keygate-vault / multisignature

A cross-chain decentralized smart account.
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UI + Backend: Vault list should show all linked vaults, whether owned or not. #7

Open vincentes opened 2 weeks ago

vincentes commented 2 weeks ago

Description A user can create vaults but can also be added to a vault via the Settings page. We should show the vaults that the user has been added to.


vincentes commented 1 day ago

Creating a repository for User + Vault management.

Feature Unit Tests Completed
User Registration test_user_insert_and_get
User Info Retrieval test_user_exists
Vault Creation test_vault_operations
Vault Assignment test_add_vault_to_user, test_add_vault_to_nonexistent_user
Vault Lookup test_get_vault_by_id, test_get_nonexistent_vault
Multiple Vaults test_multiple_vaults_per_user
Vault Upgrade Missing
Vault Deletion Missing