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Launchpad proof #253

Open makyo opened 10 years ago

makyo commented 10 years ago

Would like to be able to prove identity on Launchpad, perhaps through a junk repo (similar to a gist). For example: proof against lp:~makyo/+junk/keybase-proof, scrape files from from or bzr branch lp:~makyo/+junk/keybase-proof ~/.keybase/lp-proof; <magic here> or something (not sure of the best convention!).

fallenpegasus commented 9 years ago

Launchpad has a way to verify and present a user's PGP key at{}/+gpg-keys/{keyid} Documented at

Of course, this has the problem that it would trust Ubuntu/Canonical to do their policy correctly, instead of being an actual independently provable proof.