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[DataCap Application] KNCA (Korea NFT Certificate Authority) #2276

Closed filecoin-bot-test[bot] closed 1 year ago

filecoin-bot-test[bot] commented 1 year ago

Large Dataset Notary Application

To apply for DataCap to onboard your dataset to Filecoin, please fill out the following.

Core Information

Please respond to the questions below by replacing the text saying "Please answer here". Include as much detail as you can in your answer.

Project details

Share a brief history of your project and organization.

KNCA (Korea NFT Certificate Authority) supports non-fungible items owned by individuals or companies to NFT using blockchain technology. We have established NFT registration and certification centers online and offline so that analog or digital items can be easily accessed and used by anyone, not an expert.

KNCA provides the following one-stop services.
- Digitization: Digitizing various items with specialized technology,
- NFT Verification: Verifies the entity, ownership, copyright, and right relationship of the item.
- NFT Registration: Hash this into a non-fungible NFT token and register it on the blockchain.
- NFT View: Anyone can view the details of the registered NFT like a registered copy,
- NFT Certification: This is a service that the certification agency guarantees through due diligence that it is an actual original.
- Certification mark: This is a service that discloses reliability by using an accredited certification mark at each NFT exchange.

KNCA is an expert group that has successfully led numerous projects of companies based on many years of blockchain and NFT development performance, service mind for customers, and communication ability with customers. We will lead solid trust with our customers by providing the best quality and service that meets the needs of our customers, and more than what they expect.

What is the primary source of funding for this project?

Company shareholders and technology partners.

What other projects/ecosystem stakeholders is this project associated with?


Use-case details

Describe the data being stored onto Filecoin

We plan to store the data processed by KNCA in Filecoin.
- NFT digital content data
- NFT registration certificate
- NFT accredited certificate registration copy

Where was the data in this dataset sourced from?

- NFT digital content data registered from users in KNCA
- NFT registration certificate issued directly by KNCA and certified certified register data

Can you share a sample of the data? A link to a file, an image, a table, etc., are good ways to do this.

Sample of NFT Digital Content Data

Sample of NFT registration certificate and register copy data

Confirm that this is a public dataset that can be retrieved by anyone on the Network (i.e., no specific permissions or access rights are required to view the data).


What is the expected retrieval frequency for this data?

Data retrieval is required in the following cases:
- When a user requests restoration of NFT content stored in Filecoin, registration certificate, and registered copy data
- When it is necessary to restore the entire KNCA data
Therefore, the frequency of data retrieval can occur irregularly.

For how long do you plan to keep this dataset stored on Filecoin?

The data stored in Filecoin will be stored according to the following criteria.
- The NFT content data, registration certificate, and registered copy data generated by KNCA will be permanently stored in Filecoin.
- When storing data in Filecoin to back up all KNCA data, we plan to keep each backup data set for 5 years.

DataCap allocation plan

In which geographies (countries, regions) do you plan on making storage deals?

Korea, Japan

How will you be distributing your data to storage providers? Is there an offline data transfer process?

We use online transfer. However, in special cases such as full data backup, data can be sent offline via hard disk or SSD.

How do you plan on choosing the storage providers with whom you will be making deals? This should include a plan to ensure the data is retrievable in the future both by you and others.

- Due to the importance of data storage, we plan to select a storage provider considering its reputation, reliability, and price.
- We also plan to select a storage provider that provides an offline data transfer process in consideration of the need to store large amounts of data.

How will you be distributing deals across storage providers?

- We plan to store data distributed across 3 or more storage providers.
- And we plan to distribute our allocated Datacap to each storage provider so that no more than 25% is allocated.

Do you have the resources/funding to start making deals as soon as you receive DataCap? What support from the community would help you onboard onto Filecoin?

Yes, we will find and add better storage providers as soon as we receive DataCap, and we have the resources and funds ready to start trading.
github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

This application has not seen any responses in the last 10 days. This issue will be marked with Stale label and will be closed in 4 days. Comment if you want to keep this application open.

-- Commented by Stale Bot.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

This application has not seen any responses in the last 14 days, so for now it is being closed. Please feel free to contact the Fil+ Gov team to re-open the application if it is still being processed. Thank you!

-- Commented by Stale Bot.