Improve and automate flow to publish a new notary
Currently, to add a new approved Notary to the table shown in the Clients onboarding, Keyko team need to modify a json file manually to add the data of the new Notary, and then redeploy the whole app in fleek.
It would be nice to have a mechanism that allow RKH to publish a new Notary using the App, or maybe automate this action to do it once the GitHub issue is updated with the proper label.
It also would be nice to decouple the storing of this info from the frontend app, allowing to update it with no new deployments.
Track deals from verified clients
Get a list of all verified deals a given client has made, getting info like miners, datacaps, price...
(probably this is something included in the dashboard the filecoin foundation is developing)
Track verify operations made by a Notary
Get and compare info from GitHub and onchain messages
(probably this is something included in the dashboard the filecoin foundation is developing)