keymanapp / keyman

Keyman cross platform input methods system running on Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows and mobile and desktop web
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bug(windows): modifier key occasionally is 'stuck on' #8064

Open rc-swag opened 1 year ago

rc-swag commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

After #7716 addressed the serialization of modifier keys, there is still seen an occasional case where the modifier key sticks on. A log file has been obtained for further investigation.

Reproduce the bug

Typed the sentence: Lonh does does Output was: LOnh DOes DOes

It is likely that the release of the right shift may have been slight after pressing the o on the L. However Shift was not pressed again for the rest of the sentence so why the DOes

Expected behavior

No response

Related issues

No response

Keyman apps

Keyman version


Operating system

Windows 11


No response

Target application

No response


No response

Keyboard name

No response

Keyboard version

No response

Language name

No response

Additional context

@rc-swag has the keyboards and keylogging logs.

rc-swag commented 1 year ago

Used #8033 to make a signed build with logging for each path the modifier key input can take in the low level hook.

rc-swag commented 6 months ago

Another @MattGyverLee has experienced the modifier key when using the IPA keyboard and setting the keyboard option to "Before". I also have some logs and am trying to find the exact sequence in the log when the key was stuck for the user versus what was intended. see comment #2466

rc-swag commented 3 months ago

Here is another report

mcdurdin commented 4 weeks ago

Another report:

rc-swag commented 3 weeks ago