keymanapp / keyman

Keyman cross platform input methods system running on Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows and mobile and desktop web
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bug(ios): Keyman logo obscured in landscape orientation on some devices #10344

Open sgschantz opened 5 months ago

sgschantz commented 5 months ago

After rotating to a landscape orientation, the small Keyman logo on the navigation bar in the upper left corner is partially obscured by the rounded corner of the display.

This occurs on an iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro running on a simulator, but we do not have the actual physical device for these models to test. The issue does not occur on an iPhone 13 Mini or an iPhone Xs Max with either the simulator or actual device.

In the follow screenshots of the simulator, not that the logo is slightly more obscured for the iPhone 14 Pro:


Reproduce the bug

  1. Open Keyman
  2. Rotate device to a landscape orientation

Expected behavior

The logo should appear with room to spare as shown in the simulator for the iPhone 13 mini:


Keyman apps


iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 14 Pro

jahorton commented 5 months ago

Is there a reason we'd prefer this:


over this?

(quick edit - not a real screenshot) image

I see that the menu buttons at the top-right appear to follow safe-zone positioning, but the banner logo does not.

sgschantz commented 5 months ago

@jahorton No, I plan to apply the safearea layout guide with the fix.