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can not login from command line (win7) #988

Open remyers opened 10 years ago

remyers commented 10 years ago

I originally created an account and keys with out command line tools. Now I followed the instructions for installing GPG and keybase, but login seems to fail silently.

Is there some additional configuration of GPG or keypass I need to do? I can't use 'pull' until I login, and after I use the login command I still can't pull because apparently login is failing.

c:\Users\Richard\Documents\personal>keybase -d login debug: + opening config file: C:\Users\Richard\AppData\Roaming.keybase\config.j son warn: No config file found; tried 'C:\Users\Richard\AppData\Roaming.keybase\con fig.json' debug: - opened config file; found=false debug: + testing GPG command-line client debug: - tested GPG command-line client -> null debug: + Load proxy CAs debug: - Loaded proxy CAs debug: + startup message debug: | CLI version: 0.5.1 debug: | Platform info: {"versions":{"http_parser":"1.0","node":"0.10.31","v8":"","ares":"1.9.0-DEV","uv":"0.10.28","zlib":"1.2.3","modules":"11","opens sl":"1.0.1i"},"arch":"ia32","platform":"win32","features":{"debug":false,"uv":tr ue,"ipv6":true,"tls_npn":true,"tls_sni":true,"tls":true}} debug: | Version info: ["keybase ( CLI) v0.5.1","- node.js v0.10.31","

jhermsmeier commented 10 years ago

Same here, getsalt is failing:

C:\Users\Jonas>keybase -d login
debug: + opening config file: C:\Users\Jonas\AppData\Roaming\.keybase\config.json
debug: ++ loading config file C:\Users\Jonas\AppData\Roaming\.keybase\config.json
debug: -- loaded config file -> {"generated":{"by":"keybase v0.5.1","on":"Sun Sep 07 2014 16:58:36 GMT+1200 (New Zealand Standar
d Time)"}}
debug: - opened config file; found=true
debug: + testing GPG command-line client <default: gpg>
debug: - tested GPG command-line client -> null
debug: + Load proxy CAs
debug: - Loaded proxy CAs
debug: + startup message
debug: | CLI version: 0.5.1
debug: | Platform info: {"versions":{"http_parser":"1.0","node":"0.10.31","v8":"","ares":"1.9.0-DEV","uv":"0.10.28","zli
debug: | Version info: ["keybase ( CLI) v0.5.1","- node.js v0.10.31","- gpg (GnuPG) 2.0.26 (Gpg4win 2.2.2)\r","- libgc
rypt 1.6.1\r","Identifies as: ' node.js client v0.5.1 win32'"]
debug: - startup message
debug: + opening database file: C:\Users\Jonas\AppData\Roaming\.keybase\keybase.idb
debug: ++ DB::_init_db
debug: -- DB::_init_db -> 0
debug: - DB opened
debug: + session::load
debug: ++ opening config file: C:\Users\Jonas\AppData\Roaming\.keybase\session.json
debug: -- opened config file; found=false
debug: - session::load
debug: + session::check
debug: - session::check
Your keybase username or email: jhermsmeier
Your keybase login passphrase: 
debug: + request to getsalt (
debug: | Adding a custom CA for host when tls=true
debug: - request to getsalt -> null
ghost commented 10 years ago

Problem is you're both using node.js v0.10.31 (see #968) Downgrade to v0.10.30 should do the trick

jtwebman commented 10 years ago

Is it still an issue in v0.10.32?

keybase -d login debug: + opening config file: /Users/jefft/.config/keybase/config.json warn: No config file found; tried '/Users/jefft/.config/keybase/config.json' debug: - opened config file; found=false debug: + testing GPG command-line client debug: - tested GPG command-line client -> Error: spawn ENOENT error: Could not acces gpg cmd line client 'null'

maxtaco commented 10 years ago

Shouldn't be

jhermsmeier commented 10 years ago

All good for me with 0.10.32