keycdn / cache-enabler

A lightweight caching plugin for WordPress that makes your website faster by generating static HTML files.
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fix advcache and update advcache settings #92

Closed coreykn closed 4 years ago

coreykn commented 4 years ago

Fix how the advanced cache reads the advanced cache settings files for multisite networks. Previously $blog_id would return 1 in all cases (regardless of the actual current blog ID). Obtaining the correct current blog ID without loading many requirements is not possible (that is even if that would work). Instead of using the blog ID let us use the blog domain for subdomain configurations and the blog path for subdirectory configurations.

Update the directory that stores the advanced cache settings file(s). Move from wp-content/cache to wp-content/plugins/cache-enabler/settings because settings files should not be stored in a cache directory.

Remove HTTP/2 recommendation from settings page.