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bug: KeymanWeb 17.0.193-alpha does not function in the Chrome browser when accessed via a mobile device #86

Closed bharanidharanj closed 8 months ago

bharanidharanj commented 8 months ago

Here is what I did:

  1. Opened Chrome browser on a Mobile.
  2. Opened '' site.
  3. Clicked 'Pre-release versions' under Downloads.
  4. Clicked 'KeymanWeb latest alpha on' link under 'KeymanWeb'.
  5. Clicked the 'Text Area' pane.

Here, I observed that there was no activity in the text area, and a keyboard did not appear on the screen.

I have attached the Screenshot for reference.

jahorton commented 8 months ago

Interesting. This issue does not appear when using Chrome remote-device emulation from a desktop device... or at least, "not on my machine". Guess I should spin up Android Studio and see if that makes a difference, seeing how the reported error above was taken from its emulator.


... there is a small chance that the fact I had a keyboard automatically specified could have made the difference, but I'd like to check the Android Studio path first.

jahorton commented 8 months ago

Yep, it's happening in Android Studio, but not plain Chrome remote-device emulation... unless I edit the URL to have a cookie pointing at a previously-set keyboard. At that point, it's happy again.

I can emulate the issue in desktop remote-device emulation if I nuke all cookies and clear the cache. (To be explicit: I had to do a full clear on the cookies to do so.)

The crux of the issue: there's no keyboard set as active when KeymanWeb is being loaded in this circumstance.

jahorton commented 8 months ago

... right, because uses a cached set of keyboards, bypassing the standard addKeyboards API - as noted during

Default keyboard selection is handled through Promises on the addKeyboards API in 17.0, so the same underlying issue also causes this one.

Meanwhile, if there's an existing cookie, that has a built-in mechanism to trigger load of the previously-loaded keyboard - hence why I didn't see the issue at first; I had such a cookie.