keybase / keybase-issues

A single repo for managing publicly recognized issues with the keybase client, installer, and website.
902 stars 36 forks source link SSL ISSUE. #4223

Closed ayoublind closed 5 months ago

ayoublind commented 5 months ago

I am writing to report a critical issue we have encountered with the Keybase API, which is significantly impacting our operations. Our alert scripts, which rely on your API, are currently not functioning due to this problem.

Error Details: We are receiving the following error when attempting to access the Keybase API:

ERROR API network error: Post x509: issuer name does not match subject from issuing certificate


This error suggests a potential issue with an SSL/TLS certificate in the API's chain of trust, possibly related to the certificate issuer name not matching the subject name.

Impact: Due to this error, our alert scripts that depend on your API are unable to function. This is causing significant disruption to our monitoring and alerting processes.

Request for Assistance: We kindly request your urgent assistance in resolving this issue. Could you please investigate this matter and provide us with an update on the cause of the error, along with an estimated time frame for a resolution?

ayoublind commented 5 months ago

Fixed by updating the cli to the latest version via :

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade keybase