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[] Container issue for a bunch of Keyman Developer documentation issues #11

Open darcywong00 opened 6 years ago

darcywong00 commented 6 years ago

from @mcdurdin

This is a collection of known documentation gaps in Keyman Developer, collected from a variety of locations. When the time is ripe, they can be split out into separate issues as needed.

from @DavidLRowe (1) On the page:, there's a very minor change to the French text:

'Alors Alice demanda, "O est ma chatte?"'

I think O should be Où (and Ö should be Öù in the later line).

(2) On the page:

Specifying "(such as Gentium)" could be a minor problem, since the original Gentium font isn't readily available. One is more likely to find "Gentium Basic" or "Gentium Plus". An alternative would be Doulos SIL or Charis SIL.

mcdurdin commented 4 years ago