keycdn / cache-enabler

A lightweight caching plugin for WordPress that makes your website faster by generating static HTML files.
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add clear types for strict cache clearing #110

Closed coreykn closed 4 years ago

coreykn commented 4 years ago

Add clear types to Cache_Enabler::clear_page_cache_by_url() to either clear the page or entire dir. This change updates Cache_Enabler_Disk::delete_asset() to unlink all files in that directory. If that directory is empty afterwards delete it. Previously the entire directory was cleared, which means any subdirectories (e.g. subpages) beneath it would also be cleared. While this behavior is required in some cases it should not be the default. This change means checking for the home page URL in Cache_Enabler::clear_page_cache_by_url() is no longer required. This is quite helpful in other cases too. For example, when a subsite in a subdirectory network clears the home page cache, whether from the admin bar "Clear URL Cache" button or the WP-CLI clear command, only the home page cache is cleared and not that entire subsite. This change brings the cache clearing behavior to perform as you would expect.

Update Cache_Enabler::clear_page_cache_by_url():

Update Cache_Enabler_Disk::_clear_dir() to delete an empty directory and then check the parent directory. If it is also empty delete it. Keep checking the directory one level above until the directory is not empty. This will be used to ensure empty directories are deleted (like if 2020/08/*index* existed but 2020 was empty).

Add Cache_Enabler_Disk::_get_dir() to scan and get the directory data because this information is required in multiple places. It will also be required with fixing the reported cache size and adding a new safety Cache Behavior setting before rolling out the ability to cache more unique pages (e.g. search results).

Delete Cache_Enabler_Disk::clear_home() because this is no longer required when the home page can now be cleared by using Cache_Enabler::clear_page_cache_by_url(). I have left the ce_action_home_page_cache_cleared action hook for now until we reevaluate all of the Cache Enabler hooks.

Fix clearing by post ID issue in WP-CLI command that was introduced in version 1.4.0 when I changed the parameter type validation to use is_int() (PR #96). This occurred because all post IDs sent from Cache_Enabler_CLI::clear() were strings and would not validate as integers. Turns out ! $post_id = (int) $post_id was converting a string to an integer (type casting would return false if it could not be changed). Update the $post_id and $blog_id parameter types in Cache_Enabler::clear_page_cache_by_post_id() and Cache_Enabler::clear_blog_id_cache() to also be acceptable as a string and use this same logic, however, first validate if it is not an integer before trying to convert it. This was done instead of sending all post IDs as integers from Cache_Enabler_CLI::clear() because this way does not require an additional loop to save the IDs as integers. On a side note, updating Cache_Enabler_Disk::_file_path() to use get_site_url() in PR #96 (updated this to only be done when a $path parameter is provided in PR #102) did fix an undefined index error that occurred in version 1.3.5 when using the WP-CLI clear command for Cache Enabler.