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Keybase config now under "Application Support" instead of `XDG_CONFIG_HOME/keybase` ? #2179

Open jasonkarns opened 8 years ago

jasonkarns commented 8 years ago

I previously had the npm-installed keybase CLI and have just switched to the brew-installed CLI. Now the new cli states that the config is under: /Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/Keybase/config.json whereas it was previously under XDG_CONFIG_HOME/keybase/config.json

Is there a way to tell keybase to prefer the XDG-compliant location?

jasonkarns commented 8 years ago

More generally, I would prefer to have public-shareable configs stored separately from private-info config. I'm assuming that the salt should remain private. user.device and can be public?

The main thing is to be able to share settings like gpg between machines ala dotfiles. Will keybase merge these two files and respect both? Or is there any way to split the public from private info to make managing via dotfiles easier?

cjb commented 8 years ago

No, $HOME/Library/Application Support is hardcoded as the location on OS X.

A difference between the npm/go versions is that we now have several different binaries who need to be able to locate each other, so we'd prefer not to allow too much flexibility here.

jasonkarns commented 8 years ago

So right now, there's no way to share configs between machines?