19:07.623806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 067 | Link is marked as 'sig_verified'
05:19:07.624806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 068 +
05:19:07.624806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 069 | loading link; curr=8810b3a08f411c698197da2ae2de9940d03684a92747f9a6b7835c9cf10998c1
05:19:07.636807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0dd | Unpacked Link df0ce4cdc596541db52f5ac62427838a6d3bf702a144bd1040eda442a9bb5613
05:19:07.636807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0de | Unpacked Link b048295f72dde311fb352b91202dd398dde89262b23b1c38a62af67da660c0b2
05:19:07.624806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 06c +
05:19:07.625806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 06d | loading link; curr=512ee3afc25e34d708108325baae7b338b2e798aad3d33d362e5fc36cadf1958
05:19:07.625806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 06e | Link is marked as 'sig_verified'
05:19:07.625806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 06f - -> ok
05:19:07.625806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 070 | Unpacked Link 8810b3a08f411c698197da2ae2de9940d03684a92747f9a6b7835c9cf10998c1
05:19:07.625806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 071 - -> ok
05:19:07.625806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 072 | Unpacked Link 1919fc94d51940c62fb7f20cb6cd0e9df2bac1861b1eb5c2c696ebaabe9b55e5
05:19:07.640807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0f3 - -> ok
05:19:07.625806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 074 +
05:19:07.641807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0fe | loading link; curr=36d1285a0194aec54a8dbe2f1a047e5869a2775e1d2d82d9d25b78c4f628429b
05:19:07.642807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 101 | loading link; curr=a7bdae9a8cc5367c9ce49dd853175bcd2c05d28963963053f71296b2563b18d5
05:19:07.642807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 10c | Unpacked Link af25b0f3e0cb647676d969c47fc2c4f32c6ef5a4f053cbfc03736d94b9e032b9
05:19:07.626806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 078 | loading link; curr=49c7ad82c74ee985251296e8a529377548b1b5c1216629a245458f016b081e5f
05:19:07.626806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 079 +
05:19:07.626806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 07a | loading link; curr=fb4eb5ab067c52b7037d7460d1e4b0126665d236673c614b06f3edbd54900bde
05:19:07.619806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 058 - -> ok
05:19:07.619806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 057 | loading link; curr=8e81da8b9232c844c5fff2c15945456f0c7791d0d7ea782ef67c636b54ecc67c
05:19:07.627806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 07d +
05:19:07.627806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 07e - -> ok
05:19:07.627806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 07f +
05:19:07.627806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 080 | Link is marked as 'sig_verified'
05:19:07.627806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 081 | loading link; curr=d162d91056d8496010f2062b5d59162f623bd73652a3db80c6bba168724618b6
05:19:07.627806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 082 - -> ok
05:19:07.647807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 12c +
05:19:07.647807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 132 +
05:19:07.628806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 085 | Unpacked Link 403e2fcc6eab83f4b37925e07eed988f163e80729cc259060d7d3e15d6fdecca
05:19:07.628806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 086 | loading link; curr=403e2fcc6eab83f4b37925e07eed988f163e80729cc259060d7d3e15d6fdecca
05:19:07.628806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 087 | Unpacked Link d162d91056d8496010f2062b5d59162f623bd73652a3db80c6bba168724618b6
05:19:07.628806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 088 - -> ok
05:19:07.628806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 089 +
05:19:07.628806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 08a | loading link; curr=02c314d82e6cbd2cb2a90ebb429b1cf19d4338c2077e3eef2cad93b294a454c8
05:19:07.628806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 08c - -> ok
05:19:07.628806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 08d +
05:19:07.620806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 05b | Link is marked as 'sig_verified'
05:19:07.651808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 14d +
05:19:07.651808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 14e | loading link; curr=968c4bb8056dd87f689e455013cde3a83cac3f06ecb2aa9415da4f6d20fad18f
05:19:07.628806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 090 +
05:19:07.628806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 091 - -> ok
05:19:07.653808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 15f +
05:19:07.628806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 093 | Unpacked Link 9fdc4a1617c474ace33c1e40da8f26e4d4acf25f6de542fca37f520f807d5665
05:19:07.628806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 094 | loading link; curr=5ed83ebfe9048369a0e0c8f5d8466649fb26f9b8151b6fdbdad2276192f14d5d
05:19:07.654808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 16f - -> ok
05:19:07.654808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 170 | Unpacked Link 97ba80437fa597b6b619ae66fd284cb5066eb8dde02a761bc60042cd0aaa83e5
05:19:07.655808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 175 - SigChainLoader.LoadFromStorage(15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900) -> ok
05:19:07.630806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 097 - -> ok
05:19:07.630806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 099 | Unpacked Link 5ed83ebfe9048369a0e0c8f5d8466649fb26f9b8151b6fdbdad2276192f14d5d
05:19:07.630806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 09a +
05:19:07.630806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 09b | Unpacked Link 8bbc9c2aa2c581a43d7af7cd24b429984d807fa621ac297b5652b7de6063a3f3
05:19:07.630806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 09c +
05:19:07.630806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 09d +
05:19:07.630806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 09e | loading link; curr=96cff4ecc55454caf0cfda2efbaa31c82ac34bba11d87ed1cce0a07f6c0b3868
05:19:07.630806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 09f - -> ok
05:19:07.630806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0a0 | Unpacked Link 3b3c803ee610f9fd6dec42a119afd5a512c1a1cec0a3869c79b2aed3dfbce9a8
05:19:07.631807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0a1 - -> ok
05:19:07.631807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0a3 - -> ok
05:19:07.631807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0a2 | Unpacked Link 7aec28d20c82d761a55f9bd0762420544c8137fccae80bfb1fc5765ff644fc59
05:19:07.631807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0a5 | loading link; curr=145cf68cab3e6033b4f5c2114c04437b8933b333c95af1eae9807a6a2770a3cb
05:19:07.631807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0a4 | Unpacked Link 2c422a72f7126616f7326c466738acb7c5e6191dffeedb61c6d53f925745f82f
05:19:07.631807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0a6 - -> ok
05:19:07.631807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0a7 | loading link; curr=7aec28d20c82d761a55f9bd0762420544c8137fccae80bfb1fc5765ff644fc59
05:19:07.620806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 060 +
05:19:07.620806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 061 | Unpacked Link aa2c03d7e83c28b21edef77812d62213eafdde59a4af4d5bbf8fa2544fef1e71
05:19:07.632807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0aa +
05:19:07.632807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0ab | Unpacked Link 145cf68cab3e6033b4f5c2114c04437b8933b333c95af1eae9807a6a2770a3cb
05:19:07.632807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0ac +
05:19:07.632807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0ad - -> ok
05:19:07.632807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0ae +
05:19:07.632807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0af | loading link; curr=2c422a72f7126616f7326c466738acb7c5e6191dffeedb61c6d53f925745f82f
05:19:07.632807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0b0 - -> ok
05:19:07.632807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0b1 - -> ok
05:19:07.632807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0b2 +
05:19:07.633807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0b3 | Unpacked Link bfc0083eff47fdc5b538f5ec1224188b274ed8d1ea9d5e89571e8d16a36f0838
05:19:07.633807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0b4 +
05:19:07.633807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0b5 | Unpacked Link 7253f6f02c876462c5216b0b113551bc653f114486680880864a525205b98959
05:19:07.633807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0b6 | loading link; curr=74b4a7bb4ee639991d9232982c4ab913352146c386465e4475cd3d136450e870
05:19:07.633807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0b7 +
05:19:07.633807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0b8 | Unpacked Link a54f1ac862db006527541f1db26fd2f530d8ca6e44e651dea50fcbd742f4273c
05:19:07.633807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0b9 - -> ok
05:19:07.633807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0ba - -> ok
05:19:07.633807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0bb | loading link; curr=0e96959d0bd39d957eadd3679b426116c973cb9715ebdc95ea8d9b3a7f5330b2
05:19:07.633807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0bc | Unpacked Link 74b4a7bb4ee639991d9232982c4ab913352146c386465e4475cd3d136450e870
05:19:07.633807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0bd +
05:19:07.633807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0be | loading link; curr=a54f1ac862db006527541f1db26fd2f530d8ca6e44e651dea50fcbd742f4273c
05:19:07.634807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0bf | Unpacked Link 72bd83a1548a78fdcc2badf1e5784685420864a26409fbe44b6ed89145e70b31
05:19:07.634807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0c0 +
05:19:07.634807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0c1 - -> ok
05:19:07.634807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0c2 | Unpacked Link 0e96959d0bd39d957eadd3679b426116c973cb9715ebdc95ea8d9b3a7f5330b2
05:19:07.634807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0c3 | loading link; curr=f457b410b453f22f688a248f06b6b09b560302670fbe2415124981a6be2235f4
05:19:07.634807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0c4 | loading link; curr=1becc2e57393d93845441c7586eee98922883eb14f654a0868c73fea193f6ce4
05:19:07.634807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0c5 - -> ok
05:19:07.622806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 065 | loading link; curr=418baa132aaa9cae85d4875f5fed0c1cf07bfcd4d073c471e8763518580a8cea
05:19:07.634807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0c7 +
05:19:07.634807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0c8 | Unpacked Link da9751d314c6e4d7f95c5b774e1551c40162dd283c8a215063213596276047cc
05:19:07.634807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0c9 +
05:19:07.634807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0ca | loading link; curr=72bd83a1548a78fdcc2badf1e5784685420864a26409fbe44b6ed89145e70b31
05:19:07.634807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0cb - -> ok
05:19:07.634807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0cc - -> ok
05:19:07.634807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0cd | Unpacked Link 1becc2e57393d93845441c7586eee98922883eb14f654a0868c73fea193f6ce4
05:19:07.634807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0ce | Unpacked Link f457b410b453f22f688a248f06b6b09b560302670fbe2415124981a6be2235f4
05:19:07.634807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0cf +
05:19:07.634807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0d0 - -> ok
05:19:07.635807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0d1 | loading link; curr=82725bda8d615f82a87588779be13074f332215109075d9e8d430571d2215d0f
05:19:07.678809 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 17e + CheckFreshness
05:19:07.678809 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 183 - SigChainLoader.Load(15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900) -> (true, ok)
05:19:07.635807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0d4 | loading link; curr=b048295f72dde311fb352b91202dd398dde89262b23b1c38a62af67da660c0b2
05:19:07.635807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0d5 - -> ok
05:19:07.635807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0d6 +
05:19:07.635807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0d7 +
05:19:07.635807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0d8 +
05:19:07.635807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0d9 - -> ok
05:19:07.636807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0da - -> ok
05:19:07.636807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0db - -> ok
05:19:07.636807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0dc | Unpacked Link 55136c844eb18642f38ef9588dc2b6d5d56b31b934c789f88224923e8a8ded47
05:19:07.624806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 06a - -> ok
05:19:07.624806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 06b | Unpacked Link 418baa132aaa9cae85d4875f5fed0c1cf07bfcd4d073c471e8763518580a8cea
05:19:07.637807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0df - -> ok
05:19:07.637807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0e0 | loading link; curr=55136c844eb18642f38ef9588dc2b6d5d56b31b934c789f88224923e8a8ded47
05:19:07.637807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0e1 | Unpacked Link a277fcfddcbf2d0fde3b35ef9a08f74aa1575949bdea91019d8e2c26bad3da29
05:19:07.637807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0e2 | loading link; curr=a277fcfddcbf2d0fde3b35ef9a08f74aa1575949bdea91019d8e2c26bad3da29
05:19:07.638807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0e3 | loading link; curr=2a7206e1c8b9f9e7ab7d9c19ee2b518cd618ebd8a625af7ed2c48e95faaa8032
05:19:07.638807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0e4 +
05:19:07.638807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0e5 | loading link; curr=df0ce4cdc596541db52f5ac62427838a6d3bf702a144bd1040eda442a9bb5613
05:19:07.638807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0e6 +
05:19:07.638807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0e7 | Unpacked Link 91749ecda774599097ab4505f9a01abc9568b51a4f70b64cb57d6a2e4b651826
05:19:07.638807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0e8 | loading link; curr=91749ecda774599097ab4505f9a01abc9568b51a4f70b64cb57d6a2e4b651826
05:19:07.638807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0e9 +
05:19:07.638807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0ea - -> ok
05:19:07.639807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0eb - -> ok
05:19:07.639807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0ec - -> ok
05:19:07.639807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0ed | Unpacked Link 2a7206e1c8b9f9e7ab7d9c19ee2b518cd618ebd8a625af7ed2c48e95faaa8032
05:19:07.639807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0ee | loading link; curr=ffb98903f25819ee3e9a1883744d6784c0b9a437e5219b9ccf24fda5879bb5e8
05:19:07.639807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0ef +
05:19:07.639807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0f0 +
05:19:07.639807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0f1 | Unpacked Link ffb98903f25819ee3e9a1883744d6784c0b9a437e5219b9ccf24fda5879bb5e8
05:19:07.639807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0f2 | loading link; curr=5a8b9b2cb072fde29f5494ff84add742ca2319be4e8ed19df92902a786d76a11
05:19:07.625806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 073 | Link is marked as 'sig_verified'
05:19:07.640807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0f4 +
05:19:07.640807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0f5 | Unpacked Link a7bdae9a8cc5367c9ce49dd853175bcd2c05d28963963053f71296b2563b18d5
05:19:07.641807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0f6 | loading link; curr=09a1bb4b489bb772b0cfa15c60d64049179929c8938e9d00e3ff3605932e0610
05:19:07.641807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0f8 | Unpacked Link 09a1bb4b489bb772b0cfa15c60d64049179929c8938e9d00e3ff3605932e0610
05:19:07.641807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0f7 +
05:19:07.641807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0f9 | loading link; curr=be1d3cf2c7215c0a2351f74615327df9e29f84c9e91346dd1be162435f1c45d7
05:19:07.641807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0fa - -> ok
05:19:07.641807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0fb +
05:19:07.641807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0fc - -> ok
05:19:07.641807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0fd | Unpacked Link 5a8b9b2cb072fde29f5494ff84add742ca2319be4e8ed19df92902a786d76a11
05:19:07.625806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 075 | Unpacked Link 512ee3afc25e34d708108325baae7b338b2e798aad3d33d362e5fc36cadf1958
05:19:07.642807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0ff - -> ok
05:19:07.642807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 100 | Unpacked Link 36d1285a0194aec54a8dbe2f1a047e5869a2775e1d2d82d9d25b78c4f628429b
05:19:07.625806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 076 - -> ok
05:19:07.642807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 102 +
05:19:07.642807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 103 - -> ok
05:19:07.642807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 104 | Unpacked Link 7454692a0dca02bc92f88c3cd4fef0b584aa72f5879893e569442a0797e65a8f
05:19:07.642807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 105 - -> ok
05:19:07.642807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 106 | loading link; curr=af25b0f3e0cb647676d969c47fc2c4f32c6ef5a4f053cbfc03736d94b9e032b9
05:19:07.642807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 107 | Unpacked Link 232ce82837300501d30d761e5e60400dd8b029d2b752ebf486ff9936685c142e
05:19:07.642807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 108 +
05:19:07.642807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 109 +
05:19:07.642807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 10a - -> ok
05:19:07.642807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 10b | loading link; curr=7454692a0dca02bc92f88c3cd4fef0b584aa72f5879893e569442a0797e65a8f
05:19:07.626806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 077 - -> ok
05:19:07.642807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 10d +
05:19:07.642807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 10e | loading link; curr=7f8bc8d9ec96fcabd7aa39d9d3e9eaa6542bc5a4e220f0970e4b5364eebd2e3e
05:19:07.643807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 10f - -> ok
05:19:07.643807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 110 | Unpacked Link ad4532503587e8230612fdc316adc018d76a0d65abcffd6a28ce5707ac085437
05:19:07.643807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 111 | loading link; curr=579f067318333c05ba325064ab2ec718f4bac2331adc2c173d9be6f5030290a5
05:19:07.643807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 112 - -> ok
05:19:07.643807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 113 +
05:19:07.643807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 114 +
05:19:07.643807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 115 | Unpacked Link be1d3cf2c7215c0a2351f74615327df9e29f84c9e91346dd1be162435f1c45d7
05:19:07.643807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 116 - -> ok
05:19:07.644807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 117 | loading link; curr=ad4532503587e8230612fdc316adc018d76a0d65abcffd6a28ce5707ac085437
05:19:07.644807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 118 | Unpacked Link 579f067318333c05ba325064ab2ec718f4bac2331adc2c173d9be6f5030290a5
05:19:07.644807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 119 | loading link; curr=232ce82837300501d30d761e5e60400dd8b029d2b752ebf486ff9936685c142e
05:19:07.644807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 11a +
05:19:07.644807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 11b +
05:19:07.644807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 11c - -> ok
05:19:07.645807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 11d - -> ok
05:19:07.645807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 11e | Unpacked Link f97c6138afda17bbc5c806768b9e1e2c555719ca77cda533a0cb3d2b60059391
05:19:07.645807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 11f | loading link; curr=b975280bfc0cd503c5396509d77107b725718f5118db54af879e4235cbde6ac0
05:19:07.645807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 120 | Unpacked Link 6e177cc5402e52f5b35cfb8e979c804e2edb890886e3487cc9db7bd1a7ede5ae
05:19:07.645807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 121 | loading link; curr=7a635c45762e63944f71f7d30b348674595f9562ed18c8074cbb6b6cfa4403c5
05:19:07.645807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 122 - -> ok
05:19:07.645807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 123 +
05:19:07.646807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 124 +
05:19:07.646807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 125 | Unpacked Link 7f8bc8d9ec96fcabd7aa39d9d3e9eaa6542bc5a4e220f0970e4b5364eebd2e3e
05:19:07.646807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 126 | Unpacked Link df7b8faca3c29c3c6d79b1c36f630403f388b56d877aa517a7902f0d36bb7af0
05:19:07.646807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 127 - -> ok
05:19:07.646807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 128 | loading link; curr=6e177cc5402e52f5b35cfb8e979c804e2edb890886e3487cc9db7bd1a7ede5ae
05:19:07.646807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 129 | Unpacked Link b975280bfc0cd503c5396509d77107b725718f5118db54af879e4235cbde6ac0
05:19:07.647807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 12a | loading link; curr=f97c6138afda17bbc5c806768b9e1e2c555719ca77cda533a0cb3d2b60059391
05:19:07.647807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 12b +
05:19:07.627806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 083 | Unpacked Link fb4eb5ab067c52b7037d7460d1e4b0126665d236673c614b06f3edbd54900bde
05:19:07.647807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 12d | loading link; curr=df7b8faca3c29c3c6d79b1c36f630403f388b56d877aa517a7902f0d36bb7af0
05:19:07.647807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 12e - -> ok
05:19:07.647807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 12f +
05:19:07.647807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 130 | Unpacked Link 7a635c45762e63944f71f7d30b348674595f9562ed18c8074cbb6b6cfa4403c5
05:19:07.647807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 131 | loading link; curr=3522c4011d95679041af76fa5cbd25a49b98ee7e3c84f76237bb7bf22da8520e
05:19:07.647807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 133 - -> ok
05:19:07.628806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 084 +
05:19:07.647807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 134 - -> ok
05:19:07.647807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 135 +
05:19:07.648808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 136 - -> ok
05:19:07.648808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 137 | Unpacked Link b1724f56848acdaefaa6f6c28af0bc41fcf018f3696c4f22c74ad5caf2bd39f9
05:19:07.649808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 138 +
05:19:07.649808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 13a | Unpacked Link 3522c4011d95679041af76fa5cbd25a49b98ee7e3c84f76237bb7bf22da8520e
05:19:07.649808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 13b - -> ok
05:19:07.649808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 13c | loading link; curr=b1724f56848acdaefaa6f6c28af0bc41fcf018f3696c4f22c74ad5caf2bd39f9
05:19:07.649808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 13d | Unpacked Link 3a340b1d22aebc9b84ce0a22c0fade8cf827ee6e440c298c2a0f6704e9c1bce5
05:19:07.649808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 13e | loading link; curr=19445c7e1443f593d0bcd968087c3042edbcade8495be3a4e8fda83434a8cb5e
05:19:07.649808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 13f | Unpacked Link 19445c7e1443f593d0bcd968087c3042edbcade8495be3a4e8fda83434a8cb5e
05:19:07.649808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 139 | loading link; curr=3a340b1d22aebc9b84ce0a22c0fade8cf827ee6e440c298c2a0f6704e9c1bce5
05:19:07.650808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 141 | loading link; curr=5c8e49936e8bf0ecb9805ccd212e3ca4625a50527156bb6b8299c4ba02891943
05:19:07.650808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 142 +
05:19:07.650808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 143 | loading link; curr=c356d46d362f68a369f9e90eefa33399b26824b5e1142f365547b55489b53f27
05:19:07.650808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 144 +
05:19:07.650808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 145 | Unpacked Link 968c4bb8056dd87f689e455013cde3a83cac3f06ecb2aa9415da4f6d20fad18f
05:19:07.651808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 146 - -> ok
05:19:07.650808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 140 - -> ok
05:19:07.651808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 147 - -> ok
05:19:07.651808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 148 - -> ok
05:19:07.651808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 149 | Unpacked Link 5c8e49936e8bf0ecb9805ccd212e3ca4625a50527156bb6b8299c4ba02891943
05:19:07.651808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 14a | Unpacked Link c356d46d362f68a369f9e90eefa33399b26824b5e1142f365547b55489b53f27
05:19:07.651808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 14b | loading link; curr=6cf3b96586b075d01dd87717ced9e5bf632eb2ec6a051af7169a683b0c144962
05:19:07.651808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 14c | loading link; curr=fb7b09db240ab40a80176c1118b996ac81d3fc96f1728c0ee7f55bd59f29cb5a
05:19:07.628806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 08e | loading link; curr=8bbc9c2aa2c581a43d7af7cd24b429984d807fa621ac297b5652b7de6063a3f3
05:19:07.651808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 14f +
05:19:07.651808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 150 +
05:19:07.628806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 08f | loading link; curr=7253f6f02c876462c5216b0b113551bc653f114486680880864a525205b98959
05:19:07.652808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 151 | loading link; curr=8bbaba0f6e5688f9be0f2b27cae0af4be44bd4d4d24690a42ec2653fb9632682
05:19:07.652808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 152 - -> ok
05:19:07.652808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 153 - -> ok
05:19:07.652808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 154 | Unpacked Link fb7b09db240ab40a80176c1118b996ac81d3fc96f1728c0ee7f55bd59f29cb5a
05:19:07.652808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 155 | Unpacked Link 8bbaba0f6e5688f9be0f2b27cae0af4be44bd4d4d24690a42ec2653fb9632682
05:19:07.652808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 156 +
05:19:07.652808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 157 +
05:19:07.652808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 158 | Unpacked Link 25122bcb9c7110bd29269ad31f8f3e523f308e89c426ff8dd2e123dbeff35d2a
05:19:07.652808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 159 - -> ok
05:19:07.652808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 15a +
05:19:07.652808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 15b | loading link; curr=25122bcb9c7110bd29269ad31f8f3e523f308e89c426ff8dd2e123dbeff35d2a
05:19:07.652808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 15c +
05:19:07.652808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 15d - -> ok
05:19:07.652808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 15e | Unpacked Link 6cf3b96586b075d01dd87717ced9e5bf632eb2ec6a051af7169a683b0c144962
05:19:07.628806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 092 | Unpacked Link 02c314d82e6cbd2cb2a90ebb429b1cf19d4338c2077e3eef2cad93b294a454c8
05:19:07.653808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 160 | loading link; curr=97ba80437fa597b6b619ae66fd284cb5066eb8dde02a761bc60042cd0aaa83e5
05:19:07.653808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 162 - -> ok
05:19:07.653808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 161 +
05:19:07.653808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 163 | loading link; curr=d36934dfe37c1e2b593804fd471b62c910263452bfada32bf63755a8d4d29434
05:19:07.653808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 164 | loading link; curr=40f54fdf70948ed59a9d23aedd3aedeb09e3ee1e44885ef4d6e5ba5e384263c7
05:19:07.653808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 165 - -> ok
05:19:07.653808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 166 | Unpacked Link f470eaeef51d4a00590596f2ca316a01bdfc78f1ff41ec03e0885d3de467804e
05:19:07.653808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 167 | Unpacked Link d36934dfe37c1e2b593804fd471b62c910263452bfada32bf63755a8d4d29434
05:19:07.653808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 168 | Unpacked Link 40f54fdf70948ed59a9d23aedd3aedeb09e3ee1e44885ef4d6e5ba5e384263c7
05:19:07.653808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 169 | loading link; curr=f470eaeef51d4a00590596f2ca316a01bdfc78f1ff41ec03e0885d3de467804e
05:19:07.653808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 16a +
05:19:07.653808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 16b | loading link; curr=f4990fc2d1400773f39d6365e4505e0dbfa1044061f1500e5e41998bd3e225d9
05:19:07.654808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 16c - -> ok
05:19:07.654808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 16d | loading link; curr=ab2d83393c3ee1d4136e1a3502d9f8f9ee19199bea2af28a0eb01353adae38cb
05:19:07.654808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 16e - -> ok
05:19:07.628806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 095 | loading link; curr=3b3c803ee610f9fd6dec42a119afd5a512c1a1cec0a3869c79b2aed3dfbce9a8
05:19:07.630806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 096 | loading link; curr=9fdc4a1617c474ace33c1e40da8f26e4d4acf25f6de542fca37f520f807d5665
05:19:07.655808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 171 | loading link; curr=504752c98dec7e2f42eac6caf25ab52b6665709ffe6b7569d66d89395780c53e
05:19:07.655808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 172 | SigChainLoader.Load(15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900) MakeSigChain
05:19:07.655808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 174 - -> ok
05:19:07.655808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 173 +
05:19:07.630806 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 098 +
05:19:07.655808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 176 | Unpacked Link 504752c98dec7e2f42eac6caf25ab52b6665709ffe6b7569d66d89395780c53e
05:19:07.655808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 177 - -> ok
05:19:07.655808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 178 +
05:19:07.655808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 179 | SigChainLoader.Load(15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900) VerifyChain
05:19:07.655808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 17a | Unpacked Link ab2d83393c3ee1d4136e1a3502d9f8f9ee19199bea2af28a0eb01353adae38cb
05:19:07.656808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 17b | Unpacked Link f4990fc2d1400773f39d6365e4505e0dbfa1044061f1500e5e41998bd3e225d9
05:19:07.656808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 17c | Stop loading at KID=01010373e851fecad178051f4af74acd9dbcbe73cd4ba0fca976a3135d72b064ffee0a (!= KID=0101b835f2748fe5c7faec0853db8881b5b2dfb5162d8745ae2c977b803bd71694830a)
05:19:07.656808 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 17d + SigChain::VerifyChain()
05:19:07.635807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0d2 +
05:19:07.678809 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 17f | Future triple=nil
05:19:07.678809 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 180 | Sigchain was fully cached. Short-circuiting verification.
05:19:07.678809 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 181 + LoadSigHints(15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900)
05:19:07.678809 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 182 | Server triple: &{84 8e81da8b9232c844c5fff2c15945456f0c7791d0d7ea782ef67c636b54ecc67c 471bea416f5a5da354216aad3f78337ba45f8e89b785fe6c6ce808c090e3ba7b0f}
05:19:07.678809 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 184 - SigChain::VerifyChain() -> ok
05:19:07.635807 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 0d3 | Unpacked Link 82725bda8d615f82a87588779be13074f332215109075d9e8d430571d2215d0f
05:19:07.679809 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 186 +
05:19:07.679809 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 187 | Local chain version is up-to-date @ version 84
05:19:07.679809 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 185 - CheckFreshness (15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900) -> (false,ok)
05:19:07.679809 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 188 | SigChainLoader.Load(15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900) CheckFreshness
05:19:07.679809 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 189 | Client triple: &{84 8e81da8b9232c844c5fff2c15945456f0c7791d0d7ea782ef67c636b54ecc67c 471bea416f5a5da354216aad3f78337ba45f8e89b785fe6c6ce808c090e3ba7b0f}
05:19:07.679809 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 18a - -> ok
05:19:07.679809 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 18b | SigHints loaded @v4
05:19:07.679809 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 18c - LoadSigHints(15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900)
05:19:07.680809 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 18d + API GET request to
05:19:07.680809 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 18e + Refresh SigHints() for uid=15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900
05:19:07.778815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 18f + SigHints.Store() for uid=15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900
05:19:07.778815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 190 - Store for zqueal skipped; user wasn't dirty
05:19:07.779815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 191 | SigHints.Store() skipped; wasn't dirty
05:19:07.779815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 192 - SigHints.Store() for uid=15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900 -> ok
05:19:07.779815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 193 | Checking user's ComputedKeyFamily
05:19:07.779815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 195 - successful API call
05:19:07.779815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 196 - HasActiveKey -> true
05:19:07.779815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 197 - Refresh SigHints() for uid=15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900
05:19:07.779815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 198 + Store user zqueal
05:19:07.779815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 199 + Checking session
05:19:07.780815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 19a + Populate ID Table
05:19:07.780815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 19b - Account "G - GetMyUID - GetUID"
05:19:07.780815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 19c + HasActiveKey
05:19:07.779815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 194 | No changes; version 4 was up-to-date
05:19:07.780815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 19d - Populate ID Table
05:19:07.781815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 19e + VerifySelfSig for user zqueal
05:19:07.781815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 19f - session is recent, short-circuiting
05:19:07.781815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1a0 - Account "LoggedInLoad"
05:19:07.781815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1a1 | Found self-signature for zqueal @uid=15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900, seq=84, link=8e81da8b9232c844c5fff2c15945456f0c7791d0d7ea782ef67c636b54ecc67c
05:19:07.781815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1a2 - VerifySelfSig via SigChain
05:19:07.781815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1a3 | resolved to 15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900
05:19:07.781815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1a4 + Account "LoggedInLoad"
05:19:07.781815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1a5 + LoadUser(uid=15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900, name=)
05:19:07.781815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1a6 + Loading session
05:19:07.781815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1a7 - Skipped; already loaded
05:19:07.781815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1a8 + Account "G - GetMyUID - GetUID"
05:19:07.781815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1a9 + loadUserFromLocalStorage(15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900)
05:19:07.781815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1aa +
05:19:07.782815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1ab LoadUser: {UID: Name: PublicKeyOptional:false NoCacheResult:false Self:true ForceReload:false AllKeys:false LoginContext:<nil> AbortIfSigchainUnchanged:false Contextified:{g:0x2023c620}}
05:19:07.782815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1ac - -> ok
05:19:07.782815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1ad | Result is: 200 OK
05:19:07.784815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1ae | Loaded successfully
05:19:07.785815 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1af + ParseKeyFamily
05:19:07.880821 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1b0 - ParseKeyFamily -> ok
05:19:07.880821 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1b1 | Loaded username zqueal (uid=15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900)
05:19:07.880821 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1b2 - loadUserFromLocalStorage(zqueal,15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900)
05:19:07.880821 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1b3 + MerkleClient.LookupUser(map[uid:15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900 poll:10])
05:19:07.880821 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1b4 + MerkleClient.LoadRoot()
05:19:07.880821 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1b5 +
05:19:07.880821 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1b6 - -> ok
05:19:07.880821 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1b7 | LookupPath
05:19:07.880821 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1b8 +
05:19:07.880821 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1b9 + API GET request to
05:19:07.881821 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1ba - -> ok
05:19:07.881821 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1bb - MerkleClient.LoadRoot() -> &{{0x2023c620} 341526 [3 225 70 205 175 129 54 104 10 213 102 145 42 50 52 12 236 140 148 146] 0x21f06840 {"body":{"key":{"fingerprint":"03e146cdaf8136680ad566912a32340cec8c9492","key_id":"2A32340CEC8C9492"},"legacy_uid_root":"d3450288d233fe9125d0b6f8196dbc93447bca2630300898781a637a44752032","prev":"41000d2fa051c61c2650941c2cebd53943db6b90e4df2636f1ef63c664d343023666783d2f7f0a564a603d2dcd1b670db1d4af548521968059c1d2a62c3ff1dd","root":"94ba53b88427ae895b69eb10e76bea8eb572ac911113b495eaa6e616d731052701e6b245f6d24320f749f11c5ad212657f988ced6ce5f2dae2ea55aa72eea57c","seqno":341526,"txid":"1b41c295eb22981170418c9aa1fed715","type":"merkle_root","version":1},"ctime":1451815873,"tag":"signature"} 0x21f06a60 [148 186 83 184 132 39 174 137 91 105 235 16 231 107 234 142 181 114 172 145 17 19 180 149 234 166 230 22 215 49 5 39 1 230 178 69 246 210 67 32 247 73 241 28 90 210 18 101 127 152 140 237 108 229 242 218 226 234 85 170 114 238 165 124] [211 69 2 136 210 51 254 145 37 208 182 248 25 109 188 147 68 123 202 38 48 48 8 152 120 26 99 122 68 117 32 50] 1451815873}
05:19:07.941824 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1bc | Result is: 200 OK
05:19:07.969826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1bd | VerifyRoot
05:19:07.969826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1be - successful API call
05:19:07.969826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1bf | Merkle root: got back 341526, >= cached 341526
05:19:07.970826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1c0 | VerifyUser
05:19:07.975826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1c1 | VerifyUsername
05:19:07.975826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1c2 - ParsingMerkleUserLeaf -> ok
05:19:07.976826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1c3 + ParsingMerkleUserLeaf
05:19:07.976826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1c4 | Failed to map Username zqueal -> UID 15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900 via direct hash
05:19:07.976826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1c5 +
05:19:07.977826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1c7 | Local basics version is up-to-date @ version 130
05:19:07.977826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1c6 | Checking cased username difference: zqueal v zQueal
05:19:07.977826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1c8 | loading link; curr=8e81da8b9232c844c5fff2c15945456f0c7791d0d7ea782ef67c636b54ecc67c
05:19:07.977826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1c9 | Username zqueal mapped to 15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900 via Merkle lookup
05:19:07.977826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1ca - -> ok
05:19:07.977826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1cb | SigChainLoader.Load(15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900) LoadLinksFromStorage
05:19:07.977826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1cc | Preload failed
05:19:07.980826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1dd | Unpacked Link aa2c03d7e83c28b21edef77812d62213eafdde59a4af4d5bbf8fa2544fef1e71
05:19:07.977826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1ce + SigChainLoader.Load(15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900)
05:19:07.977826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1cf | SigChainLoader.Load(15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900) GetFingerprint
05:19:07.977826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1d0 | Freshness: basics=true; for 15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900
05:19:07.977826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1d1 +
05:19:07.977826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1d2 + SigChainLoader.LoadFromStorage(15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900)
05:19:07.983827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1f9 +
05:19:07.978826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1d4 - MerkleClient.LookupUser(map[uid:15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900 poll:10]) -> OK
05:19:07.978826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1d5 - -> ok
05:19:07.978826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1d6 | Link is marked as 'sig_verified'
05:19:07.978826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1d7 | loading link; curr=aa2c03d7e83c28b21edef77812d62213eafdde59a4af4d5bbf8fa2544fef1e71
05:19:07.979826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1d8 +
05:19:07.979826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1d9 | Setting loadKID=01010373e851fecad178051f4af74acd9dbcbe73cd4ba0fca976a3135d72b064ffee0a
05:19:07.979826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1da - -> ok
05:19:07.979826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1db +
05:19:07.979826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1dc - -> ok
05:19:07.977826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1cd | SigChainLoader.Load(15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900) AccessPreload
05:19:07.980826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1de | Link is marked as 'sig_verified'
05:19:07.980826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1df | loading link; curr=f7518cbdf60680e70e1033f8b4e475bab78f92741a283cd9ee448e8547b8ae76
05:19:07.980826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1e0 | Unpacked Link f7518cbdf60680e70e1033f8b4e475bab78f92741a283cd9ee448e8547b8ae76
05:19:07.980826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1e1 | loading link; curr=418baa132aaa9cae85d4875f5fed0c1cf07bfcd4d073c471e8763518580a8cea
05:19:07.981827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1e2 +
05:19:07.981827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1e3 | Link is marked as 'sig_verified'
05:19:07.981827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1e4 - -> ok
05:19:07.981827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1e5 +
05:19:07.982827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1e6 - -> ok
05:19:07.982827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1e7 | loading link; curr=8810b3a08f411c698197da2ae2de9940d03684a92747f9a6b7835c9cf10998c1
05:19:07.982827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1e8 | Unpacked Link 418baa132aaa9cae85d4875f5fed0c1cf07bfcd4d073c471e8763518580a8cea
05:19:07.983827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1e9 +
05:19:07.983827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1ea | Link is marked as 'sig_verified'
05:19:07.994827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 251 +
05:19:07.983827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1ec - -> ok
05:19:07.983827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1ed +
05:19:07.983827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1ee +
05:19:07.983827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1ef | Link is marked as 'sig_verified'
05:19:07.983827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1f0 - -> ok
05:19:07.983827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1f1 | loading link; curr=403e2fcc6eab83f4b37925e07eed988f163e80729cc259060d7d3e15d6fdecca
05:19:07.996827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 259 - -> ok
05:19:07.997827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 25a - -> ok
05:19:07.983827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1f4 - -> ok
05:19:07.983827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1f5 - -> ok
05:19:07.998828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 269 | Unpacked Link ffb98903f25819ee3e9a1883744d6784c0b9a437e5219b9ccf24fda5879bb5e8
05:19:07.998828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 26e | loading link; curr=ffb98903f25819ee3e9a1883744d6784c0b9a437e5219b9ccf24fda5879bb5e8
05:19:07.983827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1f8 - -> ok
05:19:07.978826 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1d3 | Unpacked Link 8e81da8b9232c844c5fff2c15945456f0c7791d0d7ea782ef67c636b54ecc67c
05:19:08.000828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 27a +
05:19:07.984827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1fb | loading link; curr=fb4eb5ab067c52b7037d7460d1e4b0126665d236673c614b06f3edbd54900bde
05:19:07.984827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1fc | loading link; curr=512ee3afc25e34d708108325baae7b338b2e798aad3d33d362e5fc36cadf1958
05:19:08.001828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 282 - -> ok
05:19:08.001828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 288 +
05:19:08.002828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 28e +
05:19:07.985827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 200 | loading link; curr=3b3c803ee610f9fd6dec42a119afd5a512c1a1cec0a3869c79b2aed3dfbce9a8
05:19:07.985827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 201 - -> ok
05:19:07.985827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 202 | Unpacked Link 3b3c803ee610f9fd6dec42a119afd5a512c1a1cec0a3869c79b2aed3dfbce9a8
05:19:07.985827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 203 +
05:19:07.985827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 204 - -> ok
05:19:07.985827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 205 | Link is marked as 'sig_verified'
05:19:07.986827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 206 | loading link; curr=02c314d82e6cbd2cb2a90ebb429b1cf19d4338c2077e3eef2cad93b294a454c8
05:19:07.986827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 207 | Unpacked Link 403e2fcc6eab83f4b37925e07eed988f163e80729cc259060d7d3e15d6fdecca
05:19:08.005828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2a1 - -> ok
05:19:08.005828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2a7 | loading link; curr=b1724f56848acdaefaa6f6c28af0bc41fcf018f3696c4f22c74ad5caf2bd39f9
05:19:07.986827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 20a | loading link; curr=d162d91056d8496010f2062b5d59162f623bd73652a3db80c6bba168724618b6
05:19:07.986827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 20b +
05:19:07.987827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 20c | Unpacked Link 7253f6f02c876462c5216b0b113551bc653f114486680880864a525205b98959
05:19:07.987827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 20d +
05:19:07.987827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 20e - -> ok
05:19:07.988827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 20f +
05:19:07.988827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 210 | loading link; curr=9fdc4a1617c474ace33c1e40da8f26e4d4acf25f6de542fca37f520f807d5665
05:19:07.988827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 211 - -> ok
05:19:07.988827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 212 +
05:19:07.988827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 213 +
05:19:08.010828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2c5 +
05:19:08.010828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2ca | loading link; curr=968c4bb8056dd87f689e455013cde3a83cac3f06ecb2aa9415da4f6d20fad18f
05:19:08.011828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2d0 +
05:19:07.988827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 216 - -> ok
05:19:07.989827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 219 +
05:19:07.989827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 218 | Unpacked Link 9fdc4a1617c474ace33c1e40da8f26e4d4acf25f6de542fca37f520f807d5665
05:19:08.013828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2f7 | Stop loading at KID=01010373e851fecad178051f4af74acd9dbcbe73cd4ba0fca976a3135d72b064ffee0a (!= KID=0101b835f2748fe5c7faec0853db8881b5b2dfb5162d8745ae2c977b803bd71694830a)
05:19:07.989827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 21b | loading link; curr=96cff4ecc55454caf0cfda2efbaa31c82ac34bba11d87ed1cce0a07f6c0b3868
05:19:07.989827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 21c - -> ok
05:19:07.989827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 21d | Unpacked Link 96cff4ecc55454caf0cfda2efbaa31c82ac34bba11d87ed1cce0a07f6c0b3868
05:19:07.989827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 21e | loading link; curr=2c422a72f7126616f7326c466738acb7c5e6191dffeedb61c6d53f925745f82f
05:19:07.989827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 21f - -> ok
05:19:07.989827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 220 | loading link; curr=8bbc9c2aa2c581a43d7af7cd24b429984d807fa621ac297b5652b7de6063a3f3
05:19:07.989827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 221 +
05:19:07.989827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 222 | Unpacked Link 8bbc9c2aa2c581a43d7af7cd24b429984d807fa621ac297b5652b7de6063a3f3
05:19:07.989827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 223 +
05:19:07.989827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 224 +
05:19:07.989827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 225 - -> ok
05:19:07.990827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 226 | Unpacked Link 7aec28d20c82d761a55f9bd0762420544c8137fccae80bfb1fc5765ff644fc59
05:19:07.990827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 227 - -> ok
05:19:07.990827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 228 | loading link; curr=7aec28d20c82d761a55f9bd0762420544c8137fccae80bfb1fc5765ff644fc59
05:19:07.991827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 229 | loading link; curr=bfc0083eff47fdc5b538f5ec1224188b274ed8d1ea9d5e89571e8d16a36f0838
05:19:07.991827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 22a +
05:19:07.991827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 22b | Unpacked Link 2c422a72f7126616f7326c466738acb7c5e6191dffeedb61c6d53f925745f82f
05:19:07.991827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 22c - -> ok
05:19:07.991827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 22d | Unpacked Link 145cf68cab3e6033b4f5c2114c04437b8933b333c95af1eae9807a6a2770a3cb
05:19:07.991827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 22e - -> ok
05:19:07.991827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 22f | Unpacked Link bfc0083eff47fdc5b538f5ec1224188b274ed8d1ea9d5e89571e8d16a36f0838
05:19:07.991827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 230 | loading link; curr=145cf68cab3e6033b4f5c2114c04437b8933b333c95af1eae9807a6a2770a3cb
05:19:07.991827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 231 +
05:19:07.991827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 232 | loading link; curr=74b4a7bb4ee639991d9232982c4ab913352146c386465e4475cd3d136450e870
05:19:07.991827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 233 +
05:19:07.991827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 234 | loading link; curr=a54f1ac862db006527541f1db26fd2f530d8ca6e44e651dea50fcbd742f4273c
05:19:07.991827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 235 | Unpacked Link 74b4a7bb4ee639991d9232982c4ab913352146c386465e4475cd3d136450e870
05:19:07.991827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 236 | Unpacked Link a54f1ac862db006527541f1db26fd2f530d8ca6e44e651dea50fcbd742f4273c
05:19:07.991827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 237 - -> ok
05:19:07.991827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 238 - -> ok
05:19:07.992827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 239 +
05:19:07.992827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 23a | loading link; curr=0e96959d0bd39d957eadd3679b426116c973cb9715ebdc95ea8d9b3a7f5330b2
05:19:07.993827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 23b | Unpacked Link 1becc2e57393d93845441c7586eee98922883eb14f654a0868c73fea193f6ce4
05:19:07.993827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 23c +
05:19:07.993827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 23d | loading link; curr=72bd83a1548a78fdcc2badf1e5784685420864a26409fbe44b6ed89145e70b31
05:19:07.993827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 23e - -> ok
05:19:07.993827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 23f - -> ok
05:19:07.993827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 240 | Unpacked Link 72bd83a1548a78fdcc2badf1e5784685420864a26409fbe44b6ed89145e70b31
05:19:07.993827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 241 | Unpacked Link 0e96959d0bd39d957eadd3679b426116c973cb9715ebdc95ea8d9b3a7f5330b2
05:19:07.993827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 242 +
05:19:07.993827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 243 | loading link; curr=da9751d314c6e4d7f95c5b774e1551c40162dd283c8a215063213596276047cc
05:19:07.993827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 244 | loading link; curr=1becc2e57393d93845441c7586eee98922883eb14f654a0868c73fea193f6ce4
05:19:07.993827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 245 +
05:19:07.993827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 246 - -> ok
05:19:07.993827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 247 | loading link; curr=82725bda8d615f82a87588779be13074f332215109075d9e8d430571d2215d0f
05:19:07.993827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 248 - -> ok
05:19:07.993827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 249 | loading link; curr=f457b410b453f22f688a248f06b6b09b560302670fbe2415124981a6be2235f4
05:19:07.993827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 24a +
05:19:07.993827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 24b +
05:19:07.994827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 24c - -> ok
05:19:07.994827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 24d - -> ok
05:19:07.994827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 24e | Unpacked Link f457b410b453f22f688a248f06b6b09b560302670fbe2415124981a6be2235f4
05:19:07.994827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 24f | Unpacked Link da9751d314c6e4d7f95c5b774e1551c40162dd283c8a215063213596276047cc
05:19:07.994827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 250 - -> ok
05:19:07.983827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1eb | Unpacked Link 8810b3a08f411c698197da2ae2de9940d03684a92747f9a6b7835c9cf10998c1
05:19:07.996827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 252 | loading link; curr=b048295f72dde311fb352b91202dd398dde89262b23b1c38a62af67da660c0b2
05:19:07.996827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 253 | Unpacked Link b048295f72dde311fb352b91202dd398dde89262b23b1c38a62af67da660c0b2
05:19:07.996827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 254 | loading link; curr=a277fcfddcbf2d0fde3b35ef9a08f74aa1575949bdea91019d8e2c26bad3da29
05:19:07.996827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 255 | Unpacked Link 82725bda8d615f82a87588779be13074f332215109075d9e8d430571d2215d0f
05:19:08.035830 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2fc + CheckFreshness
05:19:08.035830 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 301 | Local chain version is up-to-date @ version 84
05:19:07.996827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 258 +
05:19:07.983827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1f2 | Unpacked Link fb4eb5ab067c52b7037d7460d1e4b0126665d236673c614b06f3edbd54900bde
05:19:07.983827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1f3 | Unpacked Link 512ee3afc25e34d708108325baae7b338b2e798aad3d33d362e5fc36cadf1958
05:19:07.997827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 25b - -> ok
05:19:07.997827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 25c | Unpacked Link df0ce4cdc596541db52f5ac62427838a6d3bf702a144bd1040eda442a9bb5613
05:19:07.997827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 25d | Unpacked Link 2a7206e1c8b9f9e7ab7d9c19ee2b518cd618ebd8a625af7ed2c48e95faaa8032
05:19:07.997827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 25e | Unpacked Link a277fcfddcbf2d0fde3b35ef9a08f74aa1575949bdea91019d8e2c26bad3da29
05:19:07.997827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 25f | Unpacked Link 55136c844eb18642f38ef9588dc2b6d5d56b31b934c789f88224923e8a8ded47
05:19:07.997827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 260 | loading link; curr=55136c844eb18642f38ef9588dc2b6d5d56b31b934c789f88224923e8a8ded47
05:19:07.997827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 261 - -> ok
05:19:07.997827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 262 | loading link; curr=df0ce4cdc596541db52f5ac62427838a6d3bf702a144bd1040eda442a9bb5613
05:19:07.997827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 263 | loading link; curr=2a7206e1c8b9f9e7ab7d9c19ee2b518cd618ebd8a625af7ed2c48e95faaa8032
05:19:07.997827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 264 +
05:19:07.997827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 265 +
05:19:07.998828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 266 +
05:19:07.998828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 267 | loading link; curr=91749ecda774599097ab4505f9a01abc9568b51a4f70b64cb57d6a2e4b651826
05:19:07.998828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 268 | Unpacked Link 91749ecda774599097ab4505f9a01abc9568b51a4f70b64cb57d6a2e4b651826
05:19:07.983827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1f6 | Unpacked Link 49c7ad82c74ee985251296e8a529377548b1b5c1216629a245458f016b081e5f
05:19:07.998828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 26a - -> ok
05:19:07.998828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 26b - -> ok
05:19:07.998828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 26c +
05:19:07.998828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 26d | loading link; curr=5a8b9b2cb072fde29f5494ff84add742ca2319be4e8ed19df92902a786d76a11
05:19:07.983827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1f7 | Unpacked Link 1919fc94d51940c62fb7f20cb6cd0e9df2bac1861b1eb5c2c696ebaabe9b55e5
05:19:07.999828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 26f - -> ok
05:19:07.999828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 270 | loading link; curr=be1d3cf2c7215c0a2351f74615327df9e29f84c9e91346dd1be162435f1c45d7
05:19:07.999828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 271 | Unpacked Link a7bdae9a8cc5367c9ce49dd853175bcd2c05d28963963053f71296b2563b18d5
05:19:07.999828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 272 | Unpacked Link 36d1285a0194aec54a8dbe2f1a047e5869a2775e1d2d82d9d25b78c4f628429b
05:19:07.999828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 273 | loading link; curr=09a1bb4b489bb772b0cfa15c60d64049179929c8938e9d00e3ff3605932e0610
05:19:07.999828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 274 +
05:19:07.999828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 275 | loading link; curr=a7bdae9a8cc5367c9ce49dd853175bcd2c05d28963963053f71296b2563b18d5
05:19:07.999828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 276 - -> ok
05:19:07.999828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 277 +
05:19:08.000828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 278 | Unpacked Link 09a1bb4b489bb772b0cfa15c60d64049179929c8938e9d00e3ff3605932e0610
05:19:07.984827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1fa | loading link; curr=49c7ad82c74ee985251296e8a529377548b1b5c1216629a245458f016b081e5f
05:19:08.000828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 27b | Unpacked Link be1d3cf2c7215c0a2351f74615327df9e29f84c9e91346dd1be162435f1c45d7
05:19:08.000828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 27c | loading link; curr=36d1285a0194aec54a8dbe2f1a047e5869a2775e1d2d82d9d25b78c4f628429b
05:19:08.000828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 27d +
05:19:08.000828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 27e - -> ok
05:19:08.000828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 27f | Unpacked Link 5a8b9b2cb072fde29f5494ff84add742ca2319be4e8ed19df92902a786d76a11
05:19:08.000828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 279 - -> ok
05:19:08.001828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 280 +
05:19:08.001828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 281 | loading link; curr=ad4532503587e8230612fdc316adc018d76a0d65abcffd6a28ce5707ac085437
05:19:07.985827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1fd | loading link; curr=1919fc94d51940c62fb7f20cb6cd0e9df2bac1861b1eb5c2c696ebaabe9b55e5
05:19:08.001828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 283 | Unpacked Link 232ce82837300501d30d761e5e60400dd8b029d2b752ebf486ff9936685c142e
05:19:08.001828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 284 - -> ok
05:19:08.001828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 285 +
05:19:08.001828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 286 | loading link; curr=7454692a0dca02bc92f88c3cd4fef0b584aa72f5879893e569442a0797e65a8f
05:19:08.001828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 287 | Unpacked Link ad4532503587e8230612fdc316adc018d76a0d65abcffd6a28ce5707ac085437
05:19:08.001828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 289 | loading link; curr=af25b0f3e0cb647676d969c47fc2c4f32c6ef5a4f053cbfc03736d94b9e032b9
05:19:07.985827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1fe | loading link; curr=7253f6f02c876462c5216b0b113551bc653f114486680880864a525205b98959
05:19:08.001828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 28a | loading link; curr=579f067318333c05ba325064ab2ec718f4bac2331adc2c173d9be6f5030290a5
05:19:08.001828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 28b - -> ok
05:19:08.001828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 28c - -> ok
05:19:08.002828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 28d +
05:19:07.985827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 1ff +
05:19:08.002828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 28f | Unpacked Link 7454692a0dca02bc92f88c3cd4fef0b584aa72f5879893e569442a0797e65a8f
05:19:08.002828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 290 - -> ok
05:19:08.002828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 291 +
05:19:08.002828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 292 | loading link; curr=232ce82837300501d30d761e5e60400dd8b029d2b752ebf486ff9936685c142e
05:19:08.003828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 294 | Unpacked Link 579f067318333c05ba325064ab2ec718f4bac2331adc2c173d9be6f5030290a5
05:19:08.003828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 293 - -> ok
05:19:08.003828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 296 +
05:19:08.003828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 297 | loading link; curr=6e177cc5402e52f5b35cfb8e979c804e2edb890886e3487cc9db7bd1a7ede5ae
05:19:08.003828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 295 - -> ok
05:19:08.004828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 299 | loading link; curr=7f8bc8d9ec96fcabd7aa39d9d3e9eaa6542bc5a4e220f0970e4b5364eebd2e3e
05:19:08.004828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 298 | Unpacked Link 7f8bc8d9ec96fcabd7aa39d9d3e9eaa6542bc5a4e220f0970e4b5364eebd2e3e
05:19:08.004828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 29a | Unpacked Link af25b0f3e0cb647676d969c47fc2c4f32c6ef5a4f053cbfc03736d94b9e032b9
05:19:08.004828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 29b +
05:19:08.004828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 29c | Unpacked Link 7a635c45762e63944f71f7d30b348674595f9562ed18c8074cbb6b6cfa4403c5
05:19:08.004828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 29d - -> ok
05:19:08.005828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 29e - -> ok
05:19:08.005828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 29f | Unpacked Link 6e177cc5402e52f5b35cfb8e979c804e2edb890886e3487cc9db7bd1a7ede5ae
05:19:08.005828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2a0 | Unpacked Link f97c6138afda17bbc5c806768b9e1e2c555719ca77cda533a0cb3d2b60059391
05:19:07.986827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 208 | Unpacked Link 02c314d82e6cbd2cb2a90ebb429b1cf19d4338c2077e3eef2cad93b294a454c8
05:19:08.005828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2a2 | loading link; curr=b975280bfc0cd503c5396509d77107b725718f5118db54af879e4235cbde6ac0
05:19:08.005828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2a3 | loading link; curr=7a635c45762e63944f71f7d30b348674595f9562ed18c8074cbb6b6cfa4403c5
05:19:08.005828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2a4 +
05:19:08.005828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2a5 | Unpacked Link 3522c4011d95679041af76fa5cbd25a49b98ee7e3c84f76237bb7bf22da8520e
05:19:08.005828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2a6 +
05:19:08.005828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2a8 - -> ok
05:19:08.005828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2a9 - -> ok
05:19:07.986827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 209 | Unpacked Link d162d91056d8496010f2062b5d59162f623bd73652a3db80c6bba168724618b6
05:19:08.006828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2aa +
05:19:08.006828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2ab - -> ok
05:19:08.006828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2ac | loading link; curr=3522c4011d95679041af76fa5cbd25a49b98ee7e3c84f76237bb7bf22da8520e
05:19:08.006828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2ad | loading link; curr=df7b8faca3c29c3c6d79b1c36f630403f388b56d877aa517a7902f0d36bb7af0
05:19:08.006828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2ae +
05:19:08.006828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2af +
05:19:08.007828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2b0 | loading link; curr=f97c6138afda17bbc5c806768b9e1e2c555719ca77cda533a0cb3d2b60059391
05:19:08.007828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2b1 | Unpacked Link b975280bfc0cd503c5396509d77107b725718f5118db54af879e4235cbde6ac0
05:19:08.007828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2b2 | Unpacked Link df7b8faca3c29c3c6d79b1c36f630403f388b56d877aa517a7902f0d36bb7af0
05:19:08.007828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2b3 +
05:19:08.007828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2b4 +
05:19:08.007828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2b5 | Unpacked Link 5c8e49936e8bf0ecb9805ccd212e3ca4625a50527156bb6b8299c4ba02891943
05:19:08.007828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2b6 - -> ok
05:19:08.007828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2b7 - -> ok
05:19:08.008828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2b8 - -> ok
05:19:08.008828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2b9 | loading link; curr=5c8e49936e8bf0ecb9805ccd212e3ca4625a50527156bb6b8299c4ba02891943
05:19:08.008828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2ba | Unpacked Link 3a340b1d22aebc9b84ce0a22c0fade8cf827ee6e440c298c2a0f6704e9c1bce5
05:19:08.008828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2bb | Unpacked Link b1724f56848acdaefaa6f6c28af0bc41fcf018f3696c4f22c74ad5caf2bd39f9
05:19:08.008828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2bc - -> ok
05:19:08.008828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2bd | loading link; curr=19445c7e1443f593d0bcd968087c3042edbcade8495be3a4e8fda83434a8cb5e
05:19:08.008828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2be | loading link; curr=3a340b1d22aebc9b84ce0a22c0fade8cf827ee6e440c298c2a0f6704e9c1bce5
05:19:08.009828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2bf | loading link; curr=8bbaba0f6e5688f9be0f2b27cae0af4be44bd4d4d24690a42ec2653fb9632682
05:19:08.009828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2c0 | Unpacked Link fb7b09db240ab40a80176c1118b996ac81d3fc96f1728c0ee7f55bd59f29cb5a
05:19:08.009828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2c1 +
05:19:08.010828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2c2 +
05:19:08.010828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2c3 | loading link; curr=fb7b09db240ab40a80176c1118b996ac81d3fc96f1728c0ee7f55bd59f29cb5a
05:19:08.010828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2c4 - -> ok
05:19:07.988827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 214 +
05:19:08.010828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2c6 +
05:19:08.010828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2c7 +
05:19:08.010828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2c8 - -> ok
05:19:08.010828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2c9 | loading link; curr=c356d46d362f68a369f9e90eefa33399b26824b5e1142f365547b55489b53f27
05:19:08.010828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2cb | Unpacked Link c356d46d362f68a369f9e90eefa33399b26824b5e1142f365547b55489b53f27
05:19:07.988827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 215 - -> ok
05:19:08.010828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2cc | Unpacked Link 8bbaba0f6e5688f9be0f2b27cae0af4be44bd4d4d24690a42ec2653fb9632682
05:19:08.010828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2cd | Unpacked Link 19445c7e1443f593d0bcd968087c3042edbcade8495be3a4e8fda83434a8cb5e
05:19:08.010828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2ce | Unpacked Link 968c4bb8056dd87f689e455013cde3a83cac3f06ecb2aa9415da4f6d20fad18f
05:19:08.010828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2cf | loading link; curr=6cf3b96586b075d01dd87717ced9e5bf632eb2ec6a051af7169a683b0c144962
05:19:08.011828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2d2 +
05:19:08.011828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2d1 - -> ok
05:19:07.989827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 217 | Unpacked Link 5ed83ebfe9048369a0e0c8f5d8466649fb26f9b8151b6fdbdad2276192f14d5d
05:19:08.011828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2d3 - -> ok
05:19:08.011828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2d4 | loading link; curr=40f54fdf70948ed59a9d23aedd3aedeb09e3ee1e44885ef4d6e5ba5e384263c7
05:19:08.011828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2d5 +
05:19:08.011828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2d6 - -> ok
05:19:08.011828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2d7 - -> ok
05:19:08.011828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2d8 - -> ok
05:19:08.011828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2d9 | Unpacked Link 6cf3b96586b075d01dd87717ced9e5bf632eb2ec6a051af7169a683b0c144962
05:19:08.011828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2da | loading link; curr=97ba80437fa597b6b619ae66fd284cb5066eb8dde02a761bc60042cd0aaa83e5
05:19:08.011828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2db | loading link; curr=504752c98dec7e2f42eac6caf25ab52b6665709ffe6b7569d66d89395780c53e
05:19:08.011828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2dc | Unpacked Link 40f54fdf70948ed59a9d23aedd3aedeb09e3ee1e44885ef4d6e5ba5e384263c7
05:19:08.011828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2dd +
05:19:08.011828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2de | Unpacked Link 97ba80437fa597b6b619ae66fd284cb5066eb8dde02a761bc60042cd0aaa83e5
05:19:08.011828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2df | loading link; curr=f4990fc2d1400773f39d6365e4505e0dbfa1044061f1500e5e41998bd3e225d9
05:19:08.011828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2e0 | loading link; curr=d36934dfe37c1e2b593804fd471b62c910263452bfada32bf63755a8d4d29434
05:19:08.011828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2e1 - -> ok
05:19:08.011828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2e2 +
05:19:08.012828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2e3 | Unpacked Link 25122bcb9c7110bd29269ad31f8f3e523f308e89c426ff8dd2e123dbeff35d2a
05:19:08.012828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2e5 +
05:19:08.012828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2e4 - -> ok
05:19:08.012828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2e6 | Unpacked Link d36934dfe37c1e2b593804fd471b62c910263452bfada32bf63755a8d4d29434
05:19:08.012828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2e7 +
05:19:08.012828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2e8 | Unpacked Link f470eaeef51d4a00590596f2ca316a01bdfc78f1ff41ec03e0885d3de467804e
05:19:08.012828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2e9 - -> ok
05:19:08.012828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2ea | loading link; curr=25122bcb9c7110bd29269ad31f8f3e523f308e89c426ff8dd2e123dbeff35d2a
05:19:08.012828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2eb - -> ok
05:19:08.012828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2ec | loading link; curr=f470eaeef51d4a00590596f2ca316a01bdfc78f1ff41ec03e0885d3de467804e
05:19:08.012828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2ed - -> ok
05:19:08.012828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2ee - -> ok
05:19:08.012828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2ef - SigChainLoader.LoadFromStorage(15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900) -> ok
05:19:08.012828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2f0 | Unpacked Link 504752c98dec7e2f42eac6caf25ab52b6665709ffe6b7569d66d89395780c53e
05:19:08.013828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2f1 | Unpacked Link ab2d83393c3ee1d4136e1a3502d9f8f9ee19199bea2af28a0eb01353adae38cb
05:19:08.013828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2f2 +
05:19:08.013828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2f3 | loading link; curr=ab2d83393c3ee1d4136e1a3502d9f8f9ee19199bea2af28a0eb01353adae38cb
05:19:08.013828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2f4 | SigChainLoader.Load(15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900) MakeSigChain
05:19:08.013828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2f5 | SigChainLoader.Load(15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900) VerifyChain
05:19:08.013828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2f6 | Unpacked Link f4990fc2d1400773f39d6365e4505e0dbfa1044061f1500e5e41998bd3e225d9
05:19:07.989827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 21a | loading link; curr=5ed83ebfe9048369a0e0c8f5d8466649fb26f9b8151b6fdbdad2276192f14d5d
05:19:08.014828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2f9 +
05:19:08.014828 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2f8 + SigChain::VerifyChain()
05:19:08.035830 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2fa | Future triple=nil
05:19:08.035830 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2fb | Sigchain was fully cached. Short-circuiting verification.
05:19:07.996827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 256 +
05:19:08.035830 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2fd - SigChain::VerifyChain() -> ok
05:19:08.035830 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2fe | SigChainLoader.Load(15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900) CheckFreshness
05:19:08.035830 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 2ff - SigChainLoader.Load(15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900) -> (true, ok)
05:19:08.035830 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 300 +
05:19:08.035830 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 302 + LoadSigHints(15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900)
05:19:07.996827 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 257 +
05:19:08.036830 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 303 - CheckFreshness (15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900) -> (false,ok)
05:19:08.036830 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 305 | Server triple: &{84 8e81da8b9232c844c5fff2c15945456f0c7791d0d7ea782ef67c636b54ecc67c 471bea416f5a5da354216aad3f78337ba45f8e89b785fe6c6ce808c090e3ba7b0f}
05:19:08.036830 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 304 | Client triple: &{84 8e81da8b9232c844c5fff2c15945456f0c7791d0d7ea782ef67c636b54ecc67c 471bea416f5a5da354216aad3f78337ba45f8e89b785fe6c6ce808c090e3ba7b0f}
05:19:08.036830 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 306 + Refresh SigHints() for uid=15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900
05:19:08.036830 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 307 - LoadSigHints(15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900)
05:19:08.037830 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 309 | SigHints loaded @v4
05:19:08.037830 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 308 + API GET request to
05:19:08.037830 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 30a - -> ok
05:19:08.132835 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 30b + SigHints.Store() for uid=15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900
05:19:08.132835 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 30c - Store for zqueal skipped; user wasn't dirty
05:19:08.133835 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 30d | SigHints.Store() skipped; wasn't dirty
05:19:08.133835 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 30e | Result is: 200 OK
05:19:08.133835 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 30f | Checking user's ComputedKeyFamily
05:19:08.133835 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 310 - SigHints.Store() for uid=15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900 -> ok
05:19:08.133835 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 311 + HasActiveKey
05:19:08.133835 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 312 - successful API call
05:19:08.133835 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 313 - HasActiveKey -> true
05:19:08.134835 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 314 + Store user zqueal
05:19:08.134835 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 315 + Populate ID Table
05:19:08.134835 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 316 | No changes; version 4 was up-to-date
05:19:08.134835 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 317 - Refresh SigHints() for uid=15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900
05:19:08.134835 - [DEBU keybase config.go:114] 318 Config: mapping log_format ->
05:19:08.137835 - [INFO keybase ui.go:55] 31d Identifying zqueal
05:19:08.134835 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 319 - VerifySelfSig via SigChain
05:19:08.134835 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 31a - Populate ID Table
05:19:08.135835 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 31b + VerifySelfSig for user zqueal
05:19:08.135835 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 31c | Found self-signature for zqueal @uid=15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900, seq=84, link=8e81da8b9232c844c5fff2c15945456f0c7791d0d7ea782ef67c636b54ecc67c
05:19:08.139836 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 31e + HasActiveKey
05:19:08.140836 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 31f - HasActiveKey -> true
05:19:08.140836 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 320 | Checking user's ComputedKeyFamily
05:19:08.140836 - [DEBU keybase config.go:114] 321 Config: mapping log_format ->
OK public key fingerprint: 7B5A C030 0E2C 74FD 355C CC81 B1DA 56DC B73E 8516
05:19:08.141836 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 322 + Identify(zqueal)
05:19:08.144836 - [DEBU keybase config.go:114] 323 Config: mapping log_format ->
BTC bitcoin 12csNifta955YUAT7kBC9Dh47bW1Ueieo7
05:19:08.145836 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 324 + RemoteCheckProof uid=15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900, seq=57, link=da9751d314c6e4d7f95c5b774e1551c40162dd283c8a215063213596276047cc
05:19:08.145836 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 325 + RemoteCheckProof uid=15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900, seq=73, link=02c314d82e6cbd2cb2a90ebb429b1cf19d4338c2077e3eef2cad93b294a454c8
05:19:08.145836 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 326 + RemoteCheckProof uid=15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900, seq=69, link=5ed83ebfe9048369a0e0c8f5d8466649fb26f9b8151b6fdbdad2276192f14d5d
05:19:08.145836 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 327 + API GET request to
05:19:08.147836 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 335 - Account "sessionArgs"
05:19:08.145836 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 328 + RemoteCheckProof uid=15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900, seq=65, link=7aec28d20c82d761a55f9bd0762420544c8137fccae80bfb1fc5765ff644fc59
05:19:08.145836 - [DEBU keybase config.go:114] 329 Config: mapping log_format ->
05:19:08.148836 - [DEBU keybase config.go:114] 336 Config: mapping log_format ->
OK "zqueal" on twitter: [cached 2016-01-03 05:11:39 EST]
05:19:08.145836 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 32a + RemoteCheckProof uid=15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900, seq=16, link=97ba80437fa597b6b619ae66fd284cb5066eb8dde02a761bc60042cd0aaa83e5
05:19:08.145836 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 32b - RemoteCheckProof uid=15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900, seq=16, link=97ba80437fa597b6b619ae66fd284cb5066eb8dde02a761bc60042cd0aaa83e5
05:19:08.145836 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 32c + Account "sessionArgs"
05:19:08.145836 - [DEBU keybase config.go:114] 32d Config: mapping log_format ->
05:19:08.150836 - [DEBU keybase config.go:114] 337 Config: mapping log_format ->
OK "Xanza" on hackernews: [cached 2016-01-03 05:11:39 EST]
05:19:08.145836 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 32e - RemoteCheckProof uid=15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900, seq=57, link=da9751d314c6e4d7f95c5b774e1551c40162dd283c8a215063213596276047cc
05:19:08.145836 - [DEBU keybase config.go:114] 32f Config: mapping log_format ->
05:19:08.152836 - [DEBU keybase config.go:114] 338 Config: mapping log_format ->
OK "zqueal" on coinbase: [cached 2016-01-03 05:11:39 EST]
05:19:08.145836 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 330 - RemoteCheckProof uid=15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900, seq=73, link=02c314d82e6cbd2cb2a90ebb429b1cf19d4338c2077e3eef2cad93b294a454c8
05:19:08.145836 - [DEBU keybase config.go:114] 331 Config: mapping log_format ->
05:19:08.154836 - [DEBU keybase config.go:114] 339 Config: mapping log_format ->
05:19:08.154836 - [DEBU keybase config.go:114] 33a Config: mapping log_format ->
OK admin of DNS zone found TXT entry keybase-site-verification=ckK1iVirIRJjyVZ7JU5Fzb94AF1peZCpTFBZJhJ8MAQ [cached 2016-01-03 05:11:39 EST]
05:19:08.146836 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 333 - RemoteCheckProof uid=15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900, seq=69, link=5ed83ebfe9048369a0e0c8f5d8466649fb26f9b8151b6fdbdad2276192f14d5d
05:19:08.146836 - [DEBU keybase config.go:114] 334 Config: mapping log_format ->
05:19:08.157837 - [DEBU keybase config.go:114] 33b Config: mapping log_format ->
OK "zQueal" on github: [cached 2016-01-03 05:11:39 EST]
05:19:08.146836 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 332 - RemoteCheckProof uid=15b4292135d94eba7afb70290fdcc900, seq=65, link=7aec28d20c82d761a55f9bd0762420544c8137fccae80bfb1fc5765ff644fc59
05:19:08.196839 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 33c | Result is: 200 OK
05:19:08.196839 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 33d user card: {FollowSummary:{Following:7 Followers:10} Profile:{FullName:Zach Queal Location:New York, New York Bio:Developer, CEH v7, I love the Cloud and all things tech. Website: Twitter:} YouFollowThem:false TheyFollowYou:false}
05:19:08.197839 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 33e - Identify(zqueal)
05:19:08.198839 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 33f inserting identify outcome for "zqueal" in TrackCache
05:19:08.198839 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 340 - RunEngine(Identify) -> ok
05:19:08.198839 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 341 TrackCache key: "9ed4b611be55b10ed1628c194da6b0aa"
05:19:08.202839 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 342 - RunEngine(Id) -> ok
05:19:08.202839 - [DEBU keybase globals.go:238] 343 Calling shutdown first time through
05:19:08.207839 - [DEBU keybase login_state.go:887] 345 + Account "LoginState - Shutdown"
05:19:08.207839 - [DEBU keybase login_state.go:889] 346 - Account "LoginState - Shutdown"
05:19:08.202839 - [DEBU keybase log.go:30] 344 Identify: storing result for "zqueal" in result cache
05:19:08.208840 - [DEBU keybase globals.go:278] 347 exiting shutdown code=0; err=<nil>
rvs commented 8 years ago

@zQueal thanks for pointing out -t this is super useful! (like I said I really think keybase should advertise this more especially during the time when the whole thing is trying to boostrap and gain trust).

Anyway, this definitely gives me a point at which to look for doing my hacks. As far the CLI goes it still has a few annoying limitations:

zQueal commented 8 years ago

like I said I really think keybase should advertise this more especially during the time when the whole thing is trying to bootstrap and gain trust

One of the biggest issues with keybase is documentation. But qute honestly, the Go build isn't even finished to the point of being pushed to the general public. But once that's done, you can expect documentation to be scrubbed and amended.

not providing an option for a full traversal of a sig chain (it just gives me the current one)

This would probably be best in its own ticket. For posterity and because it's a really great feature. (assuming it's not already a planned feature)

dghubble commented 8 years ago

@mitar I too think a verb change would be an improvement.

It is important to distinguish "tracking" from an actual signature of someone's public key, which occurs only when their identity can be confirmed in real life. Tracking seems to be a Keybase-specific and user-specific signed snapshot meant to save me from repeatedly checking Github, Twitter, etc proofs for a frequent contact. I'd call that "pinning", "memoizing", "sealing", etc before calling it "tracking".

The way tracking/trackers are prominently displayed on a user's profile seems misleading to newcomers, even dangerous. The fact that I "track" person A just says at one point I checked a few social proofs (enough that I was somewhat comfortable) and created a snapshot of their key and signed it for my own personal use/convenience later. I'm not sure I see value in the trackers/tracking list being public - nobody else should make decisions based on it imo.

malgorithms commented 8 years ago

Update here : we've renamed "tracking" "following". There were lots of proposals in this thread from early on, and lots of considerations pointed out and good ideas proposed.

Ultimately "tracking" gave too many people the creeps and we wanted to teach people it's a casual decision (as in not an attestation) and a public decision (you can look at the people that someone follows). People have learned the term "follow" from other sites, and it achieves those goals well.

we'd been talking about this for a few months - it wasn't an abrupt decision.

happy to keep this thread open for further discussion of what it means.

The latest app and website should have this wording. The keyase [un]track command is now keybase [un]follow and the old command will work as an alias for a while.

mitar commented 8 years ago

@malgorithms: Why not pinning?

malgorithms commented 8 years ago

It's a good word...I think for non-technical users who haven't learned the underlying meaning, it's less universal as a social action. people will still be left wondering:

For "follow" the UX is pretty clearly expected because of many sites. Pinning is obviously used elsewhere (notably pinterest), but it brings up more questions about what it means to pin a person.

All that said, "pin" could still be a bit better word for describing what's going on underneath it all.

mitar commented 8 years ago

I think pinning might be more familiar now because of Pinterest. From Pinterest they would know:

But I just wanted to make sure you considered it as well. I do not want to reopen the discussion. Following is much better than tracking. It just does not mean anything technically. But it is easier to explain to technical people what you are really doing than vice-versa. :-)

Avamander commented 6 years ago

I agree, "Pin" makes more sense compared to other options, it also doesn't confuse people thinking they're actually doing something like key signing.

gene1wood commented 6 years ago

For what it's worth, I read the doc page on "following", didn't understand what I was asserting by following someone, came to the linked bug and saw the body of the bug itself saying

But that seems at odds with the word "tracking" -- to me, tracking/following evokes something that you can do frivolously on a whim. On the other hand, if I'm saying "yes, this person is really who they say they are", it seems like there should be more of a barrier to entry. Like I shouldn't "track" anyone I don't personally know.

This is exactly my question (which at least for me isn't clear on this page).

What am I asserting by following a user? I'll (selfishly) neglect to read the 94 comments on this issue to better understand it and just hold off on following anyone for the time being. I'll try checking back to the doc page another time and see if it makes any more sense about what I'm saying publicly by following someone (that I'm confident their accounts haven't been taken over at this point in time, that I trust keybases assertion that the listed accounts are linked because I've verified the account assertions client side, something I'm not thinking of, etc)


@nealmcb pointed me below to comment above by Chris Coyne which explains this well. Thanks @nealmcb

IpsmLorem commented 5 years ago

What about hiding followed and followed by people ?

satorutakada commented 4 years ago


nealmcb commented 4 years ago

Following people is a good thing for you to do so you can easily keep track of your own verifications. @gene1wood: Just read the third post in this thread to understand the actual meaning and utility of following: