keymanapp / keyman

Keyman cross platform input methods system running on Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows and mobile and desktop web
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bug(common/models): Suggestion doesn't display properly for overly long words #3003

Closed bennylin closed 5 months ago

bennylin commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure if this should go here or the keyboards...


So, Indonesian words are oftentimes very long, and I'm sure some other languages have long words as well. The suggestion displayed doesn't necessarily handle long-words properly, in this case, the user cannot see the full suggestions displayed on the bar.

I suggest that whenever displaying long words:

  1. make the font smaller, or
  2. display less than 3 suggestion (2?), or
  3. make the suggestion display scrollable to the right, and display the 3 words in full
darcywong00 commented 4 years ago
  1. make the suggestions display scrollable to the right, and display the 3 words in full

The suggestions should already be scrollable to see the end. (See keymanapp/keyman#2071)

ermshiperete commented 2 years ago

Duplicate #5671

mcdurdin commented 10 months ago

See #7906, #7934.