keybase / keybase-issues

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main app can't connect #4230

Open AvsDigitalCore opened 5 months ago

AvsDigitalCore commented 5 months ago

hello ! i can't access to git or everything connected with the server since a lot of days, can you tell me why please ?, i can't donwload nothing, all my data are unavailable.... I'm worried that all my data will be lost, please answer. Thanks. i'm on the main app (26.2.3) on windows 10. i try on other pc and the same, when i try to send logs : ERROR API network error: Post "": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority I hope I've given you enough information and you will solve the problem. many thanks

rduraj commented 5 months ago

@AvsDigitalCore Try to reinstall your app manually. It should do the trick. Last release fixed the problem with certificates:

biofool commented 3 months ago

I tried a manual install and the error still exists. Can't submit logs from cli or the app because of it.

Continue sending logs to (type 'YES' to confirm): YES Enter feedback (or to send): API_NETWORKERROR: ERROR CODE 1601 - API network error: Post "": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority in method keybase.1.config.logSend More feedback (or press when done): ▶ INFO ignoring UI logs: context deadline exceeded ▶ ERROR API network error: Post "": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority