keymanapp / keyman

Keyman cross platform input methods system running on Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows and mobile and desktop web
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bug(web): Add Bottom Border to Popup Keys when Styled #7890

Closed dyacob closed 7 months ago

dyacob commented 1 year ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

On an iPhone, keys on a popup menu have a border around styled keys on 3 sides, but not the bottom side. In the attached screenshot, the bottom area of a popup without the border has been outlined:


Describe the solution you'd like

An equal border all around.

Describe alternatives you've considered

No response

Related issues

No response

Keyman apps

Keyman version


Operating system

iOS 16.1.2


iPhone (probably on iPad also)

Target application

No response


No response

Keyboard name


Keyboard version


Language name


Additional context

This is a general iOS CSS issue and not specific to a particular keyboard.

mcdurdin commented 1 year ago

Is this the same when the keys have default styling?

Note: I have classified this as a bug, because it's a problem with the visual styling of the keyboard rather than new functionality.

jahorton commented 7 months ago

Interestingly, this only seems to be an issue within the mobile apps; the same code, as used for KeymanWeb's OSK on mobile devices, does not have this problem. Seems to be something WebView-related somehow.

jahorton commented 7 months ago

And @mcdurdin had the deep knowledge & intuition here: our Web test pages include the <!DOCTYPE html> header to ensure standards mode, while the keyboard host-pages within the mobile apps did not. Apparently "quirks mode" vs "standards mode" was the difference.

jahorton commented 7 months ago

This will land as part of the upcoming gestures feature for 17.0; it's already been fixed on that branch.