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bug(common): sentry is injecting boilerplate into .d.ts files? #10490

Closed mcdurdin closed 5 months ago

mcdurdin commented 5 months ago
!function(){try{var e="undefined"!=typeof window?window:"undefined"!=typeof global?global:"undefined"!=typeof self?self:{},n=(new Error).stack;n&&(e._sentryDebugIds=e._sentryDebugIds||{},e._sentryDebugIds[n]="efd73433-f1ea-5b91-9e57-c90d1baad20c")}catch(e){}}();

See e.g: common/web/types/build/src/util/compiler-interfaces.d.ts

This seems to be happening during kmc's bundle step.

mcdurdin commented 5 months ago

Looks like the following command should be tweaked:

Remove --ext ts. It was copied from the sentry-cli sourcemaps upload pattern. Verified that the map files seem to still be okay after calling this but shouldn't be there either.