keymanapp / keyman

Keyman cross platform input methods system running on Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows and mobile and desktop web
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chore(common): Move some web test keyboards to /common/test/keyboards #11288

Open darcywong00 opened 2 weeks ago

darcywong00 commented 2 weeks ago
          we should really avoid referencing files across projects like this (future issue)

_Originally posted by @mcdurdin in

Keyboards shared by web and Android tests/KeyboardHarness app:

darcywong00 commented 1 week ago

@jahorton - Can chirality.js get moved to a common place like /common/test/keyboards/? I see it's currently in:

jahorton commented 1 week ago

@jahorton - Can chirality.js get moved to a common place like /common/test/keyboards/? I see it's currently in:


The one in /common/test/resources/keyboards? It's the one referenced by /common/web/keyboard-processor.

Note that the one referenced by /web/ is not the same keyboard. The one there was hand-written by me before we ever had Developer support for chiral keyboards. Granted, perhaps it may be time to replace it.

common/test/resources/keyboards was meant to be a common location, but somehow never ended up getting treated like it. Go right ahead with that one. The hand-written one... probably wouldn't work so well there, given its handwritten nature.