keybase / keybase-issues

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Suggestion: tutorial or demo #3172

Open rford7123 opened 6 years ago

rford7123 commented 6 years ago

I want to recommend keybase to other people, but the main obstacle is most of people I want to recommend are non technical users. So some questions they may have, including:

Particularly the second one. The videos I found on youtube most of them are too technical. So I hope keybase can at least create some simple step by step videos that could instruct non-technical users to install keybase their computers.


papagunit commented 6 years ago

I completely understand the barrier to entry and understanding for the non technical people, as keybase haven't been really geared towards those types in the past. I remember when I first encountering it, going "wtf is this? why?". Today I completely understand it, and it's cool for certain use cases, but if the use isn't self evident to the potential user, then they might not benefit from it.

However, the new teams feature is something that I think many can understand, especially coming from slack.

But the other features can seem foreign to most potential users, like pgp, verifying other identities, git, etc.

To others who aren't already using it, what benefits would you sell them on?

Also, what was a pain point during the installation?