keymanapp / keyboards

Open Source Keyman keyboards
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bug(ios): Certain special character keys are absent from the top row of the keyboard when using Chaldean Neo-Aramaic (Hebrew layout) Keyboard #2369

Open bharanidharanj opened 9 months ago

bharanidharanj commented 9 months ago

Describe the bug

I noticed that when I use the Chaldean Neo-Aramaic (Hebrew layout) keyboard, specific special character keys are missing from the top row of the keyboard.

Reproduce the bug

  1. Install Keyman 17.0.174-alpha build in iOS 16.4
  2. Open Keyman In-App.
  3. Download and Install 'Syriac/Aramaic' keyboard.
  4. Open Syriac (Arabic layout) keyboard.

We may notice that the keyboard shows all the key names on it.

  1. Open Chaldean Neo-Aramaic (Hebrew layout) keyboard.

Here, I noticed that some special keys are missing from the top row of the keyboard.

I have attached the Screenshot for reference.

Note: This issue can be replicated exclusively on iOS 16.0.

..Hebrew layout keyboard in iOS 13.7

..Hebrew layout keyboard in iOS 15.0

..Hebrew layout keyboard in iOS 16.4

Expected behavior

special keys should be visible on the top row of the keyboard when I use Chaldean Neo-Aramaic (Hebrew layout) keyboard.

Related issues

No response

Keyman apps

Keyman version


Operating system

iOS 16.4


iPhone 14 Pro Max Simulator

Target application

No response


No response

Keyboard name

Chaldean Neo-Aramaic (Syriac) / Aramaic (Hebrew layout)

Keyboard version


Language name

Aramaic (Hebrew layout)

Additional context

No response

MattGyverLee commented 9 months ago

Likely related to, since this is a right to left keyboard.

mcdurdin commented 9 months ago

Yes, and like, we should be able to resolve with the same fix. Will transfer this to the keyboards repo so it can be actioned once we have the 17.0 build toolchain in place.