keymanapp / keyman

Keyman cross platform input methods system running on Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows and mobile and desktop web
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feat(core): ldml processor touch support 🙀 #8093

Open srl295 opened 1 year ago

srl295 commented 1 year ago

@mcdurdin this is somewhat of an umbrella ticket. Trying to capture the discussion in issues for planning.

Support Touch Layouts in LDML.

jahorton commented 1 year ago
  • Q: how to link to processEvent in a lightweight way but without breaking predictive text?

Sounds like it's time for a whirlwind tour of common/web/keyboard-processor.



This is the common base class for all forms of context supported by the Keyman Engine for Web. It includes deadkey / marker tracking:

Even predictive-text context extends this base class: the Mock class from the same file supports fully synthetic contexts and context 'cloning'.

The per-deadkey struct:

ordinal: if two deadkeys are in the same "virtual" position, this field resolves which came first. matched: used during keyboard-rule processing.

Note that we do NOT actually insert the deadkeys into the raw text-context! Web's pattern here is different. More on that later in this comment; we do have a deadkey-inlining method that may make a useful reference.



Any and all forms of keystroke events are preprocessed into instances of that class; these instances are then passed into the Web engine's version of the KeyboardProcessor, likely similar to what would exist for core.

Note that for fat-finger correction, we pass key events that weren't pressed into the rule processing engine as well, backed by a Mock-cloned context copy.


isSynthetic - true if generated through interaction with an on-screen-keyboard or for fat-finger simulation. Only false if sending the basic key-event data through to the destination, without rule processing, leads to default handling picking up the slack.

For applications of false, consider a hardware K_ENTER keystroke - this could be interpreted as a "submit form" / "search" command depending on the context.

When true, we simulate the results of "standard" default key-event handling because nothing else can handle it. At present, we don't attempt to force / synthesize an event that could trigger the "true" default.


The method linked above is the primary entrypoint for rule processing of individual, preprocessed KeyEvents. I doubt you'll need to inspect its internals much. It's named after Core's equivalent class, as it pretty much fills the same role. I'm almost certain this is the top-level class that an LDML engine would need to replace.

Noting the specified return type...



This fellow provides a metadata perspective on what the effects of keyboard-rule processing for the KeyEvent were. As Keyman keyboards do include a few aspects of state - "variable stores", in particular - we have to keep those from taking effect for predictive-text keystrokes. They're "committed" by the next layer up from that "primary entrypoint" function, which knows which key events are real and which ones are synthesized fat-finger simulation events.

The predictionPromise field is set by that "next layer up" as well, not by keyboard rule processing.

triggerKeyDefault relates to how we handle things like word-final sigma in Greek.

I believe that it also relates to things like simple K_ENTER presses from hardware keyboards, since K_ENTER can often serve as a command-key in certain contexts. (We don't yet handle changing the intent of the OSK K_ENTER.) When embedded in the mobile apps, the mobile apps know the true context, and not the Web engine, so we rely on the host-app to make the final call on how to interpret such a keystroke. History on this aspect can be found at #5553 and its links should it prove relevant. (If it does, this'd probably be the trickiest aspect to deal with for integration with the Web engine.)

Predictive-text integration

The next layer up from KeyboardProcessor is currently named InputProcessor.


This layer is the primary predictive-text driver, responsible for fat-finger emulation and forwarding of new post-keystroke context to the predictive-text engine.

This is the method that most directly receives all KeyEvent instances before forwarding them to KeyboardProcessor:

It calls this one in order to do fat-finger simulation:

Both directly include calls to the primary KeyboardProcessor instance.

On inlining deadkeys

You may find this method to be of use in regard to deadkeys:

We use this to create the 'inlined' equivalent for keyboard rules that need it, broken down into array form. For a quick example used in unit testing...

{t: 'd', ...} says "match a deadkey" here. contextCache is what the _BuildExtendedContext function will produce for a context matching the loose rule definition.

Other notes

One aspect of predictive-text that might be relevant, but probably isn't: application of a predictive-text suggestion or reversion is capable of rewinding the context to restore the "correct" context that it matches. The Transcription class (also in common/web/keyboard-processor/src/text/outputTarget.ts) is at the core of this mechanism.