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Correct names for subdomain DNS proof records #1807

Open Terrance opened 8 years ago

Terrance commented 8 years ago

There seems to be varying information on what the hostname for a TXT record should be. For example, given, I have seen the following options:

Only the last of these worked for me (I've tried all combinations with 5 minute TTLs and waiting a few hours for propagation -- verified after a few minutes). I have an SPF record on @, which I guess from other issues can be problematic.

Which of these are correct? I'm assuming the latter two (or the first two if proving ownership of It would perhaps be useful for the proof flow to detect subdomains and suggest using a host name matching it, rather than always giving @.

abh commented 8 years ago

+2. I didn't want to add a txt record for 'site', so I came here to add a suggestion of using worked for me.

zQueal commented 8 years ago

@ is DNS shortcode for _keybase is just short for (probably)

_keybase is used for when your DNS provider doesn't allow DNS TXT records on the apex domain, IIRC.

jhaar commented 7 years ago

May I suggest the documentation be changed to tell people to set up the TXT record for _keybase.their.domain instead of "their.domain"? I didn't read this until after creating my DNS record, and ended up creating it for as I didn't want to wipe out my existing SPF records on "my.domain"

Now that I know _keybase is an option, I'll go off and do that instead :-)