keybase / search

Encrypted search of Keybase data (WIP)
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
10 stars 5 forks source link

We should run gometalinter on new keybase repos? #6

Open gabriel opened 8 years ago

gabriel commented 8 years ago

gometalinter --deadline=300s ./...

index/secure_index.go:10:2:warning: could not import (cannot find package "" in any of: (unconvert)
index/secure_index.go:15:14:warning: undeclared name: bitarray (unconvert)
index/secure_index.go:23:18:warning: undeclared name: bitarray (unconvert)
index/secure_index.go:65:24:warning: undeclared name: bitarray (unconvert)
main.go:10:2:warning: could not import search/client (cannot find package "search/client" in any of: (unconvert)
main.go:11:2:warning: could not import search/logger (cannot find package "search/logger" in any of: (unconvert)
main.go:12:2:warning: could not import search/server (cannot find package "search/server" in any of: (unconvert)
main.go:37:22:warning: undeclared name: server (unconvert)
main.go:52:26:warning: undeclared name: server (unconvert)
main.go:52:57:warning: undeclared name: client (unconvert)
main.go:63:22:warning: undeclared name: client (unconvert)
main.go:73:27:warning: undeclared name: client (unconvert)
main.go:40:10:warning: undeclared name: server (unconvert)
main.go:48:9:warning: undeclared name: server (unconvert)
main.go:58:9:warning: undeclared name: client (unconvert)
main.go:65:9:warning: invalid operation: client (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method AddFile (unconvert)
main.go:107:2:warning: invalid operation: server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method PrintServerInfo (unconvert)
main.go:121:3:warning: undeclared name: logger (unconvert)
main.go:130:3:warning: undeclared name: logger (unconvert)
main.go:138:51:warning: invalid operation: server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetNumClients (unconvert)
main.go:148:29:warning: invalid operation: client (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetFilenames (unconvert)
main.go:148:29:warning: cannot range over client.GetFilenames() (invalid operand) (unconvert)
main.go:162:31:warning: invalid operation: client (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method SearchWord (unconvert)
main.go:169:30:warning: cannot range over filenames (invalid operand) (unconvert)
main.go:197:4:warning: invalid operation: server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method PrintServerInfo (unconvert)
main.go:205:3:warning: undeclared name: logger (unconvert)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:11:2:warning: could not import search/index (cannot find package "search/index" in any of: (unconvert)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:12:2:warning: could not import search/util (cannot find package "search/util" in any of: (unconvert)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:14:2:warning: could not import (cannot find package "" in any of: (unconvert)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:53:80:warning: undeclared name: bitarray (unconvert)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:77:52:warning: undeclared name: bitarray (unconvert)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:85:92:warning: undeclared name: index (unconvert)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:56:8:warning: undeclared name: bitarray (unconvert)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:79:13:warning: undeclared name: util (unconvert)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:88:9:warning: undeclared name: index (unconvert)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:11:2:warning: unused global variable could not import search/index (cannot find package "search/index" in any of: (varcheck)
main.go:10:2:warning: unused global variable could not import search/client (cannot find package "search/client" in any of: (varcheck)
indexer/    /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/index (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/index (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused global variable could not import search/util (cannot find package "search/util" in any of: (varcheck)
indexer/    /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/util (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/util (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused global variable could not import (cannot find package "" in any of: (varcheck)
indexer/    /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/ (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused global variable undeclared name: bitarray (varcheck)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:77:52:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: bitarray (varcheck)
/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/client (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/client (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused global variable could not import search/logger (cannot find package "search/logger" in any of: (varcheck)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:85:92:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: index (varcheck)
/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/logger (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/logger (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused global variable could not import search/server (cannot find package "search/server" in any of: (varcheck)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:56:8:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: bitarray (varcheck)
/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/server (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/server (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused global variable undeclared name: server (varcheck)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:79:13:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: util (varcheck)
main.go:52:26:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: server (varcheck)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:88:9:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: index (varcheck)
main.go:52:57:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: client (varcheck)
indexer/secure_index_builder_test.go:10:2:warning: unused global variable could not import search/util (cannot find package "search/util" in any of: (varcheck)
main.go:63:22:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: client (varcheck)
indexer/    /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/util (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/util (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused global variable could not import (cannot find package "" in any of: (varcheck)
main.go:73:27:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: client (varcheck)
main.go:40:10:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: server (varcheck)
indexer/    /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/ (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused global variable undeclared name: bitarray (varcheck)
main.go:48:9:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: server (varcheck)
searcher/secure_index_searcher.go:6:2:warning: unused global variable could not import search/index (cannot find package "search/index" in any of: (varcheck)
indexer/secure_index_builder_test.go:23:16:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: util (varcheck)
main.go:58:9:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: client (varcheck)
searcher/   /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/index (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/index (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused global variable undeclared name: index (varcheck)
indexer/secure_index_builder_test.go:83:16:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: util (varcheck)
main.go:65:9:warning: unused global variable invalid operation: client (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method AddFile (varcheck)
searcher/secure_index_searcher_test.go:7:2:warning: unused global variable could not import search/indexer (cannot find package "search/indexer" in any of: (varcheck)
indexer/secure_index_builder_test.go:136:16:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: util (varcheck)
main.go:107:2:warning: unused global variable invalid operation: server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method PrintServerInfo (varcheck)
searcher/   /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/indexer (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/indexer (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused global variable could not import search/util (cannot find package "search/util" in any of: (varcheck)
indexer/secure_index_builder_test.go:141:8:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: bitarray (varcheck)
main.go:121:3:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: logger (varcheck)
searcher/   /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/util (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/util (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused global variable undeclared name: util (varcheck)
indexer/secure_index_builder_test.go:157:16:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: util (varcheck)
main.go:130:3:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: logger (varcheck)
searcher/secure_index_searcher_test.go:24:9:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: indexer (varcheck)
main.go:138:51:warning: unused global variable invalid operation: server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetNumClients (varcheck)
client/client.go:12:2:warning: could not import search/indexer (cannot find package "search/indexer" in any of: (unconvert)
client/client.go:13:2:warning: could not import search/server (cannot find package "search/server" in any of: (unconvert)
client/client.go:14:2:warning: could not import search/util (cannot find package "search/util" in any of: (unconvert)
client/client.go:23:17:warning: undeclared name: server (unconvert)
client/client.go:24:17:warning: undeclared name: indexer (unconvert)
main.go:148:29:warning: unused global variable invalid operation: client (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetFilenames (varcheck)
client/client.go:34:22:warning: undeclared name: server (unconvert)
client/client.go:80:16:warning: invalid operation: c.server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method AddFile (unconvert)
client/client.go:92:2:warning: invalid operation: c.server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method WriteLookupTable (unconvert)
client/client.go:99:8:warning: invalid operation: c.indexer (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method BuildSecureIndex (unconvert)
client/client.go:100:8:warning: invalid operation: c.server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method WriteIndex (unconvert)
client/client.go:128:18:warning: invalid operation: c.server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetFile (unconvert)
client/client.go:144:18:warning: invalid operation: c.server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method SearchWord (unconvert)
client/client.go:144:38:warning: invalid operation: c.indexer (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method ComputeTrapdoors (unconvert)
client/client.go:148:28:warning: cannot range over possibleDocs (invalid operand) (unconvert)
client/client.go:42:19:warning: invalid operation: s (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetKeyHalf (unconvert)
main.go:148:29:warning: unused global variable cannot range over client.GetFilenames() (invalid operand) (varcheck)
client/client.go:43:8:warning: undeclared name: util (unconvert)
client/client.go:44:14:warning: undeclared name: indexer (unconvert)
client/client.go:44:63:warning: invalid operation: s (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetSalts (unconvert)
client/client.go:44:77:warning: invalid operation: s (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetSize (unconvert)
client/client.go:50:28:warning: invalid operation: s (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method ReadLookupTable (unconvert)
main.go:162:31:warning: unused global variable invalid operation: client (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method SearchWord (varcheck)
main.go:169:30:warning: unused global variable cannot range over filenames (invalid operand) (varcheck)
main.go:197:4:warning: unused global variable invalid operation: server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method PrintServerInfo (varcheck)
main.go:205:3:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: logger (varcheck)
indexer/secure_index_builder_test.go:19::warning: cyclomatic complexity 15 of function TestCreateSecureIndexBuilder() is high (> 10) (gocyclo)
indexer/secure_index_builder_test.go:153::warning: cyclomatic complexity 14 of function TestBuildSecureIndex() is high (> 10) (gocyclo)
indexer/secure_index_builder_test.go:79::warning: cyclomatic complexity 12 of function TestBuildBloomFilter() is high (> 10) (gocyclo)
main.go:97::warning: cyclomatic complexity 31 of function main() is high (> 10) (gocyclo)
server/server_test.go:41::warning: cyclomatic complexity 11 of function TestCreateServer() is high (> 10) (gocyclo)
client/client_test.go:80::warning: cyclomatic complexity 12 of function TestAddFile() is high (> 10) (gocyclo)
test/testfile.go:13:2:warning: unused global variable could not import (cannot find package "" in any of: (varcheck)
test/   /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/ (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused global variable undeclared name: pb (varcheck)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:8:2:error: could not import (can't find import: (gotype)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:11:2:error: could not import search/index (can't find import: ) (gotype)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:12:2:error: could not import search/util (can't find import: ) (gotype)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:14:2:error: could not import (can't find import: ) (gotype)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:53:80:error: undeclared name: bitarray (gotype)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:77:52:error: undeclared name: bitarray (gotype)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:85:92:error: undeclared name: index (gotype)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:56:8:error: undeclared name: bitarray (gotype)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:79:13:error: undeclared name: util (gotype)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:88:9:error: undeclared name: index (gotype)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:33:21:error: undeclared name: pbkdf2 (gotype)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:32:6:error: index declared but not used (gotype)
searcher/secure_index_searcher.go:6:2:warning: could not import search/index (cannot find package "search/index" in any of: (unconvert)
searcher/secure_index_searcher.go:12:33:warning: undeclared name: index (unconvert)
main.go:10:2:error: could not import search/client (can't find import: ) (gotype)
main.go:11:2:error: could not import search/logger (can't find import: ) (gotype)
index/secure_index.go:10:2:error: could not import (can't find import: ) (gotype)
index/secure_index.go:15:14:error: undeclared name: bitarray (gotype)
main.go:12:2:error: could not import search/server (can't find import: ) (gotype)
index/secure_index.go:23:18:error: undeclared name: bitarray (gotype)
main.go:37:22:error: undeclared name: server (gotype)
main.go:52:26:error: undeclared name: server (gotype)
index/secure_index.go:65:24:error: undeclared name: bitarray (gotype)
main.go:52:57:error: undeclared name: client (gotype)
main.go:63:22:error: undeclared name: client (gotype)
main.go:73:27:error: undeclared name: client (gotype)
main.go:40:10:error: undeclared name: server (gotype)
main.go:48:9:error: undeclared name: server (gotype)
main.go:58:9:error: undeclared name: client (gotype)
main.go:65:9:error: invalid operation: client (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method AddFile (gotype)
main.go:107:2:error: invalid operation: server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method PrintServerInfo (gotype)
main.go:121:3:error: undeclared name: logger (gotype)
main.go:130:3:error: undeclared name: logger (gotype)
main.go:138:51:error: invalid operation: server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetNumClients (gotype)
main.go:148:29:error: invalid operation: client (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetFilenames (gotype)
main.go:148:29:error: cannot range over client.GetFilenames() (invalid operand) (gotype)
main.go:162:31:error: invalid operation: client (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method SearchWord (gotype)
main.go:169:30:error: cannot range over filenames (invalid operand) (gotype)
main.go:197:4:error: invalid operation: server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method PrintServerInfo (gotype)
main.go:205:3:error: undeclared name: logger (gotype)
test/testfile.go:13:2:error: could not import (can't find import: ) (gotype)
test/testfile.go:47:9:error: undeclared name: pb (gotype)
client/client.go:12:2:error: could not import search/indexer (can't find import: ) (gotype)
client/client.go:13:2:error: could not import search/server (can't find import: ) (gotype)
client/client.go:14:2:error: could not import search/util (can't find import: ) (gotype)
client/client.go:23:17:error: undeclared name: server (gotype)
client/client.go:24:17:error: undeclared name: indexer (gotype)
client/client.go:34:22:error: undeclared name: server (gotype)
client/client.go:80:16:error: invalid operation: c.server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method AddFile (gotype)
client/client.go:92:2:error: invalid operation: c.server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method WriteLookupTable (gotype)
client/client.go:99:8:error: invalid operation: c.indexer (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method BuildSecureIndex (gotype)
client/client.go:100:8:error: invalid operation: c.server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method WriteIndex (gotype)
client/client.go:128:18:error: invalid operation: c.server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetFile (gotype)
client/client.go:144:18:error: invalid operation: c.server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method SearchWord (gotype)
client/client.go:144:38:error: invalid operation: c.indexer (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method ComputeTrapdoors (gotype)
client/client.go:148:28:error: cannot range over possibleDocs (invalid operand) (gotype)
client/client.go:42:19:error: invalid operation: s (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetKeyHalf (gotype)
client/client.go:43:8:error: undeclared name: util (gotype)
client/client.go:44:14:error: undeclared name: indexer (gotype)
client/client.go:44:63:error: invalid operation: s (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetSalts (gotype)
server/server.go:12:2:error: could not import search/index (can't find import: ) (gotype)
server/server.go:13:2:error: could not import search/logger (can't find import: ) (gotype)
server/server.go:14:2:error: could not import search/searcher (can't find import: ) (gotype)
server/server.go:15:2:error: could not import search/util (can't find import: ) (gotype)
server/server.go:145:32:error: undeclared name: index (gotype)
server/server.go:162:43:error: undeclared name: index (gotype)
client/client.go:44:77:error: invalid operation: s (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetSize (gotype)
server/server.go:117:2:error: undeclared name: logger (gotype)
client/client.go:50:28:error: invalid operation: s (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method ReadLookupTable (gotype)
server/server.go:120:2:error: undeclared name: logger (gotype)
server/server.go:135:2:error: undeclared name: logger (gotype)
server/server.go:140:2:error: undeclared name: logger (gotype)
server/server.go:146:2:error: undeclared name: logger (gotype)
server/server.go:151:2:error: undeclared name: logger (gotype)
server/server.go:174:2:error: undeclared name: logger (gotype)
server/server.go:182:6:error: undeclared name: searcher (gotype)
server/server.go:186:2:error: undeclared name: logger (gotype)
server/server.go:192:2:error: undeclared name: logger (gotype)
server/server.go:193:2:error: undeclared name: logger (gotype)
server/server.go:202:2:error: undeclared name: logger (gotype)
server/server.go:207:2:error: undeclared name: logger (gotype)
server/server.go:213:2:error: undeclared name: logger (gotype)
server/server.go:220:2:error: undeclared name: logger (gotype)
server/server.go:221:2:error: undeclared name: logger (gotype)
server/server.go:227:2:error: undeclared name: logger (gotype)
server/server.go:228:2:error: undeclared name: logger (gotype)
server/server.go:234:2:error: undeclared name: logger (gotype)
server/server.go:48:20:error: undeclared name: util (gotype)
server/server.go:52:17:error: undeclared name: util (gotype)
searcher/secure_index_searcher.go:6:2:error: could not import search/index (can't find import: ) (gotype)
searcher/secure_index_searcher.go:12:33:error: undeclared name: index (gotype)
index/secure_index.go:10:2:warning: unused global variable could not import (cannot find package "" in any of: (varcheck)
index/  /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/ (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused global variable undeclared name: bitarray (varcheck)
index/secure_index.go:23:18:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: bitarray (varcheck)
index/secure_index.go:65:24:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: bitarray (varcheck)
index/secure_index_test.go:5:2:warning: unused global variable could not import search/util (cannot find package "search/util" in any of: (varcheck)
index/  /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/util (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/util (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused global variable could not import (cannot find package "" in any of: (varcheck)
index/  /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/ (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused global variable undeclared name: bitarray (varcheck)
index/secure_index_test.go:18:3:warning: unused global variable invalid operation: si.BloomFilter (variable with invalid type) has no field or method SetBit (varcheck)
index/secure_index_test.go:18:25:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: util (varcheck)
server/server.go:12:2:warning: could not import search/index (cannot find package "search/index" in any of: (unconvert)
server/server.go:13:2:warning: could not import search/logger (cannot find package "search/logger" in any of: (unconvert)
server/server.go:14:2:warning: could not import search/searcher (cannot find package "search/searcher" in any of: (unconvert)
server/server.go:15:2:warning: could not import search/util (cannot find package "search/util" in any of: (unconvert)
index/secure_index_test.go:41:6:warning: unused global variable invalid operation: si2.BloomFilter (variable with invalid type) has no field or method Equals (varcheck)
server/server.go:145:32:warning: undeclared name: index (unconvert)
server/server.go:162:43:warning: undeclared name: index (unconvert)
server/server.go:117:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (unconvert)
server/server.go:120:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (unconvert)
server/server.go:135:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (unconvert)
server/server.go:140:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (unconvert)
server/server.go:146:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (unconvert)
server/server.go:151:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (unconvert)
server/server.go:174:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (unconvert)
server/server.go:182:6:warning: undeclared name: searcher (unconvert)
server/server.go:186:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (unconvert)
server/server.go:192:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (unconvert)
server/server.go:193:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (unconvert)
server/server.go:202:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (unconvert)
server/server.go:207:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (unconvert)
server/server.go:213:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (unconvert)
server/server.go:220:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (unconvert)
server/server.go:221:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (unconvert)
server/server.go:227:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (unconvert)
server/server.go:228:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (unconvert)
server/server.go:234:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (unconvert)
server/server.go:48:20:warning: undeclared name: util (unconvert)
server/server.go:52:17:warning: undeclared name: util (unconvert)
client/client.go:12:2:warning: unused global variable could not import search/indexer (cannot find package "search/indexer" in any of: (varcheck)
client/ /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/indexer (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/indexer (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused global variable could not import search/server (cannot find package "search/server" in any of: (varcheck)
client/ /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/server (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/server (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused global variable could not import search/util (cannot find package "search/util" in any of: (varcheck)
client/ /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/util (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/util (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused global variable undeclared name: server (varcheck)
client/client.go:24:17:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: indexer (varcheck)
client/client.go:34:22:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: server (varcheck)
client/client.go:80:16:warning: unused global variable invalid operation: c.server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method AddFile (varcheck)
client/client.go:92:2:warning: unused global variable invalid operation: c.server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method WriteLookupTable (varcheck)
client/client.go:99:8:warning: unused global variable invalid operation: c.indexer (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method BuildSecureIndex (varcheck)
client/client.go:100:8:warning: unused global variable invalid operation: c.server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method WriteIndex (varcheck)
client/client.go:128:18:warning: unused global variable invalid operation: c.server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetFile (varcheck)
client/client.go:144:18:warning: unused global variable invalid operation: c.server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method SearchWord (varcheck)
client/client.go:144:38:warning: unused global variable invalid operation: c.indexer (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method ComputeTrapdoors (varcheck)
client/client.go:148:28:warning: unused global variable cannot range over possibleDocs (invalid operand) (varcheck)
client/client.go:42:19:warning: unused global variable invalid operation: s (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetKeyHalf (varcheck)
client/client.go:43:8:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: util (varcheck)
client/client.go:44:14:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: indexer (varcheck)
client/client.go:44:63:warning: unused global variable invalid operation: s (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetSalts (varcheck)
client/client.go:44:77:warning: unused global variable invalid operation: s (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetSize (varcheck)
client/client.go:50:28:warning: unused global variable invalid operation: s (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method ReadLookupTable (varcheck)
client/client_test.go:10:2:warning: unused global variable could not import search/server (cannot find package "search/server" in any of: (varcheck)
client/ /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/server (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/server (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused global variable undeclared name: server (varcheck)
client/client_test.go:31:26:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: server (varcheck)
client/client_test.go:22:13:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: server (varcheck)
client/client_test.go:71:24:warning: unused global variable invalid operation: c1.indexer (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method ComputeTrapdoors (varcheck)
client/client_test.go:71:64:warning: unused global variable invalid operation: c2.indexer (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method ComputeTrapdoors (varcheck)
client/client_test.go:108:28:warning: unused global variable invalid operation: s (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method ReadLookupTable (varcheck)
client/client_test.go:115:20:warning: unused global variable invalid operation: s (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetFile (varcheck)
client/client_test.go:119:24:warning: unused global variable invalid operation: s (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method SearchWord (varcheck)
client/client_test.go:119:37:warning: unused global variable invalid operation: c.indexer (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method ComputeTrapdoors (varcheck)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:11:2:warning: could not import search/index (cannot find package "search/index" in any of: (interfacer)
searcher/secure_index_searcher.go:6:2:warning: could not import search/index (cannot find package "search/index" in any of: (interfacer)
server/server.go:12:2:warning: unused global variable could not import search/index (cannot find package "search/index" in any of: (varcheck)
server/ /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/index (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/index (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused global variable could not import search/logger (cannot find package "search/logger" in any of: (varcheck)
server/ /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/logger (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/logger (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused global variable could not import search/searcher (cannot find package "search/searcher" in any of: (varcheck)
server/ /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/searcher (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/searcher (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused global variable could not import search/util (cannot find package "search/util" in any of: (varcheck)
server/ /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/util (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/util (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused global variable undeclared name: index (varcheck)
server/server.go:162:43:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: index (varcheck)
server/server.go:117:2:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: logger (varcheck)
server/server.go:120:2:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: logger (varcheck)
server/server.go:135:2:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: logger (varcheck)
server/server.go:140:2:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: logger (varcheck)
server/server.go:146:2:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: logger (varcheck)
server/server.go:151:2:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: logger (varcheck)
server/server.go:174:2:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: logger (varcheck)
server/server.go:182:6:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: searcher (varcheck)
server/server.go:186:2:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: logger (varcheck)
server/server.go:192:2:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: logger (varcheck)
server/server.go:193:2:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: logger (varcheck)
server/server.go:202:2:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: logger (varcheck)
server/server.go:207:2:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: logger (varcheck)
server/server.go:213:2:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: logger (varcheck)
server/server.go:220:2:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: logger (varcheck)
server/server.go:221:2:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: logger (varcheck)
server/server.go:227:2:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: logger (varcheck)
server/server.go:228:2:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: logger (varcheck)
server/server.go:234:2:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: logger (varcheck)
server/server.go:48:20:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: util (varcheck)
server/server.go:52:17:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: util (varcheck)
server/server_test.go:9:2:warning: unused global variable could not import search/index (cannot find package "search/index" in any of: (varcheck)
server/ /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/index (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/index (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused global variable could not import search/indexer (cannot find package "search/indexer" in any of: (varcheck)
server/ /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/indexer (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/indexer (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused global variable could not import search/util (cannot find package "search/util" in any of: (varcheck)
server/ /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/util (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/util (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused global variable undeclared name: indexer (varcheck)
server/server_test.go:116:84:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: index (varcheck)
server/server_test.go:21:9:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: util (varcheck)
server/server_test.go:129:8:warning: unused global variable invalid operation: sib (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method BuildSecureIndex (varcheck)
server/server_test.go:140:9:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: indexer (varcheck)
server/server_test.go:172:9:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: indexer (varcheck)
index/secure_index.go:66:2:warning: 'if err != nil { return err }; return nil' can be simplified to 'return err' (gosimple)
test/testfile.go:13:2:warning: could not import (cannot find package "" in any of: (interfacer)
main.go:10:2:warning: could not import search/client (cannot find package "search/client" in any of: (interfacer)
index/secure_index.go:10:2:warning: could not import (cannot find package "" in any of: (interfacer)
server/server.go:12:2:warning: could not import search/index (cannot find package "search/index" in any of: (interfacer)
client/client.go:12:2:warning: could not import search/indexer (cannot find package "search/indexer" in any of: (interfacer)
test/testfile.go:13:2:warning: could not import (cannot find package "" in any of: (unconvert)
test/testfile.go:47:9:warning: undeclared name: pb (unconvert)
searcher/secure_index_searcher.go:6:2:warning: unused struct field could not import search/index (cannot find package "search/index" in any of: (structcheck)
searcher/   /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/index (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/index (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused struct field undeclared name: index (structcheck)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:11:2:warning: unused struct field could not import search/index (cannot find package "search/index" in any of: (structcheck)
indexer/    /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/index (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/index (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused struct field could not import search/util (cannot find package "search/util" in any of: (structcheck)
indexer/    /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/util (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/util (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused struct field could not import (cannot find package "" in any of: (structcheck)
indexer/    /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/ (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused struct field undeclared name: bitarray (structcheck)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:77:52:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: bitarray (structcheck)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:85:92:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: index (structcheck)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:56:8:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: bitarray (structcheck)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:79:13:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: util (structcheck)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:88:9:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: index (structcheck)
test/testfile.go:13:2:warning: unused struct field could not import (cannot find package "" in any of: (structcheck)
test/   /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/ (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused struct field undeclared name: pb (structcheck)
index/secure_index.go:10:2:warning: unused struct field could not import (cannot find package "" in any of: (structcheck)
index/  /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/ (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused struct field undeclared name: bitarray (structcheck)
index/secure_index.go:23:18:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: bitarray (structcheck)
index/secure_index.go:65:24:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: bitarray (structcheck)
main.go:10:2:warning: unused struct field could not import search/client (cannot find package "search/client" in any of: (structcheck)
/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/client (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/client (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused struct field could not import search/logger (cannot find package "search/logger" in any of: (structcheck)
/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/logger (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/logger (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused struct field could not import search/server (cannot find package "search/server" in any of: (structcheck)
/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/server (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/server (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused struct field undeclared name: server (structcheck)
main.go:52:26:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: server (structcheck)
main.go:52:57:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: client (structcheck)
main.go:63:22:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: client (structcheck)
main.go:73:27:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: client (structcheck)
main.go:40:10:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: server (structcheck)
main.go:48:9:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: server (structcheck)
main.go:58:9:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: client (structcheck)
main.go:65:9:warning: unused struct field invalid operation: client (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method AddFile (structcheck)
main.go:107:2:warning: unused struct field invalid operation: server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method PrintServerInfo (structcheck)
main.go:121:3:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: logger (structcheck)
main.go:130:3:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: logger (structcheck)
main.go:138:51:warning: unused struct field invalid operation: server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetNumClients (structcheck)
main.go:148:29:warning: unused struct field invalid operation: client (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetFilenames (structcheck)
main.go:148:29:warning: unused struct field cannot range over client.GetFilenames() (invalid operand) (structcheck)
main.go:162:31:warning: unused struct field invalid operation: client (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method SearchWord (structcheck)
main.go:169:30:warning: unused struct field cannot range over filenames (invalid operand) (structcheck)
main.go:197:4:warning: unused struct field invalid operation: server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method PrintServerInfo (structcheck)
main.go:205:3:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: logger (structcheck)
client/client.go:12:2:warning: unused struct field could not import search/indexer (cannot find package "search/indexer" in any of: (structcheck)
client/ /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/indexer (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/indexer (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused struct field could not import search/server (cannot find package "search/server" in any of: (structcheck)
client/ /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/server (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/server (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused struct field could not import search/util (cannot find package "search/util" in any of: (structcheck)
client/ /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/util (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/util (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused struct field undeclared name: server (structcheck)
client/client.go:24:17:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: indexer (structcheck)
client/client.go:34:22:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: server (structcheck)
client/client.go:80:16:warning: unused struct field invalid operation: c.server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method AddFile (structcheck)
client/client.go:92:2:warning: unused struct field invalid operation: c.server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method WriteLookupTable (structcheck)
client/client.go:99:8:warning: unused struct field invalid operation: c.indexer (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method BuildSecureIndex (structcheck)
client/client.go:100:8:warning: unused struct field invalid operation: c.server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method WriteIndex (structcheck)
client/client.go:128:18:warning: unused struct field invalid operation: c.server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetFile (structcheck)
client/client.go:144:18:warning: unused struct field invalid operation: c.server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method SearchWord (structcheck)
client/client.go:144:38:warning: unused struct field invalid operation: c.indexer (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method ComputeTrapdoors (structcheck)
client/client.go:148:28:warning: unused struct field cannot range over possibleDocs (invalid operand) (structcheck)
client/client.go:42:19:warning: unused struct field invalid operation: s (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetKeyHalf (structcheck)
client/client.go:43:8:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: util (structcheck)
client/client.go:44:14:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: indexer (structcheck)
client/client.go:44:63:warning: unused struct field invalid operation: s (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetSalts (structcheck)
client/client.go:44:77:warning: unused struct field invalid operation: s (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetSize (structcheck)
client/client.go:50:28:warning: unused struct field invalid operation: s (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method ReadLookupTable (structcheck)
server/server.go:12:2:warning: unused struct field could not import search/index (cannot find package "search/index" in any of: (structcheck)
server/ /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/index (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/index (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused struct field could not import search/logger (cannot find package "search/logger" in any of: (structcheck)
server/ /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/logger (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/logger (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused struct field could not import search/searcher (cannot find package "search/searcher" in any of: (structcheck)
server/ /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/searcher (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/searcher (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused struct field could not import search/util (cannot find package "search/util" in any of: (structcheck)
server/ /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/util (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/util (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ unused struct field undeclared name: index (structcheck)
server/server.go:162:43:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: index (structcheck)
server/server.go:117:2:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: logger (structcheck)
server/server.go:120:2:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: logger (structcheck)
server/server.go:135:2:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: logger (structcheck)
server/server.go:140:2:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: logger (structcheck)
server/server.go:146:2:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: logger (structcheck)
server/server.go:151:2:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: logger (structcheck)
server/server.go:174:2:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: logger (structcheck)
server/server.go:182:6:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: searcher (structcheck)
server/server.go:186:2:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: logger (structcheck)
server/server.go:192:2:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: logger (structcheck)
server/server.go:193:2:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: logger (structcheck)
server/server.go:202:2:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: logger (structcheck)
server/server.go:207:2:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: logger (structcheck)
server/server.go:213:2:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: logger (structcheck)
server/server.go:220:2:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: logger (structcheck)
server/server.go:221:2:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: logger (structcheck)
server/server.go:227:2:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: logger (structcheck)
server/server.go:228:2:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: logger (structcheck)
server/server.go:234:2:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: logger (structcheck)
server/server.go:48:20:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: util (structcheck)
server/server.go:52:17:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: util (structcheck)
index/secure_index.go:10:2:warning: could not import (cannot find package "" in any of: (aligncheck)
index/  /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/ (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ undeclared name: bitarray (aligncheck)
index/secure_index.go:23:18:warning: undeclared name: bitarray (aligncheck)
index/secure_index.go:65:24:warning: undeclared name: bitarray (aligncheck)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:11:2:warning: could not import search/index (cannot find package "search/index" in any of: (aligncheck)
indexer/    /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/index (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/index (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ could not import search/util (cannot find package "search/util" in any of: (aligncheck)
indexer/    /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/util (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/util (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ could not import (cannot find package "" in any of: (aligncheck)
indexer/    /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/ (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ undeclared name: bitarray (aligncheck)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:77:52:warning: undeclared name: bitarray (aligncheck)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:85:92:warning: undeclared name: index (aligncheck)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:56:8:warning: undeclared name: bitarray (aligncheck)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:79:13:warning: undeclared name: util (aligncheck)
indexer/secure_index_builder.go:88:9:warning: undeclared name: index (aligncheck)
searcher/secure_index_searcher.go:6:2:warning: could not import search/index (cannot find package "search/index" in any of: (aligncheck)
searcher/   /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/index (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/index (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ undeclared name: index (aligncheck)
main.go:10:2:warning: could not import search/client (cannot find package "search/client" in any of: (aligncheck)
/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/client (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/client (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ could not import search/logger (cannot find package "search/logger" in any of: (aligncheck)
/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/logger (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/logger (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ could not import search/server (cannot find package "search/server" in any of: (aligncheck)
/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/server (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/server (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ undeclared name: server (aligncheck)
main.go:52:26:warning: undeclared name: server (aligncheck)
main.go:52:57:warning: undeclared name: client (aligncheck)
main.go:63:22:warning: undeclared name: client (aligncheck)
main.go:73:27:warning: undeclared name: client (aligncheck)
main.go:40:10:warning: undeclared name: server (aligncheck)
main.go:48:9:warning: undeclared name: server (aligncheck)
main.go:58:9:warning: undeclared name: client (aligncheck)
main.go:65:9:warning: invalid operation: client (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method AddFile (aligncheck)
main.go:107:2:warning: invalid operation: server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method PrintServerInfo (aligncheck)
main.go:121:3:warning: undeclared name: logger (aligncheck)
main.go:130:3:warning: undeclared name: logger (aligncheck)
main.go:138:51:warning: invalid operation: server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetNumClients (aligncheck)
main.go:148:29:warning: invalid operation: client (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetFilenames (aligncheck)
main.go:148:29:warning: cannot range over client.GetFilenames() (invalid operand) (aligncheck)
main.go:162:31:warning: invalid operation: client (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method SearchWord (aligncheck)
main.go:169:30:warning: cannot range over filenames (invalid operand) (aligncheck)
main.go:197:4:warning: invalid operation: server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method PrintServerInfo (aligncheck)
main.go:205:3:warning: undeclared name: logger (aligncheck)
client/client.go:12:2:warning: could not import search/indexer (cannot find package "search/indexer" in any of: (aligncheck)
client/ /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/indexer (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/indexer (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ could not import search/server (cannot find package "search/server" in any of: (aligncheck)
client/ /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/server (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/server (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ could not import search/util (cannot find package "search/util" in any of: (aligncheck)
client/ /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/util (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/util (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ undeclared name: server (aligncheck)
client/client.go:24:17:warning: undeclared name: indexer (aligncheck)
client/client.go:34:22:warning: undeclared name: server (aligncheck)
client/client.go:80:16:warning: invalid operation: c.server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method AddFile (aligncheck)
client/client.go:92:2:warning: invalid operation: c.server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method WriteLookupTable (aligncheck)
client/client.go:99:8:warning: invalid operation: c.indexer (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method BuildSecureIndex (aligncheck)
client/client.go:100:8:warning: invalid operation: c.server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method WriteIndex (aligncheck)
client/client.go:128:18:warning: invalid operation: c.server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetFile (aligncheck)
client/client.go:144:18:warning: invalid operation: c.server (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method SearchWord (aligncheck)
client/client.go:144:38:warning: invalid operation: c.indexer (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method ComputeTrapdoors (aligncheck)
client/client.go:148:28:warning: cannot range over possibleDocs (invalid operand) (aligncheck)
client/client.go:42:19:warning: invalid operation: s (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetKeyHalf (aligncheck)
client/client.go:43:8:warning: undeclared name: util (aligncheck)
client/client.go:44:14:warning: undeclared name: indexer (aligncheck)
client/client.go:44:63:warning: invalid operation: s (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetSalts (aligncheck)
client/client.go:44:77:warning: invalid operation: s (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetSize (aligncheck)
client/client.go:50:28:warning: invalid operation: s (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method ReadLookupTable (aligncheck)
util/util_test.go:49:12:warning: error return value not checked (rand.Read(one)) (errcheck)
util/util_test.go:50:12:warning: error return value not checked (rand.Read(two)) (errcheck)
test/testfile.go:13:2:warning: could not import (cannot find package "" in any of: (aligncheck)
test/   /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/ (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ undeclared name: pb (aligncheck)
server/server.go:12:2:warning: could not import search/index (cannot find package "search/index" in any of: (aligncheck)
server/ /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/index (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/index (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ could not import search/logger (cannot find package "search/logger" in any of: (aligncheck)
server/ /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/logger (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/logger (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ could not import search/searcher (cannot find package "search/searcher" in any of: (aligncheck)
server/ /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/searcher (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/searcher (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ could not import search/util (cannot find package "search/util" in any of: (aligncheck)
server/ /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/search/util (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/search/util (from $GOPATH))
/Users/gabe/Projects/go/src/ undeclared name: index (aligncheck)
server/server.go:162:43:warning: undeclared name: index (aligncheck)
server/server.go:117:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (aligncheck)
server/server.go:120:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (aligncheck)
server/server.go:135:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (aligncheck)
server/server.go:140:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (aligncheck)
server/server.go:146:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (aligncheck)
server/server.go:151:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (aligncheck)
server/server.go:174:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (aligncheck)
server/server.go:182:6:warning: undeclared name: searcher (aligncheck)
server/server.go:186:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (aligncheck)
server/server.go:192:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (aligncheck)
server/server.go:193:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (aligncheck)
server/server.go:202:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (aligncheck)
server/server.go:207:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (aligncheck)
server/server.go:213:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (aligncheck)
server/server.go:220:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (aligncheck)
server/server.go:221:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (aligncheck)
server/server.go:227:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (aligncheck)
server/server.go:228:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (aligncheck)
server/server.go:234:2:warning: undeclared name: logger (aligncheck)
server/server.go:48:20:warning: undeclared name: util (aligncheck)
server/server.go:52:17:warning: undeclared name: util (aligncheck)
jxguan commented 8 years ago

Hmmm intersesting. Just saw this. I ran go lint locally before commits and things look fine. I think it has to do with the import paths being local. Should get fixed in the new PR anyway.

gabriel commented 8 years ago

ok cool.. FYI, the metalinter is different than the standard lint and catches more stuff:

On Fri, Aug 5, 2016 at 11:40 AM, jxguan wrote:

Hmmm intersesting. Just saw this. I ran go lint locally before commits and things look fine. I think it has to do with the import paths being local. Should get fixed in the new PR anyway.

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