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third-party verification api #2947

Open skwerlman opened 7 years ago

skwerlman commented 7 years ago

It'd be cool if keybase supported some sort of API for allowing sites to support verification.

Keybase would have a verification option where you supplied your username, and a link to the site's location for the api. Keybase would query that api with the username, and the site would return the user's proof. This way, keybase doesn't have to implement each site manually, instead allowing the sites themselves to support keybase.

The query would look something like this: GET<username>

to which the site would respond with the same file that would normally go in .well-known.

Because the api would not require any authentication (it only serves static content), the proofs would be available to everyone.

michaelherrick commented 7 years ago

If I understand your suggestion correctly, I have been mulling a similar idea. I would like to be able to run an application on my company web site where I can easily create identity proofs for all my employees.

I don't think any special case needs to be added to Keybase to support this. It can just be a standard web identity verification, with Keybase CLI running on my web server alongside a simple web app where I can manage the users I want to prove. I could see that being a nice little open source project to complement Keybase.

If this is the kind of thing you are envisioning, I would be interested in discussing further.

xkr47 commented 5 years ago

Were you thinking of which is now implemented: