keyko-io / filecoin-verifier

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Definition of the architecture of the github on-boarding flows #20

Closed aaitor closed 3 years ago

aaitor commented 4 years ago

For all the on-boarding flows based on Github integration (see #18 & #19) we need to describe what is the techincal solution to put in place allowing to integrate the frontend and Github.

Reference doc:

aaitor commented 4 years ago

Filecoin On boarding architecture using Github


The current Filecoin Registry application allows to the File root key holders to register manually verifiers in the different Filecoin networks.

The governance process for adding verifiers and the transactions history of that is an off-chain process that currently is not being tracked.

In this document we are proposing the changes to apply in order to have a more open and democratic governance framework with the objectives of:


In the proposed architecture Github provides the following functionalities:

Proposed solution

The existing on-boarding Filecoin Registry is a frontend application running in the user browser. Taking that into account and using Github as respository the recommend solution is to integrate via Github Apps in the frontend

Using this setup we would integrate the Github login and API in the frontend using the standard Github API. This would require:

More information here:


To support a better security in the Github issues requests management it is recommended:

aaitor commented 4 years ago

@jnthnvctr , happy to review later today