keymanapp / shared-sites

Shared code across sites
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DEVELOPMENT tier workflow with KeymanHosts? #6

Open darcywong00 opened 7 months ago

darcywong00 commented 7 months ago

Currently, the DEVELOPMENT tier in KeymanHosts changes nearly all Keyman site links to http://host.docker.internal:{port}.

Is there a workaround for when I'm only running one site locally on docker, and would rather the external Keyman sites use live links?

mcdurdin commented 7 months ago

This is tricky to solve. There are backend and frontend considerations. Perhaps links should automatically point to live sites by default, unless docker images are present. But that could mask API problems in your test environment, because it'd look like things are working correctly but it'd be because it'd be silently connecting to the frontend instead. (I've had this problem in the past.)

So ... not sure how best to address this.

darcywong00 commented 7 months ago

This can be deferred. I can just hand-edit KeymanHosts for now

darcywong00 commented 6 months ago
          I think LGTM. Can we rely on having website-local-proxy always running and use the same pattern for all the host.docker.internal references? That would avoid a lot of the confusion!

One challenge -- if we run the website-local-proxy on a port other than 80/443

Originally posted by @mcdurdin in