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Can't access Buckets #256

Closed arispujud closed 3 years ago

arispujud commented 4 years ago

I got this error when accessing my Bucket and I can't create a new bucket.

Error Failed to load the page. Please retry later.

But when I login with another account, I can access bucket on my second account. So what happens in my fist account?

arispujud commented 4 years ago

This is the errors when I open inspect element

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED
createError.js:16 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Network Error
    at e.exports (createError.js:16)
    at XMLHttpRequest.f.onerror (xhr.js:83) Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
pm2Io.js:64 Unexpected pm2-js-api error: Error: Network Error
    at e.exports (createError.js:16)
    at XMLHttpRequest.f.onerror (xhr.js:83)
(anonymous) @ pm2Io.js:64 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED
0xae commented 4 years ago

Confirmed here. Cant acess buckets too for 2 days now.

0xae commented 4 years ago

In My case, its giving a 502 - Bad Gateway

SharpBCD commented 4 years ago

Same here. CORS error. pm2 errors

SimoneDesantisAltravia commented 4 years ago

Same for me. Screenshot_20200907_181819

luisjuniorj commented 4 years ago


akosasante commented 4 years ago

Same here for the last couple of days. Please fix; or let us know if there's any further info we should provide!

Here is the failed responses I'm getting:

GET call to that endpoint: net::ERR_FAILED OPTIONS call to that endpoint: 502 Bad Gateway

It doesn't look like the request is sending any cookies; there is a Bearer auth token in the header of the request. Everything else looks normal enough; maybe CORS issues or something?

gencero commented 4 years ago

I've been getting the same error, for a few days. Please fix this or tell us a solution.

VanderDT commented 4 years ago

Error Failed to load the page. Please retry later.

nicolab28 commented 4 years ago

Same error

luisjuniorj commented 4 years ago

They are going out of busines, has anyone have some replacement? paid or free?

Unitech commented 4 years ago

This is fixed, our free data node had 300+ days up time with some petabytes of data transferred... I just switched the whole free data to another node, it works like a charm now Screenshot from 2020-09-08 17-40-49

Unitech commented 4 years ago

We deliver the best we can for our dear free user, hopefully we are not running our servers on AWS else we would be bankrupt.

0xae commented 4 years ago

Hi there @Unitech thanks. can confirm, the service is back now. Will definitely upgrade soon.

gencero commented 3 years ago

A few minutes ago I am getting the same error again.

SharpBCD commented 3 years ago

Damn it, I refreshed the browser because @gencero said it's not working again and, indeed, it is not. Same error again. Guys, do you need help with nginx? or something? Do let us know, we'll try to help.

@luisjuniorj say what?! :-O

elpaxel commented 3 years ago

Yeah is down or something.

Pho3niX90 commented 3 years ago

Same issue this side, bucket in RSA giving this error, bucket in US working. image

elpaxel commented 3 years ago

@Unitech I mention you because it is like 2 days already and issue not resolved. If you need money on server for free users make $5-10 tiers please with reduced functionality or something. Because $40 for developers like me is like 1\3 of my revenue from side project.

SharpBCD commented 3 years ago

Still nothing... time to think about alternatives, like @elpaxel said?

azbaron commented 3 years ago

Can't access mine either. Really frustrating when you don't see any "status updates" on the issue(s) anywhere.

galipmedia commented 3 years ago

I was relying heavily on this to deliver logs. I am in development. I second the idea of having a smaller paid option, even if its what we get for free but it just works.

GalaxySH commented 3 years ago

Same issues here, tried logging out and logging back in to terminal before reading GitHub, now I can't log back in. Time to go back to forever js for now.

I also cannot create new buckets, of course.

Edit: And now it works again, I had to log in to the website again, I guess. But I had to do this with a new bucket, the old bucket is still not accessible.

ppdolla commented 3 years ago

Same issues here. image

gencero commented 3 years ago

it is fixed. i can access the buckets now.

azbaron commented 3 years ago

it is fixed. i can access the buckets now.

Yep, I'm also able to access my buckets now. Will still err on the side of caution with depending on this so heavily.

christopheSeeka commented 3 years ago

Not fixed for me, started again this morning:


sawa-ko commented 3 years ago

Same error.

SebYouSee commented 3 years ago

can not access our bucket now, either (5f3a65df0c075861b33118f4) - and now it works again - thx to whoever did something :)

GalaxySH commented 3 years ago

@arispujud can this issue be closed? I am able to access my bucket now.

lukeescude commented 3 years ago

This appears to be happening to me right now - Failed to load the page. I'll try and login later, maybe they're having an outage.

SharpBCD commented 3 years ago

Yeap It's back

ghost commented 3 years ago

same here Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

Floffah commented 2 years ago

yep happening here too

TimPasquini commented 2 years ago

I am having this issue. Browser console shows ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED for

hypo-thesis commented 1 year ago

Today this issue is still present. It's amazing how a 2 year old issue hasn't been addressed yet.

TimPasquini commented 1 year ago

@hypo-thesis When I had this issue it was addressed within a day or two of reporting it.

erencelik commented 1 year ago


Can't access either.

P.S: After digging into few hours (a huge lack of documentation) it appears that Web Interface is not included in free plan.

alexpaluzzi commented 1 year ago

This is back again... all week so far at least. Even for my paid buckets.

AliUK1 commented 1 year ago

This is back again... all week so far at least. Even for my paid buckets.

I am also experiencing the same issue. - it's very annoying!

matrndev commented 1 year ago

I was able to get it working by logging into, creating a new bucket there and then linking my sever using pm2 link <publickey> <privatekey>. It doesn't work using pm2 monitor.

hypo-thesis commented 1 year ago

same issue

mirac commented 1 year ago

I have the same problem

AhmedHammad-klar commented 7 months ago

I have the same problem, any way to address it?

iulianhlc commented 4 months ago

Error Failed to load the page. Please retry later.

Whats going on>?