keymanapp / keyman

Keyman cross platform input methods system running on Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows and mobile and desktop web
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bug(android): No default key selected on longpress menu #11312

Open ermshiperete opened 3 weeks ago

ermshiperete commented 3 weeks ago

When opening the longpress menu the base character remains highlighted. Slightly moving the finger then highlights the default key in the longpress menu. It would be better if we'd directly select the default key.

If the user opens the longpress menu it's very likely that he wants a character from that menu. The chances that he intentionally opens the longpress menu and then wants the base key are fairly low. Additionally that's the behavior the user is used to from other keyboards like Gboard or SwiftKey.

With Keyman the distance to move down to select the default key on the longpress menu is very short before it'll cancel the longpress menu (nothing selected). After starting to move the finger you can't get back to the state where the base key is selected. So this also looks like not selecting the default key on the longpress menu is a bug.

Keyman 17.0.315-beta