keybase / keybase-issues

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cannot send any message today #4220

Closed Revelation14-712 closed 6 months ago

Revelation14-712 commented 6 months ago


This app was working fine for a long time, but just now, nobody who are in my group can send any message, always show red warning, it says: This message failed to send: Api network error

Please check the attachment with this report.


So, is there any way to solve this issue?

Thank you!


simonforget commented 6 months ago

The SSL certificate itself is not expired. It might be related to the issuing certificate.

I hope that someone at Keybase will see this and act upon soon.

danlafreniere commented 6 months ago

Same problem for me; thanks for posting 🍻

crap2023 commented 6 months ago

Keybase can't send messages it says is offline :) what a crap :)

crap2023 commented 6 months ago

ohh check the redit post, this is dead what a crap, cert is run out 12.31.2023 and looks like they need to make a new version of the app whjt a shit.