keymanapp / keyman

Keyman cross platform input methods system running on Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows and mobile and desktop web
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chore(web): updates most @types/node dependencies, makes them consistent 🏃 #11319

Closed jahorton closed 4 days ago

jahorton commented 2 weeks ago

Amother notable task I identified while working on (toward resolving is that a number of our packages have considerably out-of-date @types/node dependencies. The testing framework we'll likely be transitioning to includes a dependency of its own that requires a more recent version than some of the packages currently utilize... including the one installed in our monorepo root package.

Re: @types/node updates:

Note: I believe I did leave a few package-specific @types/node dependencies in place. If a package used something more recent than v18, I left it untouched in case there's something v20-specific that is relevant.

Fun(?) fact: tsc loads all @types/ packages in node-modules when compiling, regardless of whether or not they're actually relevant to the code being compiled. This fact was breaking builds once I started to use the upcoming test framework.

@keymanapp-test-bot skip

keymanapp-test-bot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

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keyman-server commented 3 days ago

Changes in this pull request will be available for download in Keyman version 18.0.36-alpha