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Change passphrase is broken: Bad current passphrase #2819

Open cottsak opened 7 years ago

cottsak commented 7 years ago

I've just tried this twice now and logged out/in to verify I'm not crazy-

The page is not letting me change my passphrase. It's claiming Bad current passphrase: screengrab

FTR: I entered my current passphrase correctly.

maxtaco commented 7 years ago

i can take a look, what's your username?

maxtaco commented 7 years ago

I inferred it. Everything looks fine from the server side. Unfortunately, I can't do any further testing without knowing your passphrase, which I really don't want to know. It works OK for me and haven't seen any complaints in a while.

Are there any JS console warnings?

cottsak commented 7 years ago

I get

Uncaught ReferenceError: elt is not defined
    at shouldOfferGenerate (onloadwff.js:1015)
    at setup_input_icon (onloadwff.js:943)
    at create_icons_generic (onloadwff.js:1133)
    at doc_create_clickable_icons (onloadwff.js:768)
    at onloadwff.js:756

as soon as I load

maxtaco commented 7 years ago

Can't repro that. I wonder are you running any interesting extensions or passphrase managers?

cottsak commented 7 years ago

Looks like Error In Update: Bad current passphrase is failing in the page, before any requests are taking place: scrypt hash cycle?

maxtaco commented 7 years ago

Ah, can I blame this on LastPass (did a quick google)?

cottsak commented 7 years ago

@maxtaco Yes I am. LastPass Chrome extension.

maxtaco commented 7 years ago

I'd try in a different browser, or with extensions disabled.

Update passphrase is, for better or worse, doing a ton of client-side crypto.

cottsak commented 7 years ago

Failed in incognito window (extensions disabled). That's weird.

maxtaco commented 7 years ago

Did the console also show JS errors?

cottsak commented 7 years ago

Not when trying to change the passphrase. Only when GET/load the page initially.

cottsak commented 7 years ago

Just upgraded to Chrome 56.0.2924.87 (64-bit) and I'm on OS X 10.11.6 - still have the problem with and without incognito mode.

Also, No luck with all extensions disabled.

maxtaco commented 7 years ago

what network calls are made, and what statuses do they return?

maxtaco commented 7 years ago

I'm running out of ideas here BTW. I can probably make some debugging progress if you want to send me your existing password (encrypted via, but otherwise, I can't do too much more...

cottsak commented 7 years ago

There is a GET request made to just as I click the Save button but it returns 200 well before the client-side message Bad current passphrase so perhaps they're unrelated?

cottsak commented 7 years ago

Also: upgraded to Safari 10.0.3 and problem persists. So I'm suspecting it's not browser/extension related.

Check this out, same problem? screen

maxtaco commented 7 years ago

Wait, it's not just the update passphrase form, it's everywhere?

cottsak commented 7 years ago

It's not is it?

maxtaco commented 7 years ago

Definitely not. It just looks to me like you have the wrong password.....

cottsak commented 7 years ago

I don't know about "everywhere". I'm just telling you what I see.

Is it possible it's just my account/keys?

maxtaco commented 7 years ago

Can you logout/login?

cottsak commented 7 years ago

Yep - all works fine. I've even tested the login form with bad passwords prior to the correct one just to make sure I'm not going insane. I've done this like 20 times in the last 30 mins. Login works fine. I'm typing my password/phrase correctly.

Just doesn't work for [my account?] and the "Prove your HN identity" form.

cottsak commented 7 years ago

I'm very tempted to reset all my keys with the "Forgot Your Password?" feature via email however then if there is an issue and that fixes it, it will disappear and you won't be able to debug it anymore I suspect.

maxtaco commented 7 years ago

i think what's happening here is that your private key can't be decrypted properly.

maxtaco commented 7 years ago

I don't know why that would be.... But before resetting your account, you can just delete your public/private key and start with a new key, though you'll need to reprove twitter and github.

cottsak commented 7 years ago

@maxtaco you're not going to believe this! I think this issue is transient!

I just logged out again and tried to log in (which has worked reliably for the last ~20 attempts) and I got a failure (BAD_PASSWORD). I tried again and then I'm back in!

cottsak commented 7 years ago

I'm even copying and pasting my password now in just to be 100% sure.

cottsak commented 7 years ago

The key reset form worked, which is interesting because it seemed to do the same client-side hash/decrypt and was successful when the others were not.

cottsak commented 7 years ago

Fixed using the "Identity Reset" (reset keys) form. This is a shame.

There remains an issue.

Are you @maxtaco absolutely sure it's not or something related to different public key types or key sizes? Check out this diff anything to do with the GPGTools vs Keybase OpenPGP v2.0.62?

cottsak commented 7 years ago

Also, why did the email I received when resetting my keys say "first"? screen

Was there some major internal implementation change related to keys since my original sign up and public key pair which makes your system think that my new keys I added today were somehow my first ones ever?

malgorithms commented 7 years ago

ah no, this is just bad wording/logic in an email template. I'll try to get to this soon. your reset your account, and it was your first key after the reset - the email template logic looks at your total number of active keys and sees it's 1 after that addition.

GaretJax commented 7 years ago

I'm running into the same issue. Logging in/out works (on the web), but changing passphrase and logging in over the CLI fails.