keymanapp / keyman

Keyman cross platform input methods system running on Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows and mobile and desktop web
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bug(ios): Short press on the globe key does not switch to the next keyboard #11204

Open bharanidharanj opened 2 months ago

bharanidharanj commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug

I noticed that a short press on the globe key does not switch to the next keyboard.

Reproduce the bug

  1. Install Keyman 17.0.303-beta
  2. Download and Install Khmer Angkor, US Basic and Cameroon Qwerty keyboards.
  3. Restart Keyman In-app.
  4. Short Press on the globe key to Switch next available keyboard.

Here, I noticed that it does not switch to the next keyboard. I have attached the Screenshot for reference.

Expected behavior

A short press on the globe key should switch the keyboard to another one.

Related issues

No response

Keyman apps

Keyman version


Operating system

iOS 17.4


iPhone 13 Mobile

Target application

No response


No response

Keyboard name

No response

Keyboard version

No response

Language name

No response

Additional context

No response

jahorton commented 2 months ago

Doesn't it just display the keyboard picker when you do this in-app? The behavior in-app is different than in the system keyboard.

bharanidharanj commented 2 months ago

Doesn't it just display the keyboard picker when you do this in-app? The behavior in-app is different than in the system keyboard.

@jahorton Yes, It displays the keyboard picker menu in the Keyman In-app. However, short press the globe key switches to another keyboard while it is used as system-wide keyboard. So, Is this an expected behavior?

jahorton commented 2 months ago

As this matches existing 16.0 behavior for iOS and is more of a feature-request to achieve parity with Keyman for Android, I feel we should defer this until 18.0 or later. We're too close to 17.0 release.

darcywong00 commented 2 months ago

For reference, links to Android issues/PRs about the globe experience:

1887, #5834

Documentation of how the Keyman for Android globe keys behaves: