keymanapp / keyman

Keyman cross platform input methods system running on Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows and mobile and desktop web
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bug(android): The upper edge of the letter is clipped in the key preview when the mobile is in landscape view #11309

Open bharanidharanj opened 1 week ago

bharanidharanj commented 1 week ago

Describe the bug

I noticed that the upper edge of the letter is cut off when the mobile is in landscape orientation.

Reproduce the bug

  1. Install Keyman 17.0.314-beta.
  2. Open the Keyman In-app.
  3. Press 'F' key.
  4. Verify that the 'F' letter is fully visible in the key preview.
  5. Change the mobile orientation to landscape.
  6. Press 'F' or 'f' key.

Here, I noticed that the 'F' letter is cut off and not fully visible in the key preview.

I have attached the video file for reference.

Expected behavior

Any letter should be fully visible in the key preview.

Related issues

No response

Keyman apps

Keyman version


Operating system

Android 13


Samsung Galaxy AG23 mobile device

Target application

No response


No response

Keyboard name


Keyboard version


Language name


Additional context

No response