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Untracking a deleted user #1077

Open TethysSvensson opened 10 years ago

TethysSvensson commented 10 years ago

I was tracking a user, and then that user was deleted. He is still listed when I do keybase list-tracking, but I cannot delete him:

$ keybase untrack niklashoej
error: niklashoej: user not found (error #205)
zQueal commented 10 years ago

This is a pretty well known issue, but I've never seen it happen like this before. A while ago tracking got botched up and you had to simply retrack the user to be able to untrack. This should be an interesting issue.

operatorjen commented 10 years ago

This problem still exists where you can't track the deleted user nor can you untrack them. Having that issue right now.

pathawks commented 10 years ago

It seems like either accounts should not be allowed to be totally deleted, or deleting an account should somehow cause all others to stop tracking it. Neither one of these is a good solution. If userA deletes her account, and a new user takes the same username, will I appear to be tracking the new userA?