keybase / keybase-issues

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Can't delete group even though I am the last person in it! Group delete button not working! #4252

Open Danrancan opened 2 months ago

Danrancan commented 2 months ago

I am trying to delete a group where I am the only one left in it. I am using the Keybase App for MacOS Sonoma! When I click the "Delete" button, the button does essentially nothing but change to a lighter shade. The delete group screen stays the same and refuses to delete the group. What gives? Can someone help me? Please see the attached video below for details.

mattflint commented 1 month ago

I am having this same issue.

A previous user was the owner of the team , and the only member, and they were unable to delete it. They were able to add me and make me an owner, they were then able to leave, and the issue persists with me as now the owner and only member.

This has persisted on macOS 13.6.3 as well as macOS 14.5. The same issue also appears on iOS app running iOS 17.5 and Keybase app version 6.2.8.