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Importing keybase private key to gpg #54

Closed sfraim closed 10 years ago

sfraim commented 10 years ago

I generated my public/private key pair on and then chose not to host the private key, encrypting it and storing it locally. I have since received some messages but I can't import my key into gpg:

I tried to import the private key into gpg unsuccessfully (gpg --allow-secret-key-import --import private.key) with what I believe are the appropriate headers

-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK----- Version: Keybase OpenPGP JS 0.0.1

-----END PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK----- I'm getting gpg: packet(1) with unknown version 98 I also tried just hosting the key, but am getting the same error message from the website. I tried doing the same with a newly created key pair and am getting the same issues, not sure what I'm doing wrong. I.e. how can I take the private key from keybase and later decide to host it?
maxtaco commented 10 years ago

This should work, and I just retested it on my machine. What version of GPG are you running? Unfortunately, this is a hard bug to debug since I don't want to see your private key!

sfraim commented 10 years ago

So, I know what happened and it's part silly on my part.

I just tried again and unchecking the box to host the key caused the box to display the unencrypted private key. However, earlier (even today when "reproducing"), when I selected not to host the key I swear I wasn't being presented with the unencrypted private key.

Anyways, I'm sure what I have is my encrypted private key (I also added the headers above)

Could you let me know how you encrypted it? I looked through the code and tried aes and ccamellia to decrypt the key but that didn't work (not sure if it was encoded etc.)

Sorry and thanks!

maxtaco commented 10 years ago

We use triplesec.

Need to be more explicit about that on the site.

sbrl commented 8 years ago

@maxtaco How can I obtain my decrypted private key? I can't find anything on the internet on how to decrypt my private key.

zQueal commented 8 years ago



sbrl commented 8 years ago

@zQueal That exports my encrypted private key. I was getting a strange error when attempting to import into gpg, but it seems to have resolved itself now. Thanks!