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Keybase Wallet Total - Reserve Does Not Equal Available to Send #3755

Open fishcharlie opened 4 years ago

fishcharlie commented 4 years ago

In the screenshot below you can see the Keybase Wallet Total - Reserve != Available to Send. Why is this? I expect Available to Send to equal 0.2954754 instead of 0.2954554.

I don't have any Trustlines setup either, which could be effecting those numbers.

schierlm commented 4 years ago

Let me guess, 100 stroops (0.0000100 XLM) transaction fee for sending your transaction, and 100 more stroops for the (future) transaction you may use to merge your account?

fishcharlie commented 4 years ago

@schierlm That seems like an unnecessary restriction, and not one that other Stellar wallets have. But if that is really the case Keybase should fix that since it’s not a requirement of the Stellar network.

mlsteele commented 4 years ago

The "Available to send" accounts for the transaction fee you'd have to pay to actually send the money. Keybase can do 1 or 2 operation payments, so the fee could be 200 stroops. That's not taking into account dynamic fees though.

Is there some restriction that Keybase is imposing that's not a requirement of the Stellar network? It's probably not intentional.

By the way as a fun piece of perspective, if the price of Lumens shot up by 10000x then 200 stroops would be worth 0.005 USD.

fishcharlie commented 4 years ago

@mlsteele I feel like this should be fixed. At the very least better communicating this to users. Or even better, changing it to only impose restrictions of the Stellar network. I don't feel like Keybase should be imposing further restrictions on top of the Stellar network.

As for the price of Lumens shooting up by 10000x, I don't believe that is not the correct mindset for cryptocurrency. Although Bitcoin saw a huge surge, it wasn't stable. Cryptocurrency has a lot of potential but if you are in it just to make quick money, you are in it for the wrong reasons. Lumens current market cap according to Coinbase is just under $1 billion USD. Shooting up 10000x would mean the market cap would be $10 trillion USD. Would it be cool to have it be worth that much? Sure, if it reaches that milestone in a stable fashion (which I believe someday it could). Would there be negative aspects of Lumens being worth that much? Very likely.

The focus for cryptocurrencies should be integrating it into daily life. Having more/better wallets (huge thanks to Keybase for working to push that forward), having more merchants accept Lumens, building better tooling so Stellar can reach more users and be used more as a true currency, etc.

I guess the purpose of this all, is I don't see the value in Keybase trying to set their own rules on top of Stellar. Even if it's an unintentional bug. Hopefully Keybase considers fixing this behavior 😃!

mlsteele commented 4 years ago

What restriction are you referring to that is imposed by Keybase but not the Stellar network?

fishcharlie commented 4 years ago

@mlsteele If I made a transaction to send 0.2954654 XLM to another account through the Stellar Explorer, sign it, and submit it to the network. That transaction is 100% valid and should go through successfully (hopefully I did my math right there). Whereas in Keybase, that would fail since the available to send amount is 0.2954554 XLM.

That to me is a restriction imposed by Keybase that isn't part of the Stellar network or protocol.